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Low, Ethics and Criminology Major Pre-written Essays for Sale

Whether Or Not the Drinking Age Should Be Lowered or Raise

Whether Or Not the Drinking Age Should Be Lowered or Raise
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Vehicle Search

Description Submit a one-page paper and answer whether you believe the vehicle or consent search was justified or not.  Support your answer.
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Use of Big Data and Predictive Analytics to Achieve a Competitive Advantage

Use of Big Data and Predictive Analytics to Achieve a Competitive Advantage
11 pages|3025 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

US government: Public Policy

US government: Public Policy
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Unpacking Arguments for Animal Rights and Identity

Unpacking Arguments for Animal Rights and Identity
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Unit 5

Based on the elements of the crime of criminal attempt: 1. Describe the elements of Attempt and how they may or may not apply to this case. 2. Explain whether or not you have committed Attempted Bank Robbery. 3. Discuss whether you have committed any other crimes as well as...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Unit 4

1. Two well-known athletes who are considered the best in the world are about to compete. Athlete A knows that Athlete B used a substance regularly for two years and stopped a month ago. Today the drug is illegal. Athlete A goes to the police and reports the previous illegal...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Understanding Ethics

Description What is the understanding of ethics, does personal ethics differ from business ethics. Does my personal ethics differ from business ethics, why or why not ?   
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

U.S. Actions and Effects Related to The U.S. War on Drugs on Both Current and Future Illegal Drug Trends.

Wk 6 Research Paper - Due Nov 14, 2021 11:59 PM CMRJ324 B001 Fall 2021 On Week 6 students will be required to submit one (minimum of 7-8 double spaced pages for the main body; This does not count the title page, abstract, table of contents, and reference page) research...
9 pages|2475 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

U. K Land Laws

U. K Land Laws
5 pages|1375 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Types of Crimes and Theories

To better understand criminal behavior, we must also understand the elements of the crimes that are being committed. From this we can correlate crime and behavior while working toward predicting outcomes. Use the theories presented in Weeks 1-3 to complete the assignment.   Choose three different crimes:  -Crime against persons...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Law 111 – Tribunal Law

Law 111 – Tribunal Law
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Torts and Business

Torts and Business
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Tiger Associates-Letter

Tiger Associates-Letter
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

The US Legal System - Briefing a Case

The US Legal System - Briefing a Case
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

The smoking Age is Justifiable at 21

The smoking Age is Justifiable at 21
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

The Right to Vote

The Right to Vote
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

The Pathology of Negligence

Thе Topiс is thе pathology of negligence inquiry and this is the article related to the inquiry https://padproject.nd.edu/assets/206307/pathology_of_negligence_pic_drug_inquiry_report_2012.pdf I need you to write a summary for this article and follow the instructions below The summary must contain a. An introduction b. A summary of key information c. Information about the issues...
8 pages|2200 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

The Innocence Project

The Innocence Project
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

The Filibuster in Mexico

Please review the following five questions and choose three to complete in essay format.  Feel free to cite any book, article or video utilized or referenced in the class.  Be sure to answer in complete paragraphs and be clear in your writing.  Answers should be single spaced.  Each answer should...
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

The Ethics of Germline Gene Edition

The Ethics of Germline Gene Edition
11 pages|3025 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

The Cons of the Death Penalty

This an Argumentative essay about the cons of the death penalty. Remember that emotions have no room in this essay. Please stick to the facts to support the argument. You must include aspects of personal responsibility and decision making in the choices of the argumentive topic. In the essay, you...
6 pages|1650 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

The cons of the death penalty

The cons of the death penalty
6 pages|1650 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ted Bundy: A Personality Comparison with the Theories of Rollo May and Albert Bandura

This assignment is a criminal profiling research paper.  The student will pick a high-profile criminal listed on the assignment page and explain the biological, situational, and developmental factors that contributed to this criminal's behavior to include geographic mobility, victimology, and M.O./signature.  Examples of Possible Criminal Profiles  David Berkowitz (son of sam)  Dennis Rader (BTK)...
10 pages|2750 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ted Bundy: A Personality Comparison with the Theories of Rollo May and Albert Bandura

Ted Bundy: A Personality Comparison with the Theories of Rollo May and Albert Bandura
10 pages|2750 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Taxation Research Paper Outline

Taxation Research Paper Outline
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Sustainability Responsibility- CSR in Apple Inc.

Assignment 2: Essay 2500 wordQuestion  A critical review of the sustainability strategy of a company as communicated by their corporate social responsibility reporting.   Word count: 2500 excluding Title page, contents, Abstract and references.   Deadline: 2 February 2018   You are free to choose which ever company you are interested in...
10 pages|2750 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Summary Paper 2 Assignment:

CMRJ320 I001 Fall 2021 For the second summary paper; --- > Using the weekly content readings in week 1 summarize the key point or points most critical to the intelligence cycle. --- > Also, summarize the key points in the following article from the week 4 content readings:  Groff, E....
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Summary paper 1; The Role of a Crime Analyst in Solving Crime

Summary Paper 1Describe the role of the crime analyst in solving crimes and identify various crime analysis strategies they may utilize. In addition, define the concepts of Intelligence Applications in Law Enforcement.Using double spaced, 12 pt font size, and common font style (Times New Roman). APA format (most recent edition)...
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Summary of a News Article Concerning Budget Issue

Step 1: Review Resources: Internet, School Library   Step 2: Find a recent media or news article on the Internet concerning budget issues that law enforcement or other public sector agency is currently facing. Your assignment must be based on the article and the agency in financial/budget turmoil and not on general...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Source Evaluation Worksheet

Source Evaluation WorksheetPart I: Topic Describe the topic, concept, idea, or approach that is going to be the central idea of the Week 7 Field of Study Project. There is no minimum word count but please use several fully thought-out sentences to make your point. Part II: Source Evaluation  ...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Sony Pictures Case analysis

Sony Pictures Case analysis
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Social security program

Description Social Security Programs Conduct research on the current state of Social Security. Based on your research, write a three-to-five page paper (not including the title and reference pages). Your paper should be written in a scholarly third-person tone; it should be in APA format. The essay should address the...
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Should We Have Stricter Gun Control?

MLA format Assignment: choose a topic and voice your opinion on it, using different rhetorical strategies. your argumentative essay must reflect a good understanding of the topic as well as an ability to swag your audience into accepting your point of view. you are also required to use outside research...
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Should Organ Donation After Death Be Made Automatic or Not?

Argumentation essay Write a 5-paragraph essay of between 500 and 550 words, which either supports or opposes the proposition that organ donation should be automatic after death.
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Impacts of Sentencing Models on Correction

Abstract Question: Analyze the impact that various sentencing models have had on corrections. As part of your analysis, you must discuss at least two (2) different sentencing models.
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Search and Seizure, fair or foul?

Search and seizure, fair or foul? Do you think the current laws are fair to all or do they go too far (foul)?   Search and seizure, fair or foul?  Do you think the current laws are fair to all or do they go too far (foul)?   This is not an...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Rights of the Convicts; Woman Abortion Rights

[Regardless of your opinion regarding abortion. Which means, do not start your essay with, even though I disagree (or agree) with the abortion....] Using your textbook and the above-attached articles and links, discuss the laws establishing a woman's right to abortion and how that is translated within the prison system....
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Rights of the Convicts; Woman Abortion Rights

[Regardless of your opinion regarding abortion. Which means, do not start your essay with, even though I disagree (or agree) with the abortion....] Using your textbook and the above-attached articles and links, discuss the laws establishing a woman's right to abortion and how that is translated within the prison system....
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Revisiting How we Penalize Perpetrators of Child Abuse and Sexual Assault

Revisiting How we Penalize Perpetrators of Child Abuse and Sexual Assault
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Responding to Violations of Rules and Procedures

Responding to Violations of Rules and Procedures
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Research Question

What are you studying? Why did you study this topic area and community? Why should we care/importance? Remember that the sociological imagination argues that the best way to understand our own biography is to consider history and social structures or forces that influence that history. So, why is this issue...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Research Paper: Assessing the Accuracy of DNA Evidence Testing and Matching on Criminology

Research Paper: Assessing the Accuracy of DNA Evidence Testing and Matching on Criminology 
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Remaining Mindful of Ethics When Conducting Research

Remaining Mindful of Ethics When Conducting Research Imagine that you were asked to conduct a study similar to Milgram’s study of obedience, using adolescent participants. Point out at least one ethical issue present in Milgram’s study and explain what you would do differently to address that issue with your study...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Reinforcing New Ethical Behaviors

Reflect on the logical steps of effective change implementation. If you have not already done so, read Spector’s Four Steps in your textbook. Here they are below, as well. Step 1—Redesign considers alternative patterns of behavior. Step 2—Training and development helps employees acquire required new skills and behaviors. Step 3—In...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Reflective Writing Based on Case Study

1.            Case Overview:  Indicate case number  (example 2.13) Summarize the key facts of the case    ●     Kenda is a 2 years old girl, was abandoned by her crack cocaine addicted mother ●     Was put into foster care and placed into the Does home- ended up bonding and creating strong...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Reasons that Influence the Persistence of Racial and Ethnic Inequality in the Workplace

Reasons that Influence the Persistence of Racial and Ethnic Inequality in the Workplace
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Reasons for Recurrent Military Use of Children

I need а 4125-word essау of Reasons for reсurrent Military Use of Children. it needs to be ANALYZED and show how the law is applied. as many references as possible, footnotes. I do not need or want a cover page. here are some reasons but please that can illustrate why children...
18 pages|4950 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Quiz with 2 Questions

Your midterm exam consists of two essay questions. Each essay response is to be a minimum of 500 words and consist of fully developed paragraphs. Rewriting the essay question is not considered a part of your response. Direct quotes are not to be used in test answers. A minimum of...
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Questions 1 & 2

Your final exam consists of two essay questions. Each essay response is to be a minimum of 500 words and consist of fully developed paragraphs. Rewriting the essay question is not considered a part of your response Direct quotes are not to be used in test answers. A minimum of...
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|


1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Research Proposal: Commercialization of Organ Harvesting in an Unethical Society

Research Proposal: Commercialization of Organ Harvesting in an Unethical Society
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Proper use of social media by US Army Personnel

Proper use of social media by US Army Personnel
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Proper use of social media by US Army Personnel

Proper use of social media by US Army Personnel
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Process, Performance, and Trust

Process, Performance, and Trust
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Privacy Rights

Privacy Rights
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Use of Predictive Policing in Managing Crimes in Major Cities in the United States

Research impact of using predictive policing on crime rates
18 pages|4950 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Policy Modification.

Policy Modification.
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Policy Alternatives; Location and Policy Area

Read Chapters 5 & 6 in the textbook.Research: Conduct some independent research to identify a recent (within the last five years) local policy issue in your own city or another city across the country where different policy alternatives were debated. This policy should be new to you and not used...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Police Power

Police Power 
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Peer-Reviewed Publishing and Copyright

Do you believe that peer-reviewed publishing continues to be the preferred distribution for Knowledge? Does copyright hamper the creative process and equitable access to information?
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

OUTLINE: Use of Predictive Policing in Managing Crimes in Major Cities in the United States

OUTLINE: Use of Predictive Policing in Managing Crimes in Major Cities in the United States
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Operational Consideration; Casio Shipyard

NMS306 Coursework 2 Operational ConsiderationsOverviewYou are to run a small craft repair facility.Part 1 : Describe the statutory regulations with which your facility must comply, and how they are of relevance to your yard. You must identify how these are to be evidenced, audited and maintained.  Part 2 : Develop...
11 pages|3025 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

One Page on the Role Ethics Plays in Counseling Practice.

One Page on the Role Ethics Plays in Counseling Practice.
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

One advantage to a national policy that must be implemented by one agency of the federal bureaucracy.

One advantage to a national policy that must be implemented by one agency of the federal bureaucracy.
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Nursing Ethics

Nursing Ethics
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Must the President be a Moral Leader?

Must the President be a Moral Leader?
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Movie Review; ‘13th’

CJBS 415.05 Fall 2021  Extra Credit Assignment     13th (2016 - Netflix)   Due on November 24, 2021 This assignment is optional.  Students can earn up to 12 extra credit points on their midterm exam by completing this assignment.  Students must watch the film “13th” and answer the following...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Movie Review; ‘13th’

CJBS 415.05 Fall 2021  Extra Credit Assignment     13th (2016 - Netflix)   Due on November 24, 2021 This assignment is optional.  Students can earn up to 12 extra credit points on their midterm exam by completing this assignment.  Students must watch the film “13th” and answer the following...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Moral Ethics in place of Work

Moral Ethics in place of Work
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Misuse of the Liberty to Possess and Own Guns in the U.S. and Effects of the Issue

Misuse of the Liberty to Possess and Own Guns in the U.S. and Effects of the Issue    (This is the topic I created. Your paper MUST be based on it and make no changes.)Research Paper Guidelines Purpose and Audience: This project is a thoroughly researched, thesis-driven, argumentative essay that...
12 pages|3300 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Mandatory -sentencing

Answer the following questions in 3 paragraphs. Ie, ONE paragraph per question What is mandatory sentencing?  Should there be an update to this system?  Should every state have the three-strikes law?   
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Mandatory -sentencing

Mandatory -sentencing
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Less Strict Smoking Ban or Rights for Smokers

Less Strict Smoking Ban or Rights for Smokers
5 pages|1375 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Legalization of Marijuana

The debate over the legalization of marijuana in the United States has been raging for over a century, with both sides having clear points of view. Research and explain the pros and cons of this debate. After you have presented both sides of the debate, decide where you stand in...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Law of Charterparties

Law of Charterparties
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Law enforcement agencies (government) is not adequately addressing police corruption and ethical issues

Law enforcement agencies (government) is not adequately addressing police corruption and ethical issues
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Law Analysis Part II

Law Analysis Part II
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Landlord-Tenant Law in Michigan

Businesspeople encounter many legal issues beyond the topics covered in a typical Business Law course. This report gives you the opportunity to explore an additional legal topic that has potential application to your business career. Select a legal topic from this list: Landlord-Tenant Law in Michigan Write a report about...
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Land Laws

Critically assess the extent to which the current land law provides adequate protection to residential tenants against evictions and rent rises. Word limit 1250. ( excluding references and bibliography) Remember, this is a law assignment. Therefore, indicating and quoting pertinent law sections and referencing them properly is required. 
5 pages|1375 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Juvenile Justice & Criminal Justice

Discussion Prompt: Based upon what you have learned from our course resources, you will explore our juvenile justice system and its connection to the criminal justice system. Explore the use of juvenile waivers (also known as juvenile transfers) in the juvenile justice system. Debate the pros and cons of using...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Juvenile Delinquency Rate

Juvenile Delinquency Rate
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Jon Benet Ramsey

The events:  what is known for sure to have happened;  important facts; circumstances leading up to the events. 2. The investigation:  the police investigation;  use your knowledge of investigations to critique how the police handled the case.  What leads were generated?  Who handled the crime scene?  How was it handled? ...
6 pages|1650 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

ISO Standard Codes

ISO Standard Codes
5 pages|1375 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Is gun control an effective way to control crime

Research "is gun control an effective way to control crime?" and write an argument paper. in writing this paper, 1)make a narrow and clearly defined claim (statement of your position) 2) support that position with valid reasons and supporting evidence; 3) fairly and accurately acknowledge opposing views and limitations of your position. ...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Is abortion right or wrong

Focus  25.0 pts • Thesis is stated in specific, clear terms and maintained throughout essay. • Paragraphs are unified by a main idea and cohere as distinct units. • Topic sentences are used to maintain focus. Author limits the content to a manageable scope. Development/ Support  25.0 pts • Points...
6 pages|1650 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Critical Thinking and Ethics

Critical Thinking and Ethics
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Interview Protocols

Research question : are juveniles from NYC being physically abused in the prison system? -Just edit, proofread, and check Grammarly to remove any errors. -Maintain the structure of the paper are it is.    THE DOCUMENT TO EDIT Professor Davis CRJ 204 5/9/21Research Question: Are juveniles from NYC physically abused...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Internet Article Analysis-Sustainability

The student will select one Internet article (no older than 12 months) relevant to business and environmental sustainability.  While sustainability can be defined in a variety of ways, keep the following in mind when selecting an article:   “The most important aspect of increased globalization derives from the complex but...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

International Crime

International Crime
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Intellectual Property

Trademark Basic Application Legal Analysis Legal determination Copyright Basic Application Legal determination  
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Implementing Body-worn Cameras

Implementing Body-worn Cameras
9 pages|2475 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Illegal Drug Use, Illegal Prostitution, and Money Laundering

Assignment Instructions Instructions Research Paper/Term Project: (Due Week 7) Each student is required to complete the term project, which is an 8-10 page research paper in APA Style. The project should have 8-10 pages not counting the cover, abstract and reference page. Assignment Instructions AN OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH PAPER REQUIREMENTS...
8 pages|2200 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

House of Representatives

Use the information provided in your textbook "The Basics of American Government " by Carl D. Cavalli in the Congress, relevant Internet websites and these two congressional websites to respond to the discussion question below.  Link: http://www.house.gov  Link: http://www.senate.gov/index.htm  How a Bill Becomes a Law may appear to be a...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Guns on Campus

Guns on Campus
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Gun Control

Gun Control
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

GMS6362-Assignment 10; Frye and Daubert Standards of Evidence Comparison

Research and summarize landmark cases relating to both the Frye and Daubert standards of evidence. Compare and contrast the requirements of each standard and explain which you think is most appropriate for a criminal trial. All assignments must be written in your own words and must include a reference list. ...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Gangs in America

Description conduct analysis of a gang of your choosing. explain history of gang and gang membership. describe importance of symbols, graffiti, recruitment, and tactics in gangs. connect the concept of criminal enterprise and organized crime in gangs. analysis must include at least the following: history of gangs and its evolution...
5 pages|1375 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Freedom Essay

Write two pages of what you think freedom is What is freedom? use 4 sources to craft your claim and counterclaim  -your claim should answer the question what is freedom?  -your counterclaim should refute whatever your definition is  
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

For a Successful Start- Business Ethics

Description Signature Assignment for Written Communications - Introduced Level Goal of this Session Long Project: This assignment is the first of four SLPs where you will build a bank of takeaways pertaining to ethical and/or unethical behaviors. After reviewing this SLP scenario: Express your reactions Apply your own background/experiences Cite...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Final Research Paper (Case Study): Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia

Final Research Paper (Case Study): Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia
10 pages|2750 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ferguson Unrest Involved Protests

Topic:  The Ferguson Unrest involved protests and riots that began the day after the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri.Description:Word processed, double spacedMLA format and citation (both in-text and a Works Cited page)Reference material must be from scholarly sourcesInclude...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Express Tax Memo

Express Tax Memo
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Exigency and how is applied in Crime Scene Searches

Exigency and how is applied in Crime Scene Searches
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Exclusionary Rule and Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine

What is the Exclusionary Rule? How does the Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine apply to evidence collection at a crime scene?
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Examining the First Step Act and the Fair Sentence Act

Examining the First Step Act and the Fair Sentence Act
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Exam Questions; Crime

Question 1 (25 points)   Discuss the value of organized crime investigations by law enforcement, specifically focusing on politicians potential involvement in organized crime. This question is linked to the following Course Learning Objective: LO7. Critique the assertion that U.S. politicians are frequently in league with organized crime     Question...
7 pages|1925 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|


1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Euthanasia versus “Allowing to Die”

Prepare a position paper for or against one legal/ethical issue.Choose a legal or ethical issue: Any Present objective, logical arguments Support your assertions with references in APA Reference legal/ethical standards NO more than 5 pages of the body, cover sheet, reference page double spaced, APA format   The selected legal/ethical issue...
5 pages|1375 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ethics: Aristotle’s Twelve Virtues

Ethics: Aristotle’s Twelve Virtues  
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|


Question 1: Differences Between Morals and Ethics Question 2: Occurrences in Business that are legal but unethical and vice versa Question 3: Company Ethical Consideration When Deciding Between Two Products. Question 4: A Company I Admire and its Ethical Decision-Making
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ethics, CSR & Corporate Governance

Ethics, CSR & Corporate Governance
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ethics in Social work

Ethics in Social work
9 pages|2475 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ethics in Business and IT copy

Research the role of ethics in business and in IT. Go to the NAU online library and find and read A Uniform Code of Ethics: Business & IT Professional Ethics by Dina Payne & Brett J.L. Landry and Computing Ethics Values in Design by Cory Knobel & Geoffrey C. Bowker....
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ethics- Human Rights

Watch this video introducing Animal RightsCC Non-Human Animals: Crash Course Phi...NON-HUI ANIMWatch onYouTubeWriting assignment:In 500 words or more (no less), research the 6 fundamental human rights: The Right to Life, the Right to the Freedom from Harm, the Right to Free Thought, the Right to Free Movement, the Right to...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ethics Discussion Board #7: Self-Determination Relates to Free Choice and Decision Making

Ethics Discussion Board #7:  Self-Determination Relates to Free Choice and Decision Making
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ethics Discussion Board #4: Significance of Clinician Upholding Privacy and Confidentiality

Ethics Discussion Board #4: Significance of Clinician Upholding Privacy and Confidentiality 
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ethics Discussion Board #3: Importance of Patient Self-Determination

Ethics Discussion Board #3: Importance of Patient Self-Determination 
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ethics Discussion #7: Students Reply-Challenges of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Ethics Discussion #7: Students Reply-Challenges of People with Intellectual Disabilities 
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ethics, CSR & Corporate Governance

Ethics, CSR & Corporate Governance
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ethics Class: Article Review on “Feminist Agendas”

Ethics Class: Article Review on “Feminist Agendas”
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ethics board Forum 5: Violation of Informed Consent

Ethics board Forum 5: Violation of Informed Consent 
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ethics and Integrity

Ethics and Integrity
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Select any case from the link below and follow the instruction below... https://www.scu.edu/ethics/focus-areas/business-ethics/resources/cases/ Discuss this case using the following Corporate Social Responsibility approaches: Stakeholder Theory Corporate Citizenship Corporate Social Performance Legal, Economic, Moral and Social responsibilities.
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ethics & Competitive Intelligence Worksheet

CMR 105 Ethics & Competitive Intelligence/Research Review the following scenarios and for each indicate: 1.      If you believe the behavior is normal, aggressive, unethical, or illegal. 2.      Also indicate what you should be done, supporting your reasoning and/or decision indicating which of the three models of social responsibility you are...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ethical Principles in Nursing Practice

Ethical Principles in Nursing Practice
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ethical Dilemma; Gattaca

Choose from the ONE of the following items: Gattaca (film)—this film is available online if you have Amazon Prime. This sci-fi film is set in a dystopian future in which gene discrimination takes place. It is easily analyzable from a utilitarian or Kantian framework. The First Purge (film)—This film about the political...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ethical and Legal Issues in Healthcare

1. Describe the major functions of each branch of government. 2. Archaeologists have discovered hospitals dating back to 460 BC, and we have seen continued evolution of hospitals, and medicine, to this day. Which country or countries contributed the most to the development of today's hospitals and medicine, as we...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ethical Ambiguity

Discussion C: Ethical Ambiguity1. Research the meta-ethical concept of the Good.2. Initial PostDefine the "ultimate Good" using everything that you have learned up to this point, including your research on the Good. What does it mean to be a good person and to live a good life?
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|


Writing assignment:In 500 words or more (no less), research the trolley problem and tell me why you would or would not pull the lever. Make sure you use the concepts introduced in the material above. You may use examples, but you will still need to include a full scholarly definition...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ethics Discussion Board #6: Duty of Care

Ethics Discussion Board #6: Duty of Care 
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ethics Discussion Board # 5: Consent Violation

Ethics Discussion Board # 5: Consent Violation 
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Employment Law copy

1: Relating Title III of the ADA and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act to the cases' legal elements. Title III of the ADA Title VII of the Civil Rights Act 2: How each case should be decided 3: A summary of two similar cases. Case 1: Guerra v....
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Emmanuel Kant- Utilitarianism

1. Imagine there is someone starving to death in the world. As it turns out, you know this person is starving AND you can help him or her at a very low cost to yourself (around ten cents per day for the rest of your life); all you have to...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Elements of a Crime Essay

Research for a crime that has been reported in the media.  Prepare an essay addressing the elements of crime-mens rea, actus reus, concurrence and proximate cause. Your essay should include a summary of the crime and how the conduct satisfied the different elements. 1. Summary of the crime (Who, where, what, how, etc....
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Duties of a Prison Officer

Duties of a Prison Officer
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Drug Policies around the World

Choose one of the following countries and summarize in a minimum of a paragraph how the government deals with the sale and use of drugs: Philippines, Switzerland, Portugal, Netherlands, and Colombia.Summarize the differences among legalization, criminalization and decriminalization of drugs. Which one of these drug control methods does your chosen country...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Does the Type of Eyewitness Testimony Presented in Court Influence Perceptions of Guilt?

Does the Type of Eyewitness Testimony Presented in Court Influence Perceptions of Guilt?
9 pages|2475 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Does the law do enough?

Does the law do enough?
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Discussion Post-Crime Statutes Aimed at Combating Organized Crime

Summarize RICO and one other ACT identified in the text regarding Crime Statutes aimed at combating organized crime. As part of your response identify their key strengths and weaknesses. Also be sure to include your supported view regarding the effectiveness (or lack of) for each as it regards combating organized...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Discussion Post - Ethical & Social Issues in Information

Discussion Post - Ethical & Social Issues in Information
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Discussion Forum 9: Pro and Cons of Absolute Confidentiality

Discussion Forum 9: Pro and Cons of Absolute Confidentiality  
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Discussion Forum 1: US Legal System on Societal Cohesion

Discussion Forum 1: US Legal System on Societal Cohesion
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Discussion Board: Drug Policies around the World

Please share with the class the country you examined.  Briefly describe how your country deals with drug use and abuse.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of this policy?  What policies (if any) would you like to implement in this country in terms of how we deal with drug use...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Discuss Your Views on Rational Choice and the Validity of this as a Criminological

Discuss your views on rational choice and the validity of this as a criminological construct.  Keep in mind developments in rational choice theory.  Some things to consider are developments with Cornish and Clarke's research into bounded rationality.  Richard Thaler's contributions in economics play into contemporary thinking on rational choice.  He...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Discuss the Different Methods of Documenting and Searching a Crime Scene. What are the Pros and Cons of Relying on 3D Imaging Systems

Research Paper Students will write a scholarly paper that is a minimum of 6-8 pages in length (6-8 pages excluding the title page, abstract, and reference page). Format is to follow the most recent edition of the Manual of the American Psychological Association. References may be found in the APUS library or search engines such as...
8 pages|2200 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Disability Discrimination legislations in controlling crime.

Disability Discrimination legislations in controlling crime.
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Define ethical leadership. Discuss the requirements and benefits of ethical leaders

Textbook: Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases OC Ferrell, John Fraedrich, Linda Ferrell, 2019 Cengage ISBN.13: 978-1-337-61443-6
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Death Penalty Should Be Abolished?

Death Penalty Should Be Abolished?
5 pages|1375 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Current Legal issue In Sport-John Suk vs Jake Mesar

Students will research a current legal issue in sport (2018-present). Students should      make sure that they (a) name the parties involved in the lawsuit; (b) point out the key    issues in the case; (c) summarize the known facts; and (d) give their own opinion on the case....
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

CRJ 330 Law and Courts: Summer II 2020

CRJ 330 Law and Courts: Summer II 2020
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Critical Analysis Activity 3; Laws Governing Search and Arrest

Critical Analysis Activity 3; Laws Governing Search and Arrest 
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Criminology Opinion Paper #2

Law enforcement agencies (government) is not adequately addressing police corruption and ethical issues  
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Criminology Discussion Questions; The Classic Methodology of Autoerotic Asphyxiation and the Key Evidence

Description 4 essay questions. There is no word minimum as long as the answer is 3 to four FULLY developed paragraphs. In-depth answers are required, if pages need to be added I'm willing to pay more if necessary for the sake of a good answer.   Discuss in-depth. No shallow...
6 pages|1650 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Criminal Justice Reflective Paper

DescriptionPlease answer one of the following two questions: 1.  I mentioned that prisons are rational-legal bureaucracies.  They have rules and a command structure.  I also mentioned how important fairness and consistency are for inmates to perceive the prison's authority as legitimate.  However, I mentioned that the responsible use of discretion...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Criminal Justice Crime in America

Criminal Justice Crime in America
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Criminal Justice Crime in America

Criminal Justice Crime in America
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Criminal investigation 2

Criminal investigation 2
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Criminal Code_ accomplice liability

This Discussion Board has 2 hypos posted that deal with accomplice liability. Read each hypo and then answer the questions accordingly and seprately. HYPO 1 FACT PATTERN  The evidence adduced at trial reveals that undercover police officers approached Henry and inquired as to whether “anyone” was working? Henry replied “Yeah. My...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Crime Lab

Crime Lab
9 pages|2475 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Crime Statutes Aimed at Combating Organized Crime

Summarize RICO and one other ACT identified in the text regarding Crime Statutes aimed at combating organized crime. As part of your response identify their key strengths and weaknesses. Also be sure to include your supported view regarding the effectiveness (or lack of) for each as it regards combating organized...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Crime Analysis

Crime Analysis
6 pages|1650 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)-(A case study of Apple Inc.)

The essay assignment develops the research, analysis and writing skills you gained from completing the Journal Article Review assignment by applying them to writing an academic essay. The purpose of this assessment task is to develop and assess your knowledge about a key managerial issue. You are expected to cite...
10 pages|2750 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Contract-Show Me My Money (Reisenfeld & Company v. The Network Group Inc., p. 313)

Why does the court see this case as involving a quasi-contract as opposed to an actual contract? What other case law does the court rely on in finding precedent/support for compensating Reisenfeld? Does this decision appear to follow the golden rule guideline outlined in Chapter 2 (pp. 27 and 28)?...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Contracts: Case Analysis on Legal Offer

Contracts: Case Analysis on Legal Offer 
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|


1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Compare and Contrast Two Videos: “SC Deputy Cried After Shooting 70-Year-Old Man” & “Vet with PTSD Fighting Execution for Killing Deputy”

https://youtu.be/XNLAgJCBjt0.             SC Deputy cried after shooting 70-Year-old man.  (youtube) https://youtu.be/8czRmHpqwGw.        Vet with PTSD fighting execution for killing deputy (youtube) View both videos and take notes Compare and contrast the videos. (Be specific) Must answer every single question Explain what the suspects did? Explain...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Cloning is Unethical

Research Paper OverviewEnglish 1A*Brainstorm some topics in class-something more or less current or unusual. NO papers on stale old topics like "smoking is harmful to our health." Nocelebrity profiles. Choose something that has a "side" you can argue, or else choose an informative topic and explore it. Try the databases...
6 pages|1650 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Class Essay; Sports Ethics

Media RoleReporting and analysis of sports has evolved in the media over the last 40 years, from print in newspaper sports sections, to greater TV exposure with ESPN, to global sharing on the Web through blogs and social media, and experts/fan discussion on local talk radio. Sports journalists have become...
5 pages|1375 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|


1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Discuss the Different Methods of Documenting and Searching a Crime Scene. What are the Pros and Cons of Relying on 3D Imaging Systems?

Research Paper Scholarly paper that is a minimum of 6-8 pages in length. Research Paper TopicsChoose one of the following topics relevant to evidence and procedures:   1.     Documentation, collection, and preservation of DNA evidence   2.     Discuss the role of the first officer of the scene. How can his/her actions impact investigation?...
8 pages|2200 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Assignment-State of Recidivism

Define what recidivism is.  Use the article ATTACHED to identify the state which had the highest recidivism rate between 2004-2007.  Use the same article above to compare and contrast the approaches that Oregon, Michigan and Missouri used to help cut their recidivism and correction costs.  Be sure to provide specific policies that...
13 pages|3575 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Chapter Objective Question (A): Definition of Crime and Theories of Crime

Please be sure to fully answer each of these questions in complete sentences. Please note that in answering these questions you are showing me that you not only read the text, but that you understood it. Consequently, your answers should be comprehensive and detailed. 1.     Define what crime is and...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Chapter Objective Question

Please be sure to fully answer each of these questions in complete sentences. Please note that in answering these questions you are showing me that you not only read the text, but that you understood it. Consequently, your answers should be comprehensive and detailed. 1.     Define what crime is and...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Capital Punishment: Position Paper

Capital Punishment: Position Paper  
6 pages|1650 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Can Crime Coverage in the Media Influence Offending?

Can Crime Coverage in the Media Influence Offending?
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Business Law-Business Entities

Business Law-Business Entities
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Business Ethics Paper

-business ethic paper Business ethics research paper, my idea is: Involution is a state in which a field or industry pattern reaches a point where people do the same work for a long time and remain at a certain level without any changes from within or outside the company, leading...
8 pages|2200 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

British Broadcasting Corporation -Case Study

Question 1 Type of contract used in the case Question 2 Suggested type of Contract for “Digital Media Initiative” project Question 3 Company ABC Supplier Relationship Matrix XYZ Farms positioning on the Supplier Relationship Matrix How ABC should conduct its Procurement from XYZ  
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Brendan Dassey is Innocent

Brendan Dassey is Innocent
5 pages|1375 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Ethical Issues in Law Enforcement

 Term Paper Assignment - Due Oct 24, 2021 11:59 PM CMRJ100 D001 Summer 2021 Term Paper Assignment Directions: Each student is required to write a APA Style 7th edition term paper that consist of three (3) full pages of substance, not including the cover page and reference page. It is...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Assignment 3 - Decision Making

Module 3 Assignment: Ethical Decision Making Identify a decision that you view as unethical. Explain why you think this decision is unethical. Do you think any of the following biases negatively influenced this decision-making process? If so, which ones? Refer to the textbook to support your selection. •       Confirmation •      ...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Assignment 1: Rule and Enforcement

Importance Of Rule Creators and Enforcers Impact of rules creator and enforcers on tobacco use Importance of medical diagnosis for the labeling of Hyperkinesia among children and need of social control
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Article Response- Analysis of Cases Completed by the Federal Courts

Article Response- Analysis of Cases Completed by the Federal Courts
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Article Response: Ethical Dilemma

C J 327 Assignment 2 Please answer each dilemma in as much details as possible with at least two references per question. One of your reference may be your text book. Chapter 3: SENTENCING: TO PUNISH OR TO REFORM **Ethical Dilemma 3-1 http://tracfed.syr.edu/tracreports/judge/274/ Annotation:  Sentencing structures vary from state to state....
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Article Exploration Part 1-Ethical Code of Conduct

Article Exploration Part 1-Ethical Code of Conduct
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Argument for and against Amendments to the Charter of Law and Interrogation

Argument for and against Amendments to the Charter of Law and Interrogation
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Apple Incorporation Business Ethics

Apple Incorporation Business Ethics
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Answering questions on legal issues.

What intentional torts could Saylor Twift have against Dr. Bosby for the allegations made from her visit in 2010?What claims would Twift have against Nancy Nurse? Would Dr. Bosby be liable Nurse’s actions against Ms. Twift?The claim that doctor has to Twift, Lawyer, and the television studio and the situation...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Annotated Bibliography and Complete the Outline Attached

Annotated Bibliography and Complete the Outline Attached
7 pages|1925 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Amazon Report

Structure. Introduction - 300-400 words1st part (black): Introduce the subject of the assignment: Contemporary management (black) and 2-3 lines /a very small paragraph about the company is sufficient.2nd part (Green): Then add some info not too many words, just add useful info3rd part (Blue/purple): Say what's the assignment is about....
19 pages|5225 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Administrative Review and Judicial Review

Administrative Review and Judicial Review
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

Administrative Ethics in the workplace

Must describe and identify an ethical problem,    Clarification of ethical orientation Define covert and overt moral belief.  Id an ethical problem being identified,  Recognizing the incontinency observed between the overt and covert moral beliefs.  Logical deduction of ethical theories Rational proposition of ethical cause of action and selection of...
6 pages|1650 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

A Small Business in Baton Rouge: The Lewis Companies

Good morning. As you all know we have been talking about ethics in business for the last chapter discussed. We know the importance of a company to have acceptable ethics if they want to gain and keep the trust of their employees and customers.    Your assignment is to seek...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|

A Contemporary Moral Issue: Whistle Blowing

This is the assignment: a contemporary moral issue in our society and apply the ethical principle of Utilitarianism to approve and be in favor of this moral issue. You must pick a moral issue that you strongly agree with and apply the utilitarian claims to back up your arguments. In...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LAW, ETHICS, CRIMENOLOGY|