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Research the role of ethics in business and in IT. Go to the NAU online library and find and read A Uniform Code of Ethics: Business & IT Professional Ethics by Dina Payne & Brett J.L. Landry and Computing Ethics Values in Design by Cory Knobel & Geoffrey C. Bowker. Read A Framework for Thinking Ethically hosted by the Santa Clara University website. 

Paper Components • A summary of the research from the above article reflecting the role of ethics in business and in IT. • Describe ethical issues that may be unique to the field of IT. • Describe ethical issues relating to corporate social responsibility. • Discuss ways to successfully role-model and promote ethical values and principles within the business organization. • Include research on sources for guidance on ethical issues as the need arises in the workplace.


Ethics in Business and IT

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Ethics in Business and IT

Payne Dinah and Landry Brett define business ethics as moral standards that guide the behavior of an organization. Ethical conduct is more than a concept applied in enhancing the image of a firm, but the very basis of prosperity. According to the authors, organizational leaders attain corporate objectives of transforming people’s lives by adopting moral standards that ensure they respect wishes of societies they serve or risk alienating customers, stakeholders, and shareholders. Uniqueness regarding content, relation to technologies and corporate social responsibility, implementation through training and reinforcement as well as being sourced from code values defines ethics in business and information technology (IT).

Ethical issues in the IT field are unique since corporations have to respect and protect work and identity of their clients. Knobel and Bowker (2011) determined that advanced technologies support the creation and distribution of videos and images; hence, both work teams and enterprises require guidance as to what is acceptable. Without these moral standards, some of the distributed content might be offensive (Payne & Landry, 2006). Therefore, formulating business guidelines lets firms communicate to their workforce on what is permissible, ensuring they follow passed privacy legislation to avoid infringing on other persons’ rights. Business moral standards not only connects to IT but also corporate social responsibility.

Moral philosophies relate to corporate social responsibility since they entail concepts that require companies to prioritize needs and interests of stakeholder groups. Payne and Landry (2006) postulated that ethical organization leaders who run operations from a stakeholder perspective consider how their decisions affect those inside and outside a corporation. According to Knobel and Bowker (2011), stakeholders include persons who influence or who are impacted by individual choices and actions of a company. For these reasons, business ethics ensure that organizational leadership makes sound corporate decisions, benefiting all affected parties. Besides, businesses fostering respect for corporate social responsibility; they also conduct training and reinforcement programs to promote ethical values.

Organizations implement corporate ethics through training; for example, they educate...


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