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Policy Alternatives; Location and Policy Area

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Read Chapters 5 & 6 in the textbook.

Research: Conduct some independent research to identify a recent (within the last five years) local policy issue in your own city or another city across the country where different policy alternatives were debated. This policy should be new to you and not used already in the course. Respond: Address the following prompts, using the subheadings below to organize your main post.

Identify the geographic location and policy area in the SUBJECT line of your main post. Real World Illustration: In your own words, summarize the story you found. Include an in-text citation of the sources (newspaper, magazine article, website, etc.) that you found to support your statements. Two Alternatives: Identify at least two (2) alternatives that were considered or put forward for consideration. These alternatives could be decided/enacted, in progress, or being revamped/reconsidered/updated, for example. Identify the key stakeholders and decision makers (and their affiliations) for each alternative. Current Status: Report the final outcome/current status of the decision-making process. A Take-Away: Offer the class one (1) lesson or take away from your analysis that builds on content covered in chapter 5 or 6. Demonstrate your connection to course material by including an in-text citation in this section.



Textbook: Kraft, M. E., & Furlong, S. R. (2018). Public policy: Politics, analysis, and alternatives (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.



Policy Alternatives; Location and Policy Area


Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation


Policy Alternatives

Location and Policy Area

In 2019, New York (NY) Senate Legislature enacted the Reproductive Health Act (RHA), legalizing abortion and eliminating several restrictions against it within the city.  


On January 22, 2019, having passed as a Senate Bill, approved by the assembly, the Governor signed RHA into law as a codification of the Roe v. Wade protections. The Democrats within the state assembly adopted and voted unanimously for this public policy despite the opposition from the Republicans and other entities, including churches. Its proponents argued that RHA was long overdue as it purposes to protect reproduction freedom through increasing access to abortion rights to all nationalities within the city (NY Senate, 2019). According to RHA, the right whether or not to see a pregnancy to term is essential to a woman's autonomy and equality. The public policy focuses on improving women’s safety by demanding that only qualified practitioners should provide abortion services.

Two Alternatives

The Republicans presented the first alternative to the RHA as they believe that placing a baby in a temporary guardianship is a substitute for abortion. The lawmakers suggested that for parents considering abortion as a result of financial limitations of raising their baby, they should not terminate the pregnancy but consider temporary guardianship as things often change in the future (NY Senate, 2019). As a legal provision, temporary guardianship guarantees the safety of a child as they are cared for by either a relative or a close friend. At the same time, the parents find stable housing or seek avenues that will let them succeed in parenthood. The Republicans opposed RHA as they trust that abortion is irreversible; for that reason, the state should not ease restrictions and legalize it. However, state assembly overlooked this substitute in their passing of RHA.


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