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Amazon Report

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. Introduction - 300-400 words

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Assignment Question

Select any ONE organization with which you are familiar or can research from publicly available sources.

Drawing upon appropriate sources of information, critically evaluate how increasing pressure to operate businesses in an ethical and socially responsible manner impacts upon its business decision making for the future and its operations and assess the effectiveness of its current response/s to that pressure.


First, select an organization that is coming under ethical and socially responsible pressures. This organization must be under pressures to behave "properly".



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Amazon Report


In recent years, the introduction of digital media, software support, computer techniques, advanced technologies, and developments in innovations have facilitated Amazon's business management processes. However, accompanied by all these facilities, speedy work, and conveniences, the organization faces many challenges influencing its operations, specifically resulting from ethical pressures. Despite all Amazon's recent corporate management advancements, moral pressures have augmented and manifested in new forms and nature. Accountability as well as Ethics and Social Responsibility (ESR) are among the prominent issues affecting its organizational operations. Some of the ethical problems creating significant pressure and upsetting Amazon's activities result from fake reimbursement, privacy threats, cybercrimes, bribery, child labor, workplace safety, and legal liability. The development and popularization of social networking sites, such as Twitter and Facebook, have profoundly strengthened issues relating to ethical pressures; for example, unlike before, today, people readily expose matters on the internet. Therefore, such instances determine how a business operates. It results in management teams making decisions that will not affect them negatively by tarnishing their reputation or plummeting their popularity, leading to a reduction in revenue and loss of business. Perhaps the best example of the failure to adjust to ethical pressure is the 2001 closure of Enron, an American-based energy company (Nuseir & Ghandour, 2019). Amazon's administrative teams face significant ethical pressure from different stakeholders, causing permanent stress on their honesty, integrity, and trust. In the modern management arena, moral pressures are a significant problem. Therefore, this challenge necessitates elaboration and justification complemented by acknowledging approaches that can rectify such situations. Better management ensures that Amazon meets stakeholders’ needs. Following this introduction, this report critically examines how the cumulative pressure to operate business following Ethics and Social Responsibility (ESR) provisions influences Amazon's decision making and corporate operations. Also, the report evaluates how well the firm has responded to those ethical pressures.

The Main Body (Theory, Discussion, and Argument)

Evidence of the Impact of Ethics and Social Responsibility (ESR)

Conducting Business Operations in a Healthy and Safe Environment 

All employers must provide their work teams with a safe and healthy workplace. According to Aggarwal (2019), federal safety procedures demand that organizations minimize workplace dangers, controlling hazards. Any violations of national and international safety regulations attract serious consequences, including the potential loss of business license, penalties, and fines (Park, 2020). Ethical principles necessitate that Amazon protects its workers and goes beyond the stipulated legal requirements. Managerial decisions often result in either harm or benefit to others; therefore, the management team must ethically oblige to use its mandate to create benefit instead of injury. Proper attention to workplace safety improves productivity, gratification, and more significant health of an enterprise.

Employees represent the primary source of Amazon's safety ethical pressure since they desire to work in safe and protected surroundings. A survey conducted in 2019 by Reveal from the Center for Investigative Reporting determined that Amazon recorded 14,000 serious injuries across 150 fulfillment centers, indicating a steady increase annually since 2016 (as cited by Skiba et al., 2019). From this trend, workers have become more aware of the need to dispense their duties in a safe environment since it assures them of their wellness. Park (2020) explains that employees demand that Amazon prioritizes and looks after their protection while at work as they expect it to prioritize their health and safety. Employees compel the company to conduct a risk assessment, preparing a safety statement that identifies areas of concern, subsequently preventing injuries. Ethical principles bind employers to do all they can to guarantee that their workforce does not suffer a severe accident or even death. 

Ethical pressures resulting from workers' health and safety concerns have forced Amazon to provide them with a harmless and healthy workplace. Amazon (n.d.) reveals that as a reaction to ethical pressures, Amazon has employed Health and Safety Professionals (HSPs) tasked with creating benefits and reducing harm at its establishments, including fulfillment centers. According to Brubaker (2018), HSPs engaged by the company are either on a part or full-time basis and act as non-partisan providers of safety and health services. They are equally on the side of the leadership teams and employees when discharging their duties because their principal objective is to attain higher safety standards, motivating Amazon's workforce. Adherence to safety codes safeguard employees and customers who frequent the firm's fulfillment centers to collect or send their packages. Hiring HSP has increased the company's salary budget but has reduced costs of settlement cases.

Operating in a Manner that Enhance Accounting Practices

Ethical pressures concerning accounting practices involve the fundamental principles that demand that corporations demonstrate fairness and honesty, maintaining public trust. Amazon deals with the intimate financial details of its shareholders. For this reason, according to Amazon (n.d.), Amazon must ethically execute million-dollar transactions on behalf of its owners, protecting their investment into its operations. Ethical principles demand that Amazon employ morally-upright accounting and finance professionals who will strive to preserve its bookkeeping integrity, for example, through eliminating dangers of financial misappropriation and corruption (Aggarwal, 2019). A critical component of ethical pressures is for corporations to make impartial decisions and recommendations that benefit all stakeholders. Conflicts of interest, for instance, require exposure under independence regulations. Therefore, Amazon should not benefit at the expense of its investors through committing to fraudulent deals that create...


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