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Students will research a current legal issue in sport (2018-present).
Students should make sure that they (a) name the parties
involved in the lawsuit; (b) point out the key issues in the case;
(c) summarize the known facts; and (d) give their own opinion on the case.
Examples of questions students might consider when giving their own
opinion include: What are the implications of the case for
the sport or recreation industry? Is this an issue that
should be eventually taken up by a higher court (e.g., U .S. Supreme Court) if
this has not happened yet.
Current Legal issue In Sport:
John Suk vs Jake Mesar
Legal issue In Sport: John Suk vs Jake Mesar
The lawsuit is a legal entanglement that has stayed, which has taken a long time to be decided. The case was determined by the head coach, John Suk, being finally found not liable or having an accomplice to the injury of the baseball player. The baseball player was a former Bound Brook High School. The lawsuit in the case involves an incident where Suk asked Mesar to slide into third base, an order that Mesar accepted, and as a result of the incident, he got injured. He suffered a horrible ankle break. Mesar’s family later filed a lawsuit to seek damages from the school district and Suk. The family...