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Sony Pictures Case analysis

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Sony Pictures Case analysis


Sony Pictures Case analysis


Institution Affiliation

The root problem presented in the case is commercial barrier affecting Sony film release. According to the case, Sony has faced threats to jeopardize the releasing of the movie comparing what would be done to what happened on September 11. The objective of this analysis is to offer a permanent solution to Sony’s case. The root source of this problem is the allegations that the movie to be released had made some inappropriate light concerning the North Korean Officials. This traction has led to Sony's decision to cancel the overall release of the film citing legal and economic matters. The former was felt to be a constraint that could cost Sony in the case of attack during the release of the film, and the latter was due to lack of sufficient revenue given that only a few theaters would release the movie.

There exist a couple of alternatives that Sony can decide to follow. First, it can adopt a status quo by doing nothing. This move would worsen the situation by barring the release of the film which would affect Sony’s reputation. Besides, North Korea would continue threatening Sony sighting that they have been supported by the United States government to humiliate its officials. Secondly, Sony can decide to edit the movie as a minimum effort to exonerate the issues which would work as an essential short-time solution to this immediate problem. The feasible lasting solution would be to develop movie scripts that do not biasedly down-look one community and acquire secure information system that can guarantee the privacy of Sony’s information.

The recommended solution to liberate Sony from her predicament is to negotiate with the group that is sending threats. This is the most efficient way to clear the air and ensure they established good will by using North Korea Official as characters in the Movie. Finally, Sony should put in place contracts with theaters to make sure they are guaranteed to air their films even when such cases present themselves.

Question 1

As the CEO of Sony, I would seek material facts to ascertain whether the threat is real or not. I would file a threat claim with the United States security...


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