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Reflective Writing Based on Case Study

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1.            Case Overview:  Indicate case number  (example 2.13) Summarize the key facts of the case 


     Kenda is a 2 years old girl, was abandoned by her crack cocaine addicted mother

     Was put into foster care and placed into the Does home- ended up bonding and creating strong attachments

     Doe’s son Tony was diagnosed with schizophrenia and is unhappy living with parents, though his parents want to keep Tony at home for safety. 

     Tony confessed to sexually abusing Kendra, and after this Kendra was immediately placed in a new foster home placement and investigated for any signs of abuse- 1.01 . None were found.

     The Doe’s now feel that Tony needs to move out and support him leaving, in order to keep Kendra in their home and maintain the attachments they have with her. They believe Tony lied about the abuse in order to have a way to move out of the home. 

     Ethical Dilemmas 

     Social Worker decides to place Kendra back in the home with the Does, citing the best interest of Kendra and as well as all parties involved.

     The social worker believes that the Does will ensure the safety of Kendra (one of the major ethical issues), while Tony and Kendra are together, or in the same place

     Social Worker chooses to keep Kendra in the Does because the benefits of permanency far outweigh the uncertainties of potential affronts to safety. Win-win essentially. 


2.            State in your own words the ethical dilemma presented in the case—you will find that the “Discussion” section after the case will help you with this: 


     Ethical Dilemma(s): Giving Kendra a permanent home v. risking the physical safety of Kendra (Permanency v. Physical Safety).

     Ultimately this case is a question of giving Kendra a home with the Does (who provide a loving home with bonds already made) or risk the possibility of Kendra being abused by Tony without the agency assistance (since Kendra would be out of the program once adopted).


You must explain why an issue is an ethical dilemma:

3.            Application of Code of Ethics:  Use the  NASW Code of Ethics to examine the ethical dilemma from various vantage points


     In terms of the best interest of client: 

     1.14 Clients Who Lack Decision-Making Capacity: When social workers act on behalf of clients who lack the capacity to make informed decisions, social workers should take reasonable steps to safeguard the interests and rights of those clients.           

     1.01 Commitment to Clients states that Social workers' primary responsibility is to promote the well-being of clients. In general, clients' interests are primary. However, social workers' responsibility to the larger society or specific legal obligations may on limited occasions supersede the loyalty owed clients, and clients should be so advised. (Examples include when a social worker is required by law to report that a client has abused a child or has threatened to harm self or others.) 

     1.17 Termination of Services(a) Social workers should terminate services to clients and professional relationships with them when such services and relationships are no longer required or no longer serve the clients' needs or interests.       





Reflective Writing Based on Case Study


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Reflective Writing Based on Case Study

The case study, protecting the Best Interests of a Mino, is causing an internal heart conflict to determine the best course of action because neither choice is too safe for her. Returning Kendra to Doe’s family or taking her to a new foster home has inherent benefits and risks to her. The child is entitled to security, good relationship and permanence. Either way, none of the two available options can guarantee 100% fulfilment of her interest.

Allowing Mr. and Mars Doe to adopt her would serve the permanence interest of the child. Since the agency took the child from her caretaker, she has been living with Doe's family, and hence she has developed a strong relationship bond with them. Having lived with Doe's family, the girl has healed from previous trauma of being abandoned by both biological mother and her caretaker.  She is used to interacting with the Doe's family member not to strain to establish the relation with the Doe's since the bond already exists. At Doe's family Kendra is likely to be safe from the defilements common with the children in foster care. To compound matter, Mr and Mrs Doe are willing to let their son live independent life guarantee the security of Kendra in their hands.

However, there is a risk of leaving Kendra in the hand of Doe's family because there have been allegations that Tony had defiled the child sexually. Although medical examination showed that the child had not been abused sexually, Tony might be tempted to defile her in the future. Additionally, Tony's parents are unwilling to let him live an independent life due to...


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