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Chapter Objective Question (A): Definition of Crime and Theories of Crime

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Please be sure to fully answer each of these questions in complete sentences. Please note that in answering these questions you are showing me that you not only read the text, but that you understood it. Consequently, your answers should be comprehensive and detailed.

1.     Define what crime is and summarize 5 major types of crime.  Be sure to give an example of each type. (chp 5)

2.    Using the link to the 2019 Uniform Crime Report in this module, click on violent crime and then under the "Browse by Offense" section, click on murder.  In 2019, what was the estimated number of murders in this country?  Was it an increase or decrease compared to 2018? 

3.     Using the same report, click on the property crime and under "Browse by Offense," research to find what was the most common type of property crime in 2019.  Be sure to give the estimated number and indicate whether it was decline or increase from 2018.  

4.     Summarize the relationship between inequality and crime according to the conflict perspective. 

5.    Compare and contrast the anomie theory of crime with that of the differential association theory.  Using one of these theory, explain why a person would engage in prostitution.  Using the same theory, propose one solution to this problem.    

6.    The textbook proposes three ways of controlling crime (retribution-deterrence, rehabilitation, and prevention). Summarize each of these methods.  Do you support giving people behind bars an opportunity to earn a high school or college degree as part of the rehabilitation process?  Why or why not?

7.    After watching the video 'How Norway's prisons are different from America's,' summarize the differences in a paragraph between prison in this country versus in Norway.  

The BOOK. Kornblum and Julian. Social Problems. 16th Edition. Prentice Hall  ISBN 9780135164730


Chapter Objective Question (A): Definition of Crime and Theories of Crime

Question 1

Crime is an action or omission that goes beyond public or personal will, violating prohibited rules, and is punishable by law. It also calls for public authority intervention.

·         Crime against person- an action that results in direct harm or death of an individual: Examples, rape, and murder

·         Crime against property- acts of taking or destroying people's property without their consent and does not involve bodily harm to the property owner. Example burglary and arson.

·         Crime against morality- encompasses immoral behavior among people: examples prostitution and illegal drug use.

·         Hate crime- there are offenses against property or person perpetuated by invoking prejudice o gender or gender identity.

·         Organized crime is executed by a structured group of individuals seeking to distribute illegal goods and services—for example, weapon smuggling.

Question 2

The estimated number of murders in the country in 2019 was 16425 persons. The figure was a 0.3 percent increase from 2018.

Question 3

The total estimated number of property crimes in the nation in 2019 was 6,925 677. Among the...


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