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Discuss Your Views on Rational Choice and the Validity of this as a Criminological

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Discuss your views on rational choice and the validity of this as a criminological construct.  Keep in mind developments in rational choice theory.  Some things to consider are developments with Cornish and Clarke's research into bounded rationality.  Richard Thaler's contributions in economics play into contemporary thinking on rational choice.  He won a Nobel Prize for it.  There is also a more contemporary branch of theory dealing with game theory although this can be traced back to work done by the RAND corporation back in the day with theorists like Herman Kahn working on systems theory and dealing with nuclear war.  There are also contemporary debates raised by individuals like Sepolski in his popular book "Behave" which deals with neuroscience and rational choice.  

Overall, do you think this is a useful paradigm for considering criminological behavior and if so, is it testable?  After all, almost any behavior can be explained as rational to the specific actor is bounded rationality is taken into account.  It should be noted that a lot of criminological and sociological theorists do not like rational choice theory.  Is there any particular reason they would be against it or is it more ideological?  Considering this is the backbone of deterrence theory it is important to understand this concept and whether it is a good premise in which to form policy.  Discuss the various issues with rational choice theory.  Write something interesting and be sure to respond to at least two posts with something substantive and not just simply agreeing or disagreeing.  


Discuss Your Views on Rational Choice and the Validity of this as a Criminological constructRational choice is based on the utilitarian perception that human’s reason and weigh the means and the ends, benefits, and cost to make a rational choice. An example of a rational choice would be a criminal who chooses to steal and knowing the punishment but weighs the consequence of the crime but decides to take it on. When the value on return upon committing a crime outweighs the decision for not committing the crime, then the individual may choose to commit the crime, which is the rational choice concept from an economics perspective. To some extent, the rational theory is based on individuals' selfish gains and thus means that it may not be a good idea or theory to consider.

The rational theory is a useful concept in criminology because most of the crimes are explained by this paradigm. The concept is a micro perspective on the reason why offenders or criminals commit various crimes. The fact is that for any individual to commit a crime has to compare the benefits and the consequences of engaging in that particular crime. For a crime to be committed, personal choice lead. The concept of rational choice is useful in understanding both collective and individual behaviors. The concept explains why society or...


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