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Is abortion right or wrong

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Is abortion right or wrong?

The subject regarding abortion has resulted in heated debates among the religious community as well as the general society with the point of contention revolving around whether it is right or wrong. According to Kaczor, abortion is a social issue that is not entirely ignored, but it is a subject that has not been accorded adequate attention. For that reason, presently the general community is experiencing a lot of controversies complemented confusion caused by the practice of abortion. It is argued that abortion is a process that results in the killing of a fetus by the mother for various reasons, where in some cases these actions are done due to life-threatening situations while on the other hand women feel no need to have a child. Nonetheless, it is significant to acknowledge that abortion can be described as a painful topic for the parties involved most especially when confronted with the dilemma of whether or not to terminate a pregnancy. Abortion is a polarizing issue in the present society, however, it is imperative to state that abortion is wrong considering the practice leads to health issues and the ceasing of life. 

            Abortion involves the termination of an early pregnancy, thus leading to the death of a fetus, however, it is significant to recognize that a fetus is a person, with a distinctive genetic code. It is the general assumption that a fetus is not a person, but a bunch of cells that can be destroyed, nonetheless this perception is misleading considering after conception, the fetus becomes a unique individual (Needle & Lenore). After conception, the unborn babies become unique individuals, for that reason, they are still at a vulnerable stage of their lives as such they should be treated with adequate compassion, because they are entitled to have human rights. As early as 8 weeks after conception, the heartbeat of unborn babies can be successfully detected, additionally, the unborn babies develop fingerprints around the same period. As a result, this dispels the perception as well as the narrative that unborn babies are not human, for that reason abortion is wrong as it can be termed as an act of murder. The society is tasked with the role to fight against abortion as the practice leads to the killing of unborn babies who are entitled to lawful rights as everyone else.

            Abortion is wrong considering despite ending the life of unborn babies, the practice leaves the affected mothers in both physical and emotional pain. No mother should go through the pain of losing an unborn baby, further by 18 weeks since conception a fetus is able to feel pain and suffering for that reason abortion should not be permissible. According to Manninen, the practice of abortion is more rampant among teenagers, who often feel distressed after getting pregnant, thus resort to terminating the pregnancy as an easy way out. Nonetheless, abortion leads to the various consequences thus cannot be labelled as a shortcut out of a crisis situation. It is common to have women who have undergone an abortion to develop psychological trauma thus end up being depressed after it becomes apparent to them that abortion has never been an option. Additionally, O’Brien asserts that research has depicted that abortion makes women more vulnerable to the development of...


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