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Unit 5

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Based on the elements of the crime of criminal attempt: 1. Describe the elements of Attempt and how they may or may not apply to this case. 2. Explain whether or not you have committed Attempted Bank Robbery. 3. Discuss whether you have committed any other crimes as well as any crimes your friend has committed. 4. Explain whether you or your friend qualify for defense for your actions and if so, identify the defense that applies for each of your actions. (Legal impossibility, Voluntary Abandonment, etc.) 

You and your best friend realize that you are in need of money. So, the two of you decide that you will rob the First National Bank on Monday. You get a map of the bank, you borrow a car and your friend gets a gun. Then, you write a hold-up note on a piece of paper. Monday arrives, your friend parks outside the bank in the borrowed car waiting for you. You walk in with the note in your pocket and the gun concealed under your clothes. You approach the teller and she says, “May I help you?” Just then you say, “Oh, I forgot my account passbook.” You then walk out of the bank, get into the car and say, “Let’s get out of here!” A relative of yours calls the police and indicates that you and your friend just went to do the bank job. Later that day, the police pick both of you up for the attempted bank robbery

Requirements: The assignment shall be in APA format, typed in 12 font Times New Roman, and shall not have been turned in previously to any other instructor for any other course or assignment.

Paper length is 1-2 pages not to include the cover page or bibliography. It is to be submitted as a Microsoft Word Document.

The assignment shall be an individual effort and not a group project.

Since criminal justice is a social science, the writing requirements of the American Psychological Association, otherwise known as the APA, will be in effect for the research paper assignment


Unit 5

Student’s Name


Course Name/Number


Due Date


Unit 5

Question 1: Element Attempt

                    i.            A specific intent to commit a crime- this element of attempt entails planning to commit an offense and securing tools to assist in the act. It applies to this case because we had a car and weapon ready for the act. Besides, I had prepared I hold-up note I would give to the teller once I get to the bank.


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