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Reasons for Recurrent Military Use of Children

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I need а 4125-word essау of Reasons for reсurrent Military Use of Children. it needs to be ANALYZED and show how the law is applied. as many references as possible, footnotes. I do not need or want a cover page.

here are some reasons but please that can illustrate why children military is preferred add more, this essay should be an analysis. .....Use United State Law concerning children

1. The pseudo-benefits Derived from Military Use of Children
- they are viewed as expendable, replaceable and they are cheap to maintain
- Psychological vulnerability. 
- Ease of control.
2. Lack of enforcement 
- The United Nations Convention on the rights of the child which bans child soldiers has been signed by 94 countries, but enforcing the ban has been very difficult.
- Some countries, such as Sierra Leone, have coordinated schemes run by governments, NGOs and aid agencies, while elsewhere resources are far more limited.




1.0 Introduction

                Presently, a different phenomenon of combat has emerged; one that is the direct opposite of the technical revolution in the military affairs additionally, this phenomenon does not reflect a formal doctrine used during warfare. As such, to be relevant to this case this phenomenon prescribes the circumstances and methods deployed in the employment of children as soldiers during warfare. Most importantly, “child soldiers” can be defined as persons aged less than 18 years taking part in deadly violence as members of a particular armed force. Therefore, child soldiers make up units of fighters that represent the real situation of present-day warfare. It is documented that children carry out soldier duties in over 80 per cent armed conflicts around the world. It is impossible to argue against the fact that American troops have seen the realities of modern warfare by finding the enemy in the battle is a child armed with an AK-47[1].

            To further add on that, the issue of children being employed as soldiers in warfare has been covered and documented selectively by American security studies. For that reason, most of the documented literature available concerning the events of war is not courtesy of the personnel in the battle field for instance, military organization rather from advocacy groups complemented by pediatric medical reports. This trend is worrisome most notably due to the lack of doctrines primarily developed to handle the challenges and shortcomings brought up by child soldiers to the deployed units in the battle field[2]. Correspondingly, the reasons behind this omission are unclear. However, it is speculated this situation might be occasioned by the fact that the subject of child soldiers is considered to be very peripheral or rather way too sensitive thus curtailing the efforts of proper consideration. To further add on that, it might be because it is quite impossible for one to provide full coverage that requires passionate approach on a topic that tugs at peoples heart strings. Hence, the failure to fully document and compile adequate literature on the issue concerning the use of child soldiers in warfare represents the gap mentioned above that needs immediate coverage. In consequence, this essay aims at analyzing the reasons why children are used for military endeavors in the current century as well as the setup of the United States law in relations to the employment of child soldiers.

2.0 Reasons why children are used in military endeavors

2.1 Perceived pseudo-benefits drawn from military use of children

2.1.1 Ease of control

            It is apparent that many child soldiers after being indoctrinated get used to the combat life. In consequence, the primary threshold stands at twelve months after this period it is clear the child soldiers will remain loyal to the military organization[3]. For that reason, the child soldiers are easily controlled by their captors as they often self-conceptualize their lives and belief to replicate that of their leaders[4]. To further add on that, some of the child soldiers become addicted both psychologically and physically to the drugs they are supplied with while performing military duties. Additionally, some of the child soldiers are easily controlled one they start getting comfortable and develop a sense of identity or a bond with the army organization.

            However, it should be stated that child soldiers are easily controlled due to the fear factor. That is to say, the fear of the unknown, for instance, the fear of not knowing what will happen in the event of a failed escape attempt. Indeed, escape can prove to be quite a challenge for child soldiers because of the close monitoring by adult soldiers; the child soldiers are also engulfed in constant fear of the uncertainty that will happen if...


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