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Disability Discrimination legislations in controlling crime.

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Disability Discrimination legislations in controlling crime.


Disability Discrimination legislations in controlling crime.


Institutional Affiliation


A policy is an aspect that has been in play in the human being's life for as long as their history. The system brings the rise of viable regulations and legislations that are critical to ensuring the interaction between the human being is well regulated. Further, policy guarantees justice, equality, and oneness where everybody feels an important part of the society. Disability, according to Grollman (2012), is a mental or physical condition that inhibits a person from performing naturally, working or even talking. For various reasons, disabilities may turn up as incurable despite the emergence of technology in Medicare. In order to protect the disabled, the American Disability legislation was introduced and signed in 1990 by the then president of the United States of American, George H.W. Bush. The concept was to create an environment that was fair, equitable, and just for various categories of disabilities across the states.

Discrimination as a result of disability lies in the context of treating individuals based on their perceived or real disability. With no doubts, discrimination brings stigmatization, pain and what is even worse can contribute to crime. The complication raised in the society by the presence of the disability is that physically and mentally abled people perceive the disabled as requiring more care, unique sets of needs, and yet they have very little or nothing to show in the contribution of general growth and development. The essay focuses on providing in-depth information concerning the how crime occurs, discrimination due to disability and various settings that this inequality has been seen to take play in the United States. The issue of the law governing and protecting the rights of the people living with disabilities can be an important measure which is two-edged. First, it helps reduced the crimes among the disabled and the relatives and at the same time help bring to justice when other members of the society violate these registrations

Criminal aspects that arise from discriminating people living with disabilities

According to Todd et al., (2003), disability discrimination has been seen to occur in various ways which might be direct, indirect and in other situations, it could be blatant and open without the fear of creating a public scene by the discriminator. The first instance that is very common, or probably used to be common, is restricting the children with cerebral palsy to share a table when eating with the families in a restaurant while the other healthy children were given a chance to share the table with their parents. The former represent a setting of a direct form of discrimination against the people living with disabilities that may turn the children, and sometimes their families think about crime. On the other hand, situations may be presented that are indirectly discriminate a disabled person. For instance, the local news and health department authorities produce vital information regarding the services and daily affairs of the society. However, in a bid to save the cost, they do not present information that is easy-to-read for the people with a learning disability which constitute significantly to this form of discrimination.

The American with Disability Act of 2010 is the primary legal tool for reference that protects the interests of the disable members of the society. The act plays a role in various field in protecting this particular...


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