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Exigency and how is applied in Crime Scene Searches

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Exigency and how is applied in Crime Scene Searches


Exigency and how is applied in Crime Scene Searches

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Exigency and how is applied in Crime Scene Searches

Criminal investigating and searches entail rigorous processes and coordination. In some instances, high speed of responding to crime scene may be require to ensure suspects are apprehended on time. In such instances the concept of exigency emerges. According to an article published in exigency (2018), the term exigency means something that is urgent and demanding. In the context of a crime scene, some instances necessitates quick respond by the investigating officers as a way or reducing possible damage on properties and loss of life. Accordingly, those instances do not require crime investigators to possess search warranties. According to Kruse (2016), law enforcers may enter a building or a premise any time as long as they have justifiable prediction concerning criminal hideout and that the situation call for an urgent response.

First, exigence applies in crime scene searches by first weighing whether a situation requires a fast intervention. Through the use of the investigatory expertise, law enforcers applies knowledge and intuition to determine classification of crime scenes and prioritize which requires urge intervention. In the process of making this determination, Kruse (2016) argues that an officer should consider if there exist a need for law enforcement. Secondly one should consider if the situation is very immediate or they should acquire a warranty first.  This is a very important determination before offering intervention in a crime scene a judge will later relay on the condition of the case of the scene to determine is an investigating officer was right to apply exigence approach of not.

Other than classifying the crime scene, an officer should consider the mode of responding to the situation. According to Kruse (2016) criminal investigating officers have a wide range of choices when responding to criminal call. However, strategies...


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