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Assignment 1: Rule and Enforcement

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Importance Of Rule Creators and Enforcers

Impact of rules creator and enforcers on tobacco use

Importance of medical diagnosis for the labeling of Hyperkinesia among children and need of social control


Assignment 1: Rule and Enforcement


Institution Affiliation

Importance Of Rule Creators and Enforcers

Rule creators are referred as fervent, moral crusaders, and righteous individuals who are sensitive to promote their morality and are interested in the content that is viable and used for governing their environment. They continually create new rules because they are not satisfied with some evils which profoundly keep them disturbed. They operate within an ethical framework and believe things cannot run well until rules are set to correct them. They are important in providing a condition for better life. According to Becker (2003), the old rule creators such as Abolitionists were not aiming at preventing the slave owners from doing the wrong things but aimed at providing a better life for the slaves.

With successful creation of new rules, a new set form of enforcement agencies requires being established to ensure the implementation of the new round of rules. The rule enforcers may come in different forms such as political parties, civic groups or police force. Enforcers are not mostly interested in the content of law or rule and don’t criticize the applicability but enforce as it is. They are important in providing a harmonious environment for every individual in the society. They also play a pivotal role in “fixing” the misconduct of the subjects.

Impact of rules creator and enforcers on tobacco use

Rule creators use persuasion tools to combating tobacco deviant behavior. They use moral crusades and awareness aiming to provide a better life for the tobacco users by offering them healthy alternatives. They also create rules that do not favor the consumption by increasing taxation on tobacco products. The society adopts the rule creators’ approach as they reason together in providing a better life. On the other hand, enforcers regulate and implement the tobacco rules and pessimistically attribute human being as willful deviant creatures who cannot operate without rules accompanied by enforcement (Becker, 2003).

Importance of medical diagnosis for the labeling of Hyperkinesia among children and need of social control

Hyperkinesis is a new phenomenon in the category of medical diagnosis. Increased medicalization for hyperkinesia has gained...


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