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One advantage to a national policy that must be implemented by one agency of the federal bureaucracy.

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One advantage to a national policy that must be implemented by one agency of the federal bureaucracy.



One advantage to a national policy that must be implemented by one agency of the federal bureaucracy.

Policy in the Federal bureaucracy allows some power to be left at the dispensation of the state that allows the citizens to vote and air the views. Devon (2014) ascertains that giving various states to maintain its policy creates an opportunity for choosing the procedure that is suitable for their beliefs. The policies made within a state are supposed to be for the citizens of the state. If any person contradicts with this law at the state or within a community level, should have to move to the group of people holding similar points of view. His creates a system where people with concurring values and attitudes come together for community and state development.

One disadvantage to a national policy that must be implemented by one agency of the federal bureaucracy.

No standard monetary consideration exist for funding essential social amenities such as healthcare, and schools in the state. Provision of social amenities and other societal necessities can never be considered at a federal level since they are specific concerns at a state level. Development at a state level will be greatly influenced by this allocation which determines service provision to the state residents. Provision of quality education and healthcare will vary from state to state depending on its population and its composition. States that have a greater revenue contribution to the federal government will enjoy higher allocation compared to those that have minimal participation in annual federal budget creating unfair and unevenly distribution of budget allocation (Amy, 2014).


One option to maintain the advantage of the national policy discussed above.

An opinion that can be recommended to keep the advantage that should be implemented by an agency is to incorporate a state policy inside the administration. System diversity within states brings a non-concurring direction in the implementation of federal bureaucracy for revenue allocation (Devon, 2014). Incorporation of policy in the federal bureaucracy will help in ensuring equal participation of all states to the federal affair. A state upon structuring its policy will get a chance to demonstrate its unique needs that require being addressed differently. A well-informed structure of governance...


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