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Philosophy Major Pre-written Essays for Sale

The Significance of Marijuana Use in Predicting Psychological Problems

Type: Research Proposal   Style: ASA (Follow the sampler. I encourage the use of (Miano, 2019 pg. 12) as much as possible.   Sources: 13. (6 journal articles, 3 books, about 4 websites such as CDC, WHO, etc).   Introduction= 600 words ·         Background of the study 300 ·         Statement of...
11 pages|3025 words|Solution Available NOW| PHILOSOPHY|

The psychological effects of social media

Description:The paper needs to give and explain psychological disorders that can be developedfrom social media. You can use more than one reference but it can't be fromWikipedia.
5 pages|1375 words|Solution Available NOW| PHILOSOPHY|

Protestant And Counter-Reformation

Discuss the relationship between the Protestant and Catholic Reformations, based on chapters in Finley (chapters 7 & 8) and in Placher (chapters 12 & 13), which look at attempts to reform the church. 450-500 words. 15 points. Submit paper on Canvas before class time on due date. The grading rubric...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PHILOSOPHY|

The Philosophy of Respect in a Workplace

The Philosophy of Respect in a Workplace
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PHILOSOPHY|

Postpartum Depression

What causes the Postpartum Depression? Signs of Postpartum Depression Treating Postpartum Depression Effects of Postpartum Depression  
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| PHILOSOPHY|

Philosophy: The Influence of Plato's Monotheistic Religion Theory

Philosophy: The Influence of Plato's Monotheistic Religion Theory
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PHILOSOPHY|

Philosophy Summary Paper

Philosophy Summary Paper
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PHILOSOPHY|

Minimal Libertarianism

Pick either compatibilism or minimal libertarianism and explain it in your own words. Your explanation should be clear, detailed, and accurate and capture the main idea(s) of the theory. You should also explain why the theory is significant. In addition, you should provide a clear example that illustrates to the reader...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| PHILOSOPHY|

Dopamine Dysregulation

Critically discuss evidence that supports dopamine dysregulation in schizophrenia  
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PHILOSOPHY|

Critique Argument Against Positive Psychology

Critique Argument Against Positive Psychology
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| PHILOSOPHY|

Article Review (What Caused the Depression? A New Overview Spreads the Blame)

Over the course of the class, you will be retrieving and evaluating current event articles (in the last 5 years); making connections between the units we are currently studying and today. You will be responsible for finding an online article from a reputable news source. For example, Time.com, USA Today, The New York...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PHILOSOPHY|


Description:Case: John, a 32 year old man complains of generalized anxiety. He describes growing up with a loving mother who was his biggest support person but she died 5 years ago from cancer. This loss is still hard for him. His father is alive and retired. John says that in...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PHILOSOPHY|