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Administrative Ethics in the workplace

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Must describe and identify an ethical problem, 


Clarification of ethical orientation

Define covert and overt moral belief. 

Id an ethical problem being identified, 

Recognizing the incontinency observed between the overt and covert moral beliefs. 
Logical deduction of ethical theories
Rational proposition of ethical cause of action and selection of alternative cause of action.


use of the following text for citations 
1. The responsible administrator An approach to ethics for the administrative role, Cooper T.L
2. Public Administration Ethics for the 21st Century, Martinez, J.M.


Administrative Ethics in the workplace



Companies often priorities the interest of shareholders, so that to increase the market share prices, thus to some extent the interests of the general public are disregarded. It significant to recognize that the element of upholding ethics while on the job can prove to be a quite demanding task. As a result, according to Greenfield et al. (2008), so that to maintain and abide by ethical standards, it is imperative that the parties involved acknowledge where their loyalties lie. For instance, individuals should appreciate the fact that even though their employer is the company they are under the supervision of the head of a department. It is not clear what dictates the ethical values in workplaces; thus most of the time individuals rely on their conscience as well as other reference material as a guide on how to make informed decisions. Besides, administrative professionals are obligated to abide by the Code of Ethics drafted by the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP). Presently, the administrative sector in any institution is being faced with various ethical problems that may result in decision makers compromising ethical values for example, “Pressure to meet unrealistic business objectives/deadlines” (AMA, 2017).

Clarification of ethical orientation

            Ethical orientation refers to the methodology that a person assumes as a guide so that to make informed ethical decisions characterized by proper ethical understanding as well as awareness abiding by the requirements to acknowledge the demands of a professional situation. Administrators so that to avoid being sucked up by the pressure to fulfill certain work-related demands and objectives should adopt ethical orientation so that to improve the ability to make informed decisions. Greenfield et al. (2008) assert that idealism is an element of ethical orientation that violation of moral guidelines can potentially result in good consequences, and relativism, dictates that morality can be interpreted in different ways.

            Besides, administrators are afforded independence in relation to administrative duties as a result of high ethical orientation; as such administrators with greater ethical orientation are highly effective in administrative activities. Administrators are under constant pressure from their bosses to deliver and meet certain objectives, therefore, it is imperative that administrators depict a higher level of interdependence in relation to service delivery. The implementation of ethical consideration has enabled administrators to depict their level of independence regarding decision making through ethical reasoning (Greenfield et al., 2008). Therefore, it is noble to assume that ethical reasoning is influenced by ethical orientation. As a consequence, administrators with higher ethical consideration are more likely to deal well with the situation that they are characterized with a considerable amount of pressure to deliver on certain institutional targets.

Overt and covert moral beliefs

            Overt moral beliefs are described as public beliefs, while on the other hand, covert moral beliefs are termed as private beliefs; as such it is significant to recognize that administrators encounter various situations regarding their moral beliefs. For that reason, it is considered moral and acceptable for administrators to be...


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