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Reinforcing New Ethical Behaviors

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Reflect on the logical steps of effective change implementation. If you have not already done so, read Spector’s Four Steps in your textbook. Here they are below, as well. Step 1—Redesign considers alternative patterns of behavior. Step 2—Training and development helps employees acquire required new skills and behaviors. Step 3—In order to ensure that organizations have employees with required competencies and work behaviors, leadership and management need to reevaluate employee training and development processes. Step 4—Organizational leaders reinforce the new behaviors through the “hardwiring” of the organization; structures, systems, and technologies. 


Answer the following questions: 

·  Discuss the advantages of including structures, systems, and technology as part of an organizational change plan after the change rather than before. 

·  Consider whether the organizational change starts with employees or with systems. 

·              -Discuss the impacts on employee behavior when organizational leaders introduce a new organizational change model.  


Reinforcing New Ethical Behaviors




Organizational change can be divided into two; change premeditated and implemented to spur growth or adopt new ethical behaviors and change that is brought about by circumstances. Malik (2014) asserts that the Spector's Four Steps play a significant role in effective change implementation as they provide a sequential framework that supports the analysis and application of the organizational change in a given context. The process of reinforcing new ethical behaviours in an organisation requires the incorporation of systems, structures and technology that are designed to aid the application of plans for change. Adopting new ethical practices is a complex process, but it does not have to be if an organisation plans and prepare accordingly.

Presently, change has become a well-appreciated phenomenon the modern-day organisational context. Managers, hence, have to acknowledge the advantages of including technology, systems, and structures as part of an organisational change plan after the implementation phase rather than before (Malik, 2014).  The inclusion of these factors helps in dealing with the anticipated challenges as they help in responding to the problems that come up after the transition. Besides, according to Welsh and Ordonez (2014), the incorporation of technology and systems helps in the reduction of the incurred costs. After the application of the change plan, the right technological structure reduces the inefficiencies and waste thus avoiding costs that may affect the attainment of the ultimate goals and objectives.

Welsh and Ordonez (2014) assert that organizational change starts with the individual employees rather systems. To successfully reinforce new ethical behaviour then the process of change should be initiated with individuals. Employees first have to show signs of commitment before systems, structures and technology supporting change can be incorporated in an organisation. Various studies have revealed that at the introduction of a change plan less than 20 per cent of the employees embrace it immediately (Malik, 2014). Over 25 per cent oppose the implementation of change while over 50 per cent depicts signs of uncertainty. The employees who are hesitant can jeopardise the change plan, however, with the right activities they commit to the process.

The implementation of new organisational models impacts the behaviour of individual employees in different ways. According to Welsh and Ordonez (2014), the change efforts made by organisational leaders are affected by the behaviour...


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