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A Contemporary Moral Issue: Whistle Blowing

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This is the assignment: a contemporary moral issue in our society and apply the ethical principle of Utilitarianism to approve and be in favor of this moral issue. You must pick a moral issue that you strongly agree with and apply the utilitarian claims to back up your arguments. In addition, you must apply Bentham's Felicific Calculus. Not applying Utilitarianism or the Felicific Calculus results in an automatic F. Utilitarianism is the ethical theory that the moral worth of an action is only determined by its contribution to overall utility. It is thus a form of consequentialism, meaning that the moral worth of an action is determined by its outcome-the ends justifies the means.


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A Contemporary Moral Issue: Whistle Blowing

Whistle blowing as a morality issue has attracted a lot of debate as it involves exposing or revealing of unethical secrets involving a government or a company. According to Busopeng (23), for the concerned party, whistle blowing results in a dilemma. In different quarters, whistle blowing is regarded as dangerous as the practice involves exposure of another part to public scrutiny or judicial processes. However, whistle blowing is necessary because it exposes inappropriate conduct. It fosters honesty into business operations leading enhanced success. Employees remain dedicated to achieving the objectives of an organization due to the presence of honesty. The encouragement of whistle blowing culture will ensure that organization promotes transparency. Clients to an organization will also feel protected. Various ethical principles such as utilitarianism and Bentham Felicific Calculus have supported the fact surrounding whistle blowing albeit with some limitations.

Whistle blowing is approved by the ethical principle of utilitarianism if only it will be beneficial to a significant number of people. If at all the act of whistle blowing will result into adversity to a substantial amount of people, for example, resulting into the loss of jobs then the act should not be entertained as it will lead to suffering. Busopeng (25) asserts that the utilitarianism principle is built on the foundation that an action should be beneficial to a more significant number of people. Therefore, an action is only viable if it will bring about good consequences because an action that is harmful results in adverse consequences. This ethical principle supports the assertion that action is viable if it creates more happiness. Whistle blowing is often an essential tool that results in a higher number of individuals attaining benefiting due to the exposure of misconduct.

Besides, the ethical principle of Bentham’s Felicific Calculus also supports whistle blowing. The principle dictates that an action should be determined if it is right or wrong by considering the pleasures and pains that may result from it being undertaken. The action should be analyzed...


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