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Landlord-Tenant Law in Michigan

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Businesspeople encounter many legal issues beyond the topics covered in a typical Business Law course. This report gives you the opportunity to explore an additional legal topic that has potential application to your business career. Select a legal topic from this list: Landlord-Tenant Law in Michigan Write a report about your topic. The report must be at least four pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, and standard margins. Your sources list (see below) is not credited toward the report′s page count. A cover page is not required and will not be credited toward the page count. Your report should contain the following content. Answer the career-application question, How is knowledge of this area of law useful to your particular career field? Be specific and provide details here. Discuss at least three subtopics related to your topic. For example, if your report were on intellectual property (not an acceptable report topic because it′s in the textbook), your three subtopics might be trademarks, patents, and copyrights. You get to personalize your report to match your research interests. Use and cite at least three sources. Business Law at WCC and Wikipedia are not acceptable sources for this outside research project. Other law textbooks, casebooks, law-firm websites, business books, and legal websites (such as Avvo and Findlaw) are acceptable sources. 


Landlord-Tenant Law in Michigan

Student’s Name

In Michigan, landlord-tenant law protects persons against social ills such as exploitation. Once an individual becomes a tenant, the landlord must maintain the unit through constant repairs, making it habitable. The law demands that at the beginning of a tenancy, landlords must provide occupants with inventory checklists to let both parties to recognize pre-existing damages before the commencement of a rental term. A person can request for an inventory list from a previous tenant to determine the deduction rate on security deposits following losses. At the end of a rental terms, landlords must issue tenants with a list outlining damages caused, and they must return all or part of the security deposit with 30 days after a person vacates a unit. Under Michigan law, legislations protect parties within the landlord-tenant relationship.

In this paper, I will focus on three different subtopics; (a) security deposit, (b) tenancy, and (3) subleasing. All these subtopics are essential as they summarize rights and responsibilities in rental relationships.


The landlord-tenant law is feasible for my report since it is relevant to my personal and career development as a major in Property Development. I purpose to start a property agency in Downtown Detroit that will construct and acquire at least 20 units, eventually leasing them to interested parties. However, I only possess basic knowledge concerning the rental relationships; for that reason, it is my goal to accumulate adequate knowledge regarding laws and legislation protecting rights and privileges of both tenants and landlords. As an enthusiast of property development, insights regarding creation and termination of rental terms are relevant within my career choice as they will spur success.


Under Michigan law, a security deposit is any refundable amount or any prepayment of rent other than the initial rental payment. Some property owners demand that tenants pay both the first and last month's rent before the beginning of a tenancy, in this case, the later becomes a security deposit (Phillips & Miller, 2018). In some areas, the Michigan Legislature (2017) reported that property owners require renters to provide additional charges to cater for credit checks. While these fees do not qualify as a security deposit, if they are otherwise refundable, Michigan law considers them as security deposit (Hatch, 2017). All of these descriptions explain what exactly tenants and landlords should recognize as security deposit. Not only does the law define a security deposit, but it also outlines its recovery process.

At the end of a tenancy period deposit, a tenant can only claim a security deposit if he or she provide a landlord with an address but in writing. According to D’Amato (2016), without receiving a forwarding address, then a property owner is under no obligation to make arrangements for providing the security deposit. Upon receiving a forwarding address, Evans and Porter (2015) postulated that landlords must return all or part of the money within 30 days after a leaseholder vacates a unit. If a landlord keeps part of the deposit, they must furnish the tenant with an inventory list of damages and expected costs of repairs (Hatch, 2017). Landlord-tenant law stipulates the recovery process of a security deposit.


Michigan law outlines the different types of tenancies...


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