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Research question : are juveniles from NYC being physically abused in the prison system?

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Professor Davis

CRJ 204

5/9/21Research Question: Are juveniles from NYC physically abused in the prison system?

Three participants:

1.      Juvenile Counselor (New York Juvenile Prison)

2.      Prison Warden (New York Juvenile Prison)

3.      NYPD officer


Proposed Questions

Questions to Juvenile Counselor (New York Juvenile Prison)

1.      What interactions lead to physical abuse among juvenile inmates in New York juvenile prison?

2.      Does physical abuse lead to mental disorders among the abused inmates?

3.      Why is physical abuse prevalent in most juvenile prisons?

4.      Are high cases of physical abuse among juvenile inmates linked to their childhood development?

5.      What can the government do to stop physical abuse among juvenile inmates?


Questions to Prison Warden

1.      Have you ever witnessed any physical abuse in this prison?

2.      What leads to such physical abuse among juvenile inmates?

3.      What is the first step you take when you realize that a juvenile inmate has been physically abused?

4.      What do you do to the perpetrator (abusers of juvenile inmates)?

5.      Do you think the prison management is doing enough to prevent these physical abuses?


Questions to NYPD officer

1.      New York is one of the states with high rates of juvenile crimes; why is this happening?

2.      There have been many reports regarding high juvenile abuse rates in New York juvenile prisons. What has been the main cause of this?

3.      As the police department officer, which step has this department taken in response to this issue?

4.      As a police department, is the government doing enough to prevent juvenile inmates from physical abuse?

5.      What effects does physical abuse among juvenile inmates on your department?    




CRJ 204



Research Question: Are juveniles from NYC being physically abused in the prison system?

Three participants:

1.      Juvenile Counselor (New York Juvenile Prison)

2.      Prison Warden (New York Juvenile Prison)

3.      NYPD officer

The rationale for involving these participants

It is important to involve the Juvenile Counselor because they are trained to interact with teenagers (juvenile inmates) and learn their physical and emotional needs. A Juvenile Counselor is also specialized in mental health areas, such as ADHD and child abuse, hence their involvement in this research will be vital. The Juvenile Counselor’s information will be of great benefit in this research because they will give accurate information about the juvenile (inmates) from how they look to how they think because that is their area of specialization. I expect detailed information about why juveniles in this prison undergo abuse and their mental and physical health effects.

On the other, the prison warden will be involved because he or she takes care of these juveniles in prison. The inclusion of this person in the research will be vital because they will give firsthand...


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