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The Filibuster in Mexico

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Please review the following five questions and choose three to complete in essay format.  Feel free to cite any book, article or video utilized or referenced in the class.  Be

sure to answer in complete paragraphs and be clear in your writing.  Answers should be single spaced.  Each answer should not exceed one page in length. Mid-Term exam is due on Friday, April 1st at 3pm.  I highly recommend utilizing videos we have seen during class.

Question 1:    Discuss the role of slavery in motivating the Euro-American Texas filibusters.  Analyze who was to blame for the Mexican American War. Identify what Mexico lost and what the United States gained as a result of the war.  

Question 2:  Explain the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and its lasting effect on relations between Mexico and the United States.  Describe the status of Mexicans after the border shifted north, and how the transformation of the region affected them.

Question 3:  Analyze the economic motives behind the Gadsden Purchase.  What was the role of the railroad in the industrialization of Arizona?  What are some of the

struggles of Mexican laborers for equality through unions and mutual aid societies? 

Question 4:  How is Mexican Independence, celebrate each year on September 16th connected to Los Angeles?  What were some notable treaties in Los Angeles regarding

the U.S. Mexico War?  Who were some important persons in Los Angeles on the Mexican side and on the American side?  

Question 5:  The author describes the social and political struggles of Chicana/os in the 1960’s through the 1980’s and current times?  Connect some of the struggles through the last several centuries to some of the struggles and how they may or may not affect you?  Please be specific and offer dates when possible and necessary.


The Filibuster in Mexico

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Question One

The filibusters were hoping for new slave states, which caused an expansion of the American Empire of slavery. Their belief that having slaves and the annexed land would mean that the whites were superior and this made the filibusters be more motivated to pressure their actions. Slavery was strong in the south, unlike in the north, which advocated for paid labor. The southern imperialists had many ways to push for the creation of a very strong slave empire in America, and these could be achieved through the hand of the filibusters (Wawro & Schickler, 2013). The term “Filibuster” the people being referred to as such were the people who were having legislator delaying tactic. The term, after being coined, meant the buccaneers who stole the riches that were claimed by the Spaniards in the "New" word. The term got a new meaning referring to adventurers who were trying to assume power in Latin American and Caribbean countries without the consent of the American authority. One of the ardent filibusters was Narciso Lopez. These filibusters were groups of individual people who believed that the institution of slavery and the annexation of more land for America would be important. Filibusters were actively leading unofficial military operations with the intention of seizing land from foreign countries without the consent of the American government. These Filibusters were actively seeking new land annexations for Americans, and this resulted in the demand for more slaves to work in these lands. These actions had direct reciprocation behavior worth the availability of these slaves, making the filibusters seek more annexation.

The Mexican-American were can only be blamed on President James K. Polk, who was much determined to fulfill Manifest Destiny. The decision by the President to stage war in a foreign country and it being the first one of its kind, meant that the President was determined to fulfill Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny was a coined doctrine in the 19th century that held the belief that the expansion of the United States through the American continent was inevitable and justified. James K. Polk pursued this doctrine in his determination to conquer Mexico. The Mexican–Americans have benefited the United States since they acquired the new territory from Mexico, while the Mexicans lost a third of their territory to the united states.  


Question Two

The Mexican-American war came to an end after the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo on February 2, 1848, at Guadalupe Hidalgo in Mexico. This time the Government of Mexico had fled with the advance of the United States forces. The Mexicans were defeated, their city of Mexico had fallen, and the government was left with the only option of surrendering and initiating negotiations with the United States. The peace talks were led by Nicholas Trist, accompanied by general Scott as president representative and a diplomat. The war and the signing of the treaty led to a loss of 525 000 square miles of Mexican land to the United States (Del Castillo,1992). The treaty extended the bounders of...


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