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Misuse of the Liberty to Possess and Own Guns in the U.S. and Effects of the Issue

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Misuse of the Liberty to Possess and Own Guns in the U.S. and Effects of the Issue


 (This is the topic I created. Your paper MUST be based on it and make no changes.)

Research Paper Guidelines

Purpose and Audience: This project is a thoroughly researched, thesis-driven, argumentative essay that demonstrates competence in both research and composition. The audience is a diverse group of people, most of whom know relatively little about the topic and are neutral or slightly skeptical of your position.

Content: This essay must be a thesis-driven argument(based on the topic above) that uses a variety of authoritative sources to defend a clear stance on a specific issue. The essay’s title should be engaging and informative, and the essay should have an identifiable introduction, body, and conclusion.

( Read my uploaded file named Outline&Annotated Bibliography  . You will find there is an outline which is just used for this paper. Please use it to structure your paper. However, you can decide the details of the paper by yourself even though the outline is provided. I mean, you don’t need to 100% follow the outline. )


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Misuse of the Liberty to Possess and Own Guns in the U.S. and Effects of the Issue

1.0 Introduction

            Violence is a norm in different social settings in the world, with the United States representing one of the most significant nations with the highest number of reported cases on gun misuse. As a result, American society experiences an intense national debate on rifle possession and ownership control issues. It stems from the recent cases of abuse of the freedom to own firearms that have resulted in an increased number of casualties due to armed robberies, homicides, and other forms of gun-related violence. Gun ownership is a highly controversial topic that many justify it using the Second Amendment; however, the majority of those in possession of firearms misuse this provision of law. Misapplication of the autonomy to personalize assault weapons entail abuse of the freedom to personalize firearms and controlling the issues of ownership of rifles and lead to armed-theft, mass killings, and homicides.

                Technological development has provided a platform for enhanced exchange of information; as a consequence, news on the abuse of the freedom of gun-ownership spread quickly. Today, in the United States, rifle ownership and the anarchy it creates attracts divergent opinions. Gun violence is on the rise since the United States “has an estimated 270 million civilian-owned firearms…….(up from 230 million in 2001), which translates to 89 guns for every 100 people” (Densley and Jillian 11). Consequently, weapons create crimes that let “more than 90 Americans a day to die by gunfire and breaks down to 21,386 suicides, 11,008 homicides, and 1,200 accidental deaths or other” (Densley and Jillian 15). Additionally, more people continue lose their lives due to gun-linked crimes. These statistics show the abuse of the right to own and possess guns has created a wide range of social problems in American communities.

2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Research Gaps

Preceding research done by Metzl and MacLeish explores how mental health influences gun violence. Kass supports this study by investigating the negligent gun control legislation, and mental strength problems that result in young people committing mass shootings. These authors fail to investigate the challenges and effects of the abuse of the right to firearm possession in American society. All of these inconsistencies highlight the gap in research on the issues of firearm ownership (Spitzer). For that reason, this essay focuses on how the misuse of freedom possess and own guns contributes to the increase in firearm linked ferocity. It fulfills this objective by quoting different academic journals and books that explore the pitfalls behind the increasing cases of gunfire deaths due to mass shootings, homicides, armed robberies, and so on. The subject of firearm anarchy fuels debate among the social and political classes; however, it is clear that it remains an unexploited study area.

2.2 Emerging Issues

            The challenge of gun violence is multi-faceted and engrained on the conduct of American people, and so, the topic creates emerging issues on possession of normal rifles and the rise in crime rates. People who support gun ownership cite the provisions of the Second Amendment and the increasing rate of crime as the reason why they should possess firearms. In his book, Reducing Gun Violence in America: Informing Policy with Evidence and Analysis, Bloomberg investigates proof behind the increased calls for less strict gun control legislation. He concludes that emerging issues inform the decision of more individuals to own guns. The level of insecurity as well as other social problems makes more individuals resort to gun ownership for them to feel safe. As a consequence, over the past decade, these emerging trends have contributed to the increase in the efforts of more Americans to obtain guns.

2.3 Importance of Study

The paper is relevant to the government as it identifies the abuse of the right to ownership of guns, which results in homicide, forceful theft, mass killings, and gang wars. Levine, Goldzweig, Kilbourne, and Juarez explain that firearm possession is a contentious subject in the United States political arena since people continue to suffer injuries and die of gun violence. For the federal authorities to institute significant policy changes, Bloomberg illuminates that they should reflect on the issues that result in the misuse of personalized firearms. The government has to recognize the effects of abuse of the freedom to endure arms and controlling the issue of ownership of assault weapons on American society.  With adequate studies and research, it will create policies that will manage both the upside and downside of having an armed society.

3.0 Methodology

3.1 Research Materials

            The essay relies on secondary data to support the arguments on the abuse of the right to ownership of firearms as well as their effects in the United States. The scholarly journals cited in this work represent well-documented and analyzed information compiled by other academicians in various subjects that relate to the topic phenomenon. For example, in their article, while exploring the issues of firearm anarchy in the United States, Densely and Jillian explores the deep-lying implications of having an armed community. In contrast, in his book, discussing the issues of misconception about firearms, Henigan justifies the need for Americans to own and possess guns. He elucidates that the government should manage gun violence through policies, but not via the violation of the provisions...


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