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Summary of a News Article Concerning Budget Issue

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English (U.S.)
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Step 1: Review Resources: Internet, School Library


Step 2: Find a recent media or news article on the Internet concerning budget issues that law enforcement or other public sector agency is currently facing. Your assignment must be based on the article and the agency in financial/budget turmoil and not on general themes.


Step 3: Write a 700- word paper where you:


  • Include an Introduction passage to the paper previewing all of the paper's requirements (listed below):


  • Give a summary of the article


  • Outline the type of operating budget utilized by the chosen agency


  • Discuss challenges faced by leaders in the article in working through the budget issues
  • Summarize how you as a criminal justice leader would work through the specified budgetary issue you outlined

 Provide a Conclusion to the paper recapping all of the paper's major points (listed above) 

Step 4: Include at least two academic sources in your paper, including one from the school Library.

 Step 5: Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines to include, at a minimum, the APA cover page, Introduction, level headers/titles for each required assignment discussion point, Conclusion, and Reference page.


Summary of a News Article Concerning Budget Issue

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Summary of a News Article Concerning Budget Issue

There has been an increase in the number of cases of police brutality and which has been attributed to various reasons. There is also the growth in the quest by the public to defund police in an attempt to control the behavior. The article, “Cities Say They Want to Defund the Police. Their Budgets Say Otherwise.” It is an article that written in response to a cry by the public to defund the police over the killing of George Floyd. The rallying has gained a lot of weight in the last months with a lot of political realities with major cities in the United States not willing to effect meaningful cuts. Almost the top 50 United States cities initiated the reduced 2021 police budgets by an average of 5.2 percent on law-enforcement expenditures, although a share of the general expenditure increased from 13.6 percent to 13.7 percent. A...


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