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Research "is gun control an effective way to control
crime?" and write an argument paper. in writing this
1)make a narrow and clearly defined claim (statement of
your position)
2) support that position with valid reasons and
supporting evidence;
3) fairly and accurately acknowledge opposing views and
limitations of your position.
4) In this paper, you must avoid plagiarism by fully and
correctly citing your sources both within the paper with in-text citations and
at the end of the paper with a MLA Works Cited page.
5) Carefully consider other positions. Accurately and fairly present opposing
viewpoints and provide viable counterarguments to acknowledge, refute, or find
common ground with the other positions. Use convincing support for each argument
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Is gun control an effective way to
control crime?
has been a raging debate between proponents and opponents concerning the
regulation of gun ownership (Parker, 715). The increased cases of occasional
gun-related incidents or crime rates have resulted in the calls to establish
stricter gun control policies. This situation is serious to the safety of
Americans and for that reason deserves serious consideration. Gun-control
advocates provide various arguments that support their stance that both the
federal and state governments should regulate gun ownership. This situation
should pave the way for the reduction of gun-related violence, for example,
violent crime can be reduced if guns are taken away from criminals. Gun control
legislation remains to be an effective way of controlling crime.
reduce the crime rate and mass shootings then gun control legislation should be
implemented. Manier asserts that running background checks under the Brady Bill
between 1994 and 2014 has reduced the percentage of gun-related suicides and
murders by 27% and 22% respectively since criminals were blocked from
purchasing guns. After the repealing of the permit-to-purchase law in Missouri
in August 2007, research conducted by the National
Center for Health Research concluded that there was an above 55% increase in the
reported cases of gun-related homicides (Manier). The rescinding of the
permit-to-purchase law led to the implementation of the “Stand Your Ground" law that justified the use of guns in the
cases of self-defense. Subsequently, these circumstances increased the rates of
homicides even when the deaths attributed to the law were put under
considerations. These statistics
underline the effectiveness of gun control in reducing the rates of gun-related
Gun control is an effective way of controlling gun-related violence. The United States has the highest total and per capita number in the world when it comes to individual gun ownership. According to, between 1982 and 2012 in at least 50% of 62 high-profile mass shootings, the assailant(s) used high capacity magazines. The ownership and access to high capacity magazines have raised gun-related injuries by 156% due to increased senseless gun violence. Gun control advocates...