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Revisiting How we Penalize Perpetrators of Child Abuse and Sexual Assault

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Revisiting How we Penalize Perpetrators of Child Abuse and Sexual Assault


Revisiting How we Penalize Perpetrators of Child Abuse and Sexual Assault

More often than not, most child-abuse and sexual assault cases go unheard and if the society gets a chance to uncover such atrocities, the perpetrators get away with it. In such cases, the offended is left wondering whether justice exists in the contemporary society or the law is simply a toothless dog that does not bite. I have always wondered what motivates an offender to feel so comfortable getting ways with a crime after assaulting an innocent minor in whatever manner.

I recall vividly when I was seven years of age. I might have said this story to some readers of this article, however, I do not feel I have told enough, just because, maybe I was expecting more justice than what I was offered after my sexual abuse ordeal. The first person I entrusted with my story was my elder brother, who then notified my mom about what had transpired. Human service workers came and investigated the case and it was heard in Queens Family Court since the perpetrator was under the age of 18 years at the time of incidence and trial. I was very determined to see him being punished to be a lesson for any other reckless human being who takes advantage of minors. I believed that was the only way to reduce my bitterness, or maybe I was just too young to know right from wrong.

The incidence kept ringing in my mind and after several years, I asked my mother what happened to the offender. I was shocked to see the pain in my mother eyes as she wept and responded in a soft tone. “I wanted him to receive the help that he needed so that he would not treat another little girl the same way.” She continued and said that sometimes we have to lose to change the life and everyone requires a second chance. Now I understand what motivated my mother to forgive and forget the incidence. She believed in healing and redemption and knew that perpetrator was just too ignorant of consequences of such as action. Maybe that is the same reason I have witnessed increased cases of unreported sexual abuse and a high number of unpunished perpetrators roaming around our cities.

But the big question is; what type of justice is good enough for...


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