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Jon Benet Ramsey

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English (U.S.)
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The events:  what is known for sure to have happened;  important facts; circumstances leading up to the events.

2. The investigation:  the police investigation;  use your knowledge of investigations to critique how the police handled the case.  What leads were generated?  Who handled the crime scene?  How was it handled?  Who did the police focus on? 

3. The evidence, including the scientific evidence:  What analyses were done; what was it said to show;  your impressions of how the evidence was handled;  how it might have been handled differently today. 

4. The trial (if there was one) and the post-trial events:  look into how the trial was conducted; the outcome; and give your impressions of how the justice system operated in the case.



JonBenet Ramsey


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JonBenet Ramsey


In the morning of the day after Christmas in 1996, Patsy Ramsey learned that her 6-year daughter-Jon Benet Ramsey was missing. The child's mother discovered she was missing after encountering a ransom note in the family's Boulder home. The girl's father, John, was a wealthy business executive, while her mother, Patsy, was former Miss West Virginia (Berman, Martinez-Ramundo, & Pearson, 2021). Upon discovering his daughter was missing, John called the police and informed them about the incident. The search for the missing child began almost immediately, and her body was found in the basement later on the same day. There were no signs that to inform what exactly could have killed the young girl. However, the Coroner maintained that the child had died of asphyxia strangulation, and autopsy later poured out that she had been bound and struck violently in the head, resulting in massive bleeding an 8.5-inch fracture to her skull.

The parents of the child claimed to receive a three-page long ransom that demanded them to surrender a total of $180,000 to get their daughter back safe. The note stated that the kidnappers were to call them 8 am-10 am to instruct how and where the ransom was to be placed in order to secure the safe return of the kind. However, police and parents waited for the call, but no call came through. According to the claim, the ransom was received six hours before the girl's found dead later on the same day. After finding the girl's dead body, police began an investigation immediately to determine the immediate cause of the child's death. Many people, including family friends and girl's bother were suspected to have occasioned her death, but the parents...


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