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Literature Major Pre-written Essays for Sale

Chanting Down Babylon

Chanting Down Babylon
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Poetry Explication and Analysis Essay

Poetry Explication and Analysis Essay
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Battery and Assault Case Study

Battery and Assault Case Study
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Compare and Contrast John Winthrop, John Smith and William Bradford as Historians and as Literary Writers - APA

Compare and Contrast John Winthrop, John Smith and William Bradford as Historians and as Literary Writers - APA
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Artist Page: Vincent Van Gosh

Artist Page: Vincent Van Gosh
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Attitude of Gratitude: Morning and Night Gratitude Practice

Attitude of Gratitude: Morning and Night Gratitude Practice
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Applying concepts of Qi and Prana Journal

Applying concepts of Qi and Prana JournalRole of Qi and Prana in balancing one's health wellness.Similarities between Qi and PranaDifferences between Qi and PranaHow I can apply them in my health journey
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Annotated Bibliography: Symbiosis Between Remora and Shark

Annotated Bibliography: Symbiosis Between Remora and Shark
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

O.J. Simpson

O.J. Simpson
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

All Lives Matter Poem

All Lives Matter Poem
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Battle of Saratoga

Battle of Saratoga
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Battle of Saratoga

Battle of Saratoga
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Being a Stranger in a Strange Land

Being a Stranger in a Strange Land
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Self-Evaluation Essay

 Discuss about what you did in this class to claim your education or to “act” rather than be “acted upon”. In other word, how were you personally responsible for your success in this course? Be sure to consider more than your grade. Identify at least one specific way you improved...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Characters Comparison: Jig and Louise

Characters Comparison: Jig and Louise
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Godfather′s Death

Read godfather′s death and write an commentary.  Example: After reading through the short story Godfather Death, I can say that I found the story simple yet intriguing, and I enjoyed it very much. An interesting aspect I noticed was the characterization of the doctor(the Godson). There is not too much character...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Where I am from’ by Frantz

You are required to write 2-page responses based on weekly reading assignments. To fulfill this assignment, you are required to write at least one quote/ excerpt from the week’s reading and then explain why you find it compelling, interesting, important, or perhaps problematic. See course schedule for due dates. These...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Reading Response: Beck

Reading Response: Beck
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Notification Essay: Love

Use at least 1 (preferably more) piece of nonfiction from our literature book as a source in relation to your chosen research topic. Explore your topic within the realm of this piece of non-fiction. Display your analysis of the piece itself and its inner workings (provide any of all of...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Persuasive Text Analysis Paper

Students will write a 5-6 page paper in APA style that will analyze a persuasive text (for example: speech, Public Service Announcement script, patriotic song lyrics, etc.). The paper will focus primarily on ways in which the arguments present in the text shape public discourse and influence civic life. The Persuasive Text...
5 pages|1375 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Neuro-Economic Simulation

Select one person in your life (friend, colleague, relative, classmate, or whoever is convenient) and ask them to watch a brief video. Play the same video for them: https://youtu.be/vJG698U2Mvo Afterwards, ask whether they noticed the gorilla. If they did notice it, dhow were they able to? Did they still get...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s NestInstructions: Choose 1 out of the 3 topics and write a full 2 page response.   You may write more than 2 pages.  The response is informal and you may use first person.  It is your own opinion, but you do need to back up what...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Nomination speech script

In this speech, students will nominate a person or a company for an award.   Note:  You should not choose an award this person has already won.  He or she can be nominated for the award but ultimately lost out to someone else (in which case you would make the argument...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Literature Analysis of “Stopping by Woods on A Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost

Literature Analysis of “Stopping by Woods on A Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

'Happy valentines' by Azita Ghahreman.

'Happy valentines' by Azita Ghahreman. 
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Covid-19 New Article Analysis and Application in Leadership

Covid-19 New Article Analysis and Application in Leadership
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Transformation of The Man’s Attitude in To Build a Fire

Transformation of The Man’s Attitude in To Build a Fire
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Leadership Strengths for Education; Patch Adams with Robin Williams

Leadership Strengths for Education; Patch Adams with Robin Williams
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Training School for Negro Girls

Training School for Negro Girls
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

You Are Not a Kind of a Person to Be Here

You Are Not a Kind of a Person to Be Here
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Book Review: The Orenda by Joseph Boyden

Book Review: The Orenda by Joseph Boyden
7 pages|1925 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Book Review: The Orenda By Joseph Boyden

Book Review: The Orenda By Joseph Boyden
5 pages|1375 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Response Essay: Themes in Tartuffe

Response Essay: Themes in Tartuffe
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Classification Essay: Types of Characters

Classification Essay: Types of Characters
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Analysis of Jamaica Kincaid′s ″Girl″

Analysis of Jamaica Kincaid′s ″Girl″·      Relationship Between Mother and Daughter·      Perception of Women in the Past Versus Today·      Points on Girl Child·      Conclusion
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Comparing and Contrasting the Play Leash and The Right to Remain

Comparing and Contrasting the Play Leash and The Right to Remain
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Book Report: It's All in Your Head

Book Report: It's All in Your Head
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Reflective Essay Assignment: Odyssey

Reflective Essay Assignment: Odyssey
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

How Scott Fitzgerald Uses Symbolism in The Great Gatsby to Develop His Themes

How Scott Fitzgerald Uses Symbolism in The Great Gatsby to Develop His Themes
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Victorian Poetry Essay: Relationships

Victorian Poetry Essay: Relationships
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Frankenstein's Novel

Frankenstein's Novel
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|


2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

500 Words Speech

500 Words Speech
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Malthus and His Ghost" and "Story of Stuff

Malthus and His Ghost" and "Story of Stuff
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

OUTLINE: Madame Bovary Novel Analysis

OUTLINEMadame Bovary Novel Analysis
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Hamlet’s Choices and Consequences in the Face of Pandemic

Hamlet’s Choices and Consequences in the Face of Pandemic
5 pages|1375 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Why Dickens Uses Biblical and Agriculture Illustrations

Why Dickens Uses Biblical and Agriculture Illustrations
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Short Story Analysis-‘Use of Conflict in Bernice Bobs Her Hair’

Short Story Analysis-‘Use of Conflict in Bernice Bobs Her Hair’
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Theme of Silence- In the ‘River of Names’

Theme of Silence- In the ‘River of Names’
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Challenges in Synthesizing Literature

Challenges in Synthesizing Literature
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Characters Comparison: Jig and Louise

Characters Comparison: Jig and Louise
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Movie Review: Reflection Paper “Heads Up Video”

Movie Review: Reflection Paper “Heads Up Video”
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Perception of English Contrast

Perception of English Contrast
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Sophocles’ Theatrical Career and Contribution

Sophocles’ Theatrical Career and Contribution
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Discussion Post: Godfather′s Death

Discussion Post and Reply on Godfather′s Death
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Flesh-Fiction, Magical Realism Story

Flesh-Fiction, Magical Realism Story
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Sandlin’s Presentation on Work and Life Balance

Sandlin’s Presentation on Work and Life Balance
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Alienation: Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin

the story is the story of an hour by kate chopinDiscuss the theme of alienation from society in any of the stories and/or plays in our textbook that we've read. How does the story or play you've chosen deal with this theme? What is the author (or authors, if you're dealing...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Social Issues- Using the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals

Essay #2 – ENGL 121 AssignmentDana BlankLansing Community CollegeOnlineSubject:  Social Issues- Using the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals After reading Chapter 10 in Let’s Talk prepare to write a report using an SDG (Sustainable Development Goal) that you are interested in.A)   You’ll see a chart posted of the the SDG’s.  This...
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Argumentative Emails

Argumentative EmailsParameters for the email:The email is to be in the format shown in the Example & Exercise shown on this website: Formal Complaint Email (Links to an external site.) http://www.blairenglish.com/exercises/emails/exercises/email_complaint/email_complaint.html The email needs to be no more than 300 words long.Acceptable fonts are: Ariel, Calibri, and Times New RomanFont Size is 12You may use first...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Analyse Reading: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Purple Hibiscus (2003), pp. 89-161

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Purple Hibiscus (2003), pp. 89-1611)Choose a paragraph or short passage from the attached file. (from page 89-161)2)Copy it into a separate document and cite the page number in parentheses.3) Then, analyze (or break down) what specific words, images, sounds, or other devices seem important, and why. How does the passage reflect or...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Community Coherence

Please watch the PowerPoint lecture and respond to the questions.https://youtu.be/Qqa57AFGj7U1. How do communities build narratives? Please provide an example of a type of community narrative-whether it be familial, societal, political, etc.2. How does this narrative improve/hinder community-functioning?
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Discussion post on Edgar Allen Poes: “The Cask of Amontillado”

Why is the first-person narration of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado” particularly well chosen? How might the short story be different if it were told from Fortunato's 's point of view or that of a third-person narrator? In what ways might either of these options change the work...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Irony in “The story of an Hour” by Cate Chopin

In a Word Document:--This essay will be 750-1000 words, double-spaced.--You need not include secondary sources. I am interested in YOUR thoughts about the chosen topic.--Quote from the story (or stories) to support your analysis, but do not overwhelm your essay with too many quotations.--Remember that it is to be an...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Rhetorical Analysis: “A Change is Gonna Come” by Sam Cooke

Before you can start writing your essay, you first need to do a close reading of your song's lyrics.  I suggest printing out a copy so that you can make notes (also called annotating the text).  Remember that your purpose with the essay is to show how the artist set...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Elizabeth Bishop: Confessional Poetry Poetic Style

ENG 106: Writing Strategies -- Research EssayWeek 6 and 7 lectures have included guidelines and suggestions for the research essay. Here is an assignment document in addition. For your research essay, the minimum number of sources is two: a primary source of Bishop’s (such as a poem), and a secondary...
5 pages|1375 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Discussion on Othello Play by William Shakespeare

-At the beginning of 3.3 (Act 3 Scene 3) Othello is completely in love with Desdemona. By the end of that scene, 530 lines later, Othello is ready to murder her for having an affair with Cassio. How have we gone from the firs Discussion week 5.docx Othello edit.mp4t position to the...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Process Essay: Drought preparedness

Write a 2-page process essay on one type of natural hazard, describing how residents of an affected city can prepare for it. (See pages 94-96 of the Pathways 3 text for more details).Your paper should include:…an introduction, which includes a “hook,” 2 or 3 general statements and a Thesis statement,…two (or more) body paragraphs; each with topic sentences and supporting details,...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Trifles, Frankenstein, ‘Big Two-Hearted River, Parts I and II,’ and ‘Two

Read the topic below; write a well-organized essay that respondsto the topic directly, argues a clearly stated thesis, and makesreference to specific textual passages.1. The works that we have been reading all explore courage inresponse to difficult situations. Consider various definitions ofcourage and survival in the following texts: Ceremony, Trifles,Frankenstein,...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

How the Greek Concepts of Arête, Hubris, Ate, and Nemesis characterize Oedipus as a Tragic Hero?

Directions: Write a well-developed critical analysis essay of at least five extended paragraphs (two to three full pages). Follow MLA Guidelines when completing this assignment. This assignment should be completed in MS Word and uploaded. Use at least three professional sources. The work is not counted in the required sources. If any part...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Discussion post on Othello Play by Willia; Who is more responsible for this tragedy: Othello or Iago?

Answer the following discussion question with two substantial paragraphs (at least five to six sentences each) that are free of spelling and grammatical errors, and in which the quotations from the poem are properly formatted. For grammar/writing issues, please review the Writing Resources in the WRITING/GRAMMAR RESOURCES MODULE.Who is more...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

American Literature: "One Summer” by Nicholson Baker

Format: Neither in-text citations nor a works cited page is required.  Do please use quotation marks to set off any quoted material. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SCOPE & PURPOSE of ESSAYEssay #2 is centered around the assumption that you positively connected with certain texts in specific ways (if you haven't made those connections yet, you...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Compare and Electric cars Vs. Gasoline Cars

The topic of the paper: Electric & Motor Engine Vehicles All the resources listed below are necessary to use for the essay since those had already been assigned.San Jacinto Database:  My library. Sierra Web Catalog. (n.d.). Retrieved November 4, 2021, from  Healey, J. R. (2013, June 13). Electric cars vs. gas cars. USA Today, 01B. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A333770050/GIC?u=txshracd2544&sid=ebsco&xid=3b710e58 https://www.energysage.com/electric-vehicles/costs-and-benefits-evs/evs-vs-fossil-fuel-vehicles/  Kontou,...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Essay: Causes of increased Crime in Georgia

-       A title with an identifiable purpose (the title should give some indication/sense of what the paper will be about)-       A working thesis statement (this does not have to be your final thesis, as you may develop it as you do further work on the assignment)-       A list of SIX...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Slavery: Is America Overdue Reparation for African Slavery

Any research you do will have to be from a reputable and credible source like a scholarly book or a journal article (not film reviews) from the ACC library database. Go see a librarian or reach out to me. Ordinary Google searches and websites will not suffice. The appropriate number...
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

First Draft Essay 2: Character Analysis in the Fences

In a well-crafted 2-page essay, respond to the following prompt (roughly 500 works or more): In August Wilson’s play Fences, three main characters all fail to achieve a dream, yet the manner in which they deal with the loss determines the degree to which they are able to enjoy their life.  In...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Argumentative Essay Assignment: Gun Control and Regulation

Please view the following documentaries below. You should preview all three and decide which documentary you will explore in your essay.    The Flu that Killed 50 Million https://fod-infobase-com.eu1.proxy.openathens.net/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=187991 Robin Williams: Come Inside My Mind https://fod-infobase-com.eu1.proxy.openathens.net/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=166039 After Newtown: Guns in America https://fod-infobase-com.eu1.proxy.openathens.net/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=151136 Argument Essay Instructions:Since an argument essay attempts to change the way people think, yours must...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Othello’s Character Traits Different from others in the Play

Othello’s Character Traits Different from others in the Play
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Essay Four: Religious Education in Public Schools

Lessons for the day:1) Essay #4 (Looking ahead):Quick tip for your outline and research: Research BOTH SIDES of the argument!Remember that counter-arguments are a big part of persuasive writing. It really shows that your reasoning is good because you are not one-sided; the reader or listener can tell that you...
5 pages|1375 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Final Essay 2: August Wilson’s’ Fence’: Character Analysis in the Fences

Prompt (What are you writing about): In a well-crafted 2-page essay, respond to the following prompt (roughly 500 works or more): In August Wilson’s play Fences, three main characters all fail to achieve a dream, yet the manner in which they deal with the loss determines the degree to which they are...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Compare and Contrast: American vs French Breakfast

Write a 2-page compare and contrast essay (You may use either block format or point-by-point format). Compare and contrast:Eating breakfast in the United States and eating breakfast in another country.Your paper should include:…an introduction, which includes a "hook,"  2 or 3 general statements and a Thesis statement,…two (or more) body paragraphs; each with topic sentences, supporting details, and examples, and…a conclusion.Your paper...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Place and Identity in Linton Kwesi Johnson

Read Linton Kwesi Johnson’s “Inglan Is a Bitch”  and Grace Nichols’s “Epilogue,” “The Fat Black Woman Goes Shopping,” and “Wherever I Hang.”   In 2 to 3 pages, compare and contrast what these two writers say about the relationship between place and self.All these text can be found online, with a...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen: The Characters of Nora and Christine

Focusing on the characters of Nora and Christine, write an essay showing how they complement each other.  What are the significant differences in their lives, characters and circumstances that led to the final outcome in the play? https://www.gutenberg.org/files/2542/2542-h/2542-h.htm - This is the play.
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Authority: Explore, Compare, and Discuss the Nature and Legitimacy of Authority.

Prompt: This essay will explore, compare, and discuss the nature and legitimacy of authority.Format: MLA, double-spaced The book we use and pages the texts I want you to use are on:Western Imagination; Renaissance to the Great War, edited by Gregory Murry Cicero, "On Duties", P. 101-109  Link if you don´t have the...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Informative Essay: Courage

Define or redefine one of the following words: FamilySuccessCourageArtBeautyIn your draft, briefly explain how society, or the dictionary, defines the word you've selected, and then explain your unique or extended definition of the word. Provide examples and explanations to support your definition. Your thesis must inform your readers of your new...
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Analytical Shakespeare on the Merchant of Venice

This essay, of about 6-8 pages, calls for a careful, detailed reading of the play The Merchant of Venice. Your essay should demonstrate careful reading of a complex play with a focus on the play’s language rather than plot. In other words, you will engage your close-reading and analytical skills that...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Business Strategy

1.     Think about the courses you have taken in functional areas such as marketing, finance, production, human resources, and accounting. What is the importance of each of these areas to the strategic planning process? 2.     Many successful individuals have single-handedly directed their companies to success. Is participative strategic management approach likely...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Dark Fantasy

Dark Fantasy
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Discussion Post: The Lottery by Jackson

After reading the story of "The Lottery," by Shirley Jackson for textbook of "Making Literature Matter"   please answer the following questions clearly and completely, using complete sentences.  Please provide support and explain your answers..1. The story has a surprise ending.  At what point in th story do you suspect that there was something...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Autobiographic literature: “I Wanted to Love Paris, but it Didn’t Love Me,” by Jennifer Hope

Topic 1: Consider all the definitions of autobiographical literature we’ve discussed. Choose ONE of the primary works listed. Describe how it fits in any one definition. Write an essay that shows how it contains essential elements of autobiographical literature genre.Primary Sources-- Choose one or two, depending upon the prompt.“Mother Tongue” by...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

English Class: Incidences in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs

Prompt: Select one title: Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl or The Living Is Easy. Write an essay in which you discuss how Black women choose self-definition (how they define themselves) in your selected text. Consider that this choice may be articulated through literary modes of expression (genre...
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Who would Turner be without or Elwood be Without Turner? (Nickel Boys)

To write this essay you will need to of read the book "Nickel Boys" by Colson Whitehead The Nickel Boys EssayColson Whitehead has described Elwood and Turner as “two different parts of my personality” with Elwood Curtis being “the optimistic or hopeful part of me that believes we can make the...
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Define Your Both Leadership Story and Your Philosophy

Create a post that defines both your leadership story and your leadership philosophy. Craft your leadership story based on the Doug Conant podcast episode. This should be about 1/3 of your post (you can also do this part of the post in video format if you want). In the remaining...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

LEH 345: Dark Humor

1.What is so funny about the 3 videos in the presentation? Why, in your opinion, are they popular in our culture?2. What does it say about our society?
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

The handmaid’s tale and Book: 1984. Power Points

Literature of Witness:  Explore other major novels and texts (audio or visual) which provide witness to situations of imprisonment or oppression. What are their primary characteristics?  What should we look for?  What kinds of narrators do they usually have? For book: The handmaid’s tale and Book: 1984Write a slide for brief...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

An argument and persuasive paper: Desire to be a social worker

Essay 2 In this paper you will again write five double-spaced paragraphs for a total of 2 ½ pages.  This paper will be about something you would like to do, and it is similar in organization to Essay 1.What would you really like to do in life?  In this paper you...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Assignment 1

Assignment 1:  Identify and Describe 2 specific examples of montage in Citizen Kane. (Watch Movie citizen Kane) Describe how mise-en-scene makes one of the scenes more powerful. Mise-en-scene document attached Assignment 2: How does Lang use sound effectively in M?  Describe an example. (Read A sequence analysis of M, which is attached) Describe the relationship...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Literally Analysis of “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” by Ursula

Literally Analysis of “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” by Ursula
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

There is no Such Thing as Free Will

Use the characters of Huck, Jim and Louise Mallard to help you form an essay response to Steven Cave’s argument in the article titled, “There is no such thing as free will.”Your essay should be your own argument.  Your goal is to use evidence from the lives (statements, actions, beliefs)...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Postpartum Depression Academic Article Comparison

This essay is an academic journal article summary. I have already chosen the topic and the two articles that need to be compared. I will insert/send my outline and the assignment requirements, and send the links to the two articles that will be used. MLA or APA format may be...
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Literacy: Woman Hollering Creek

Part Two of FinalThis part of the final is based on another short story, Woman Hollering Creek, by Sandra Cessernos, the writer whose work we explored early in our semester.Link to the short story:https://iaisp.uj.edu.pl/documents/1479490/29437798/Cisneros-Woman-HC-_02_V._Popescu.pdf( The short story is attached at the bottom) In this short story, Cissernos’ female characters shatter their confined...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

The Necklace

Choose one of the following Topics for Themes and construct a five paragraph 500+word essay; Remember that a thesis statement on theme should do more than just give a topic. The statement should explain what you believe the story is saying about that topic.My topic is Appearance vs Reality. The one source...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Argumentative Outline: Causes of diminished critical thinking skills in our young

Prompt: Argue for critical thinking skills are diminishing in our younger generations who are known as our digital natives.  Students lack the ability to apply and think on their own and thus higher-order thinking and literacy skills are decreasing.  This is caused by technology? Education? Teaching Methods? Lack of learning...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Traits, Character, Theme and Tone: Story of an Hour

Opening or attention getter or whatever is appropriateAt the least three other sentencesYour thesis or statement that specifically says what your essay will coverFor example: Poe’s story makes very good use of an excellent setting description, a dark tone of trouble and a single point of view of one character.  Body...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Module 07 Assignment-Social and Cultural Article

Module 07 Assignment-Social and Cultural Article
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Odyssey: The Blinding of Polyphemus

ENGL 1200:0016 Essay 1 Assignment Sheet                            Essay 1 DescriptionAs stated in our syllabus, this essay will be a 3-4 page detailed close reading of 2-3 passages from a text. For this first essay, you can write on one...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

English Class: Personal Essay

English Class: Personal Essay
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Hamlet and Oedipus Rex

Hamlet and Oedipus Rex
11 pages|3025 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Hamlet ICTW Topics 2020 #3

Hamlet ICTW Topics 2020 #3
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Harriet Tubman: The Road to Freedom

Harriet Tubman: The Road to Freedom
7 pages|1925 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

How the Role of Women in Construed in Ibsen’s Play

How the Role of Women in Construed in Ibsen’s Play
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Questions about Mary Shelley

What has been the critical response/reception to her work? Include examples of praise, awards and criticisms.Are cultural traditions and/or social commentary expressed in their work?
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Narrative about Literacy

Narrative about Literacy
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Response to Randy Pausch′s Last Lecture

Response to Randy Pausch′s Last Lecture
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Touchstone 3: Informative Essay

Touchstone 3: Informative EssayHow Beauty is Persuasive
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Sonnet Poem: The Love of Family

Sonnet Poem: The Love of Family
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Poem Analysis: “To be or Not to be”

Poem Analysis: “To be or Not to be”
5 pages|1375 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Baby girl: A family Perspective

Baby girl: A family Perspective
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Every Noise at Once

Follow this link, to the website "Every Noise at Once."  Take some time to explore the hundreds of genre samples (be sure to scroll down).  By clicking on the double arrow that  reveals next to each genre label you can explore that category in depth.  The sheer number of genre's makes its own point...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Metacognitive Reflection

Hello all, if you were not able to be in our class session today, or if you just want to rehear it: I've posted a video to Canvas (module week ten) with hopefully clear instructions on how to create your final ePortfolios, with an important new writing assignment: a (two+ page) metacognitive reflection on...
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Response to: America's Orchestras are in Crisis

Response to: America's Orchestras are in Crisis
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Rhetorical Analysis of Solitude

Rhetorical Analysis of Solitude
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Self-Assessment on Reading and Writing

Self-Assessment on Reading and Writing
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

500 Words Speech: Tag Poems

500 Words Speech: Tag Poems
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Storying Disability: Interview project

Storying Disability: Interview project and Individual Paper(75 points or 30% overall)This assignment provides students with the opportunity to get an in-depth view of an individual with a disability’s life, his or her perspectives, and some of his/her past and current experiences (ups, downs and in-betweens!). This interview itself provides a...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Unplugged: The Myth of Computers in the Classrooms

Unplugged: The Myth of Computers in the Classrooms:Locate a metaphor or simile within the essay
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Ethic Character

Is there such a thing as ethnic character, something that distinguishes Native Americans from African Americans, or Latinos from Asian Americans?  What factors contribute to identification with culture and with the nation?  Use the three essays in this week's readings to support your answer.In the instance where you are required to...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Reading and Comprehension: The Myth of the Latin Woman

Reading and Comprehension: The Myth of the Latin WomanWho is the implied audience for this essay?
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Stranger in the Village

Stranger in the Village1. What is the relationship of paragraph 5 to paragraph 6?2. According to Baldwin, what distinguishes Americans from other people? What it the purpose of highlighting these differences?
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Compare & Contrast essay (American Dreamer: by Mukherjee Vs. Stranger in the Village: By Baldwin)

Compare & Contrast essay: (American Dreamer: by Mukherjee  Vs. Stranger in the Village: By Baldwin)Compare and contrast the difficulties Baldwin had in attempting to "fit in" to an alien European culture with the experiences Mukherjee describes of a nonwhite American trying to assimilate into the dominant culture
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Why the Rich Are Getting Richer and the Poor, Poorer

1. Reich describes a dire situation for the American worker. How would you characterize the tone of this description?2. What has traditionally been the image of and the nature of work among the white-collar workers to whom Reich alludes? Why are they now one of the groups in danger of losing...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Why We Love Madmen

Why We Love Madmen1. Identify the allusions that Goodlad uses in this essay. What is her purpose in referring to other characters and works?2. What observations does Goodlad make about American culture in this essay?
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Disability Assignment Interview Paper; Dementia

Disability Assignment Interview Paper; Dementia
7 pages|1925 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Superman and Me by Alexie

Superman and Me1. What connections do you see between Alexie and his father?2. What does Alexie mean when he writes, "A smart Indian is a dangerous person..." (paragraph 6)?
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Finding Neverland by Gate

Finding Neverland1. Do you agree with Gate's point of view of Michael Jackson?2. Summarize Gate's perception of Michael Jackson. Why does Gates call Jackson an "artificer"?
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Salvation by Hughes

Salvation1. How much time elapses, and why is this important to the effect?2. What is Hughes dominant impress of the revival? How do you know?
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|


Globalization1. What is Friedman's thesis or claim in this essay?2. What are the main features of globalization?
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

The Death of Horatio Alger

The Death of Horatio Alger1. What reasons does Krugman give for the creation of a caste society in the United States?2. Who is Horatio Alger?
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Delusions of Grandeur

Delusions of Grandeur1. State Gate's purpose in using statistics in his essay.2. What is the tone of Gate's essay?
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

The Veil by Satrapi

The Veil by  Satrapi1. What can you infer about Satrapi's attitude toward the Iranian Revolution, the Islamic Republic, wearing the veil, and religion in general?2. What is Satrapi's family like?
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

What's God Got to Do with It?

What's God Got to Do with It?1. How does Armstrong answer the question posed by her title?2. Identify the main religions mentioned by Armstrong.
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Explain the voice and mood that Hitchens creates in the essay.

Explain the voice and mood that Hitchens creates in the essay.
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

What is "D&E"? What is Mendoza's understanding of the procedure, and how does she react to it?

What is "D&E"? What is Mendoza's understanding of the procedure, and how does she react to it?
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Book reflection: Teaching Reading to Students Who are at Risk or Have Disabilities

In the process of your review, show that the course is helpful for special education and illustrate that you have learnt a lot by giving specific details in relation to the title of the book given below (in an image)
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

The Gangster as a Tragic Hero

The Gangster as a Tragic Hero1. What are the "organs of mass culture" (paragraph 2)?2. Essayists usually provide their thesis at the beginning of their essays.  Where does Warshow provide the thesis in his essay?  Be specific. What is the purpose and effect of placing it where he does? What is...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

How do the beginning and ending paragraphs relate to one another?

How do the beginning and ending paragraphs relate to one another?
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

I Have a Dream by Luther King: Why does King make use of repetition?

I Have a Dream by Luther KingWhy does King make use of repetition?Why does King make use of repetition?
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

I Have a Dream by Luther King: Why does King make use of repetition?

I Have a Dream by Luther KingWhy does King make use of repetition?Why does King make use of repetition?
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

What strategies does Douglass use to continue his education after his mistress's abandonment?

Learning to Read and Write: What strategies does Douglass use to continue his education after his mistress's abandonment?What strategies does Douglass use to continue his education after his mistress's abandonment?
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Unplugged: The Myth of Computers in the Classrooms “Metaphor”

Unplugged: The Myth of Computers in the Classrooms “Metaphor”Locate a metaphor or simile within the essay.
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

What do all religions have in common?

What’s God Got to Do with it What do all religions have in common?
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Did reading fulfill any of his expectations?

The Lonely, Good Company of BooksDid reading fulfill any of his expectations?
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Analysis of a Creative Non-Fiction Essay: About Men by Gretel Ehrlich

Analysis of a Creative Non-Fiction Essay: About Men by Gretel Ehrlich
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Reflections on English 100: My favorite topic

PART 1Please answer each of the following five questions in your reflection essay: (The whole of this section is based on my favorite topic is about psychics ·      What was your favorite topic? Why? (My favorite topic is about psychics)·      What did your learn that surprised you?·      What paranormal or pseudoscientific...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

How the Other Half Lives

Please pick one of the sources for readings. What are the major themes in that source? What does it tell us about the changing nature of American society? What does it say about who is and is not included in this broader vision of "America" during this time?1"Story of a...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Reflective Writing: Ways of Thinking

How does a reading for "ways of thinking," as described by Deborah Knott in "Critical Reading Towards Critical Writing," differ from other kinds of reading you have done in the past? What are some of the potential benefits and challenges in adopting this approach to the reading process? 
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Storytelling; ‘The Gingerbread Boy by Galdone

Stories are everywhere.  They are the basis of our nightly news, our conversations at the dinner table or on the phone, and the articles we read in our local newspaper.  Children are immersed in stories just as we are, and this immersion is what helps even the very young become...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Writing Project #2: Creative Nonfiction. What a Wonderful World’ by Louis

Writing Project #2: Creative Nonfiction  Creative nonfiction is a relatively broad category of writing. This genre includes many sub-genres like memoir, longform journalism, and the personal essay, among others. But regardless of their differences in form or content, these sub-genres all adhere to the basic defining characteristics of the genre:...
8 pages|2200 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Elements of a Sustainable Neighborhood

Elements of a Sustainable Neighborhood
12 pages|3300 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Douglass Frederick and Malcolm X

Douglass Frederick and Malcolm X
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Eng 130: Bedroom in Arles: Descriptive Writing

Descriptive Imagery ResponseEng 130: Essay for ENG 130: Descriptive WritingThis assignment focuses on your ability to: research academic and reliable sources; translate theinformation from those sources into a cohesive piece of writing; respond creatively to artwork.The purpose of completing this assignment is: as a student and a career professional, andindividual,...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Ability to Face Hardships; ‘The Art of Racing in the Rain,’ by Garth Stein

HINT: You have to know the book(the art of racing in the rain) and you have to take about the character Denny •You can’t use the same world twice • include title,author, goners •you have to have a thesis statement  
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

English 1101, Essay 2

English 1101, Essay 2 AssignmentYou will write a persuasive essay based on the assigned readings in the Class section of the syllabus. You must have at least three direct quotes from one or more of the texts. You must use the third-person voice in your essay. Your grade will be based...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Lollipop Moments by Drew Dudley

Drew Dudley talks about "lollipop moments." Mike Slaughter encourages us to invest in others. Much of the other material read and discussed this week has been about ways that we can connect socially with other people.  For this week's reflection piece, consider the following questions:Describe a lollipop moment that you have experienced (either where...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Poem Analysis; “My Wicked, Wicked Ways,” by Sandra Cisneros

Prose Analysis of "My Wicked Wicked Ways" by Sandra Cisneros So, you analyze things like Meaning, the tone used, the arrangement of stanzas, use of symbolism among others. ....This list is not limited..add anything important in a poem analysis
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Hamlet as a Selfish Jerk

The Hamlet paper has a minimum required length of five full double-spaced pages, and critical sources and a Works Cited page are mandatory.  Quoting from the text in the body of the paper is mandatory.  The good news is that there are no requirements about content other than that the...
5 pages|1375 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Chanting Down Babylon

The book Chanting Down Babylon focuses on examining and explaining the Rastafari phenomenon.
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Importance; Literature

Compose a 400-500 word reading response to the texts from this week. Consider the following: - What is literature? What is African American literature? How are they similar and how do they differ? - What counts as literature? - Why do stories matter? - Why are various perspectives in literature...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|

Article Reflection: Ford Explorer Rollover

Read the “2002: Ford Explorer Rollover” article and write a reflection (minimum two pages, double-spaced. My grading of a given reflection paper will be based on how I perceive the student has learned from studying the assigned article and has expressed his/her learnings using his/her own words.  
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| LITERATURE|