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Cloning is Unethical

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Research Paper Overview
English 1A
*Brainstorm some topics in class-something more or less current or unusual. NO papers on stale old topics like "smoking is harmful to our health." Nocelebrity profiles. Choose something that has a "side" you can argue, or else choose an informative topic and explore it. Try the databases at library.mtsac.edu if you need help.
*The research paper's structure is similar to that of an essay; however, it is longer and more complex. The introduction may be more extensive, and the body is more involved due to use of multiple sources and parenthetical documentation. Don't use too many direct quotes. Remember that you can also paraphrase and summarize.
*Outside sources can be printed, electronic or other. Anything borrowed from someone else, even if paraphrased or summarized, must be acknowledged. Putting someone else's text into your own words does not make it your original work. Do not download or purchase a paper from the Internet and claim you wrote it. Do not paste even bits and pieces of different websites' text into your paper and pretend it's original. This will result in an "F," a report filed, and no rewrite option.
*Take very careful notes when researching; keep track of your sources and bookmarks/favorites. This will help you to know where you got information, whether it was a direct quote, etc. It will also prevent you from having to look up the info again at the last minute.
*You may NOT use Wikipedia as a source. However, you may find that it is a good gateway to other sources.

*Your pattern of development (rhetorical mode) will depend on which approaches or angles you take. As always, you may have more than one pattern.
*Receive more info, help and guidance in class. Use the library and its staff as additional resources. We will conference and do peer editing in class on more than one occasion. *Conferences are MANDATORY on all stages of the research paper: thesis, outline, rough draft, at least one revised draft, works cited. Points will be deducted if students fail to have these conferences.



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Cloning is Unethical

In the present society, cloning is not a new subject. Cloning refers to the process where an identical copy of something is produced. Nonetheless, in biotechnology, the term cloning is used to define one of three different processes. For instance, DNA cloning is a process that results in the production of large quantities of specific genetic sequence (Amit, 405). Besides, the two other processes, include reproductive and therapeutic cloning, these processes involve the creation of an embryo for reproductive or research purposes respectively. It is important to recognize that the various process under cloning have raised serious discontent among the general public; as there are valid concerns about what can be termed as the beginning of life and who should possess the capacity to procure life. For that reason, cloning can be described as one of the most controversial subjects of modern society, the subject remains skeptical and is opposed widely in reference to spiritual and ethical grounds. Is cloning ethical? This is the subject of this paper-based research paper as it seeks to take the stand that human cloning is unethical as it goes against the moral principles of the society.

Reproductive cloning

            This can be described as the process where an identical copy of an individual is fully created. In one sense, the natural world takes part in this type of cloning. According to Bernie and Gregoire (527), among animals and plants, sexual reproduction involves the combination of genetic information from two individuals thus creating a unique hybrid. Conversely, in plants asexual reproduction does not involve the combination of genetic information, however, an identical copy of the plant is produced naturally. The cloning of animals has been enabled by the adoption of artificial cloning, a process that involves Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT) where an embryo is created with an identical DNA to that of another individual. The embryo created out is then cultured and inserted into the womb of a surrogate parent, where it will be gestated and born as a clone.

 In 1997, the first mammal, a sheep called Dolly was cloned and successfully raised, this signified the beginning of animal cloning that includes different animals. Nonetheless, the cloning of animals remains a process that can be described as inefficient and difficult; as the process is quite complex it results in different trials for a single successful clone. Amit (410) asserts that previous studies on cloned animals reveal that they are susceptible to an unusually high number of health concerns, for example, cloned animals possess compromised immune systems. Therefore, animal cloning can be described as unethical considering the process is unsafe, expensive and inconvenient.

Therapeutic cloning

            This involves the use of SCNT a technique that is useful in both reproductive and therapeutic cloning so that to create an embryo that bears identical nuclear genetic information to an already existing individual (Bernie & Gregoire, 528). Sexual reproduction involves, fertilization of a germ cell from an individual by a germ cell from another individual. As a consequence, the genetic information from these two germ cells combine, the cells quickly disintegrate, resulting in the production of another genetic individual. In the SCNT process, the somatic cells possess a nucleus that is removed and inserted into the donor...


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