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Quiz with 2 Questions

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Your midterm exam consists of two essay questions.

Each essay response is to be a minimum of 500 words and consist of fully developed paragraphs.

Rewriting the essay question is not considered a part of your response.

Direct quotes are not to be used in test answers.

A minimum of 2 up to date (less than 10 years old), peer reviewed, scholarly sources are required per question.

Answers are to be consistent with the college level. The essays shall be written in the most current APA format and include in text citations to credit your sources.


Question 1 (50 points) (550 Words)


Explain in detail the various methods of crime scene documentation….Follow-up by explaining how a crime scene is preserved from the minute the first patrol officer arrives on scene to precautions taken by the crime scene investigators.


Question 2 (50 points) (550 Words)


What are the legal challenges of a crime scene search?


What are the standards the court requires for admission of evidence in a criminal trial?


Quiz with 2 Questions


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Quiz with 2 Questions

Question 1

There are various methods through which legal personnel can document a crime scene. Note-taking is one of the approaches employed in crime scene documents. It involves investigators writing complete notes of what they observe in the scene. The notes describe the location, measurements, time, weather, and environmental conditions (Mancini & Sidoriak, 2017). Photographs and videotapes are other used in documenting the scene. Before assessing or taking any evidence, investigators should photograph the scene. Special attention is given to the point of entry, entry and the initial state of the scene. The evidence should be photographed from various angles before it is touched. Lastly, sketches are also used to document scenes during the investigation. Investigators are photographers who work together in recording the scene. Sketches assist in remembering the details contained in photographs and notes.

Crime scene preservation is investigators' prime role, and there are several ways of scene preservation. Establishing a perimeter is one way of preserving the scene. Upon arrival to the scene, investigators should use the scene to mark territory around the scene beyond which public members should not go. According to Touroo and Fitch (2018), all suspects and evidence should be enclosed within that boundary. Besides, it is crucial to note suspects' movements. Law enforcers should note suspects, entry and exit points from the scene. Exit points help trace the direction they have followed if they have escaped. Third, keep unauthorized individuals out of place. Establish a lockdown to record who enters and leaves the scene. Effective scene control is attained by maintaining a single...


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