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Sustainability Responsibility- CSR in Apple Inc.

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Assignment 2: Essay 2500 word


 A critical review of the sustainability strategy of a company as communicated by their corporate social responsibility reporting.  

Word count: 2500 excluding Title page, contents, Abstract and references.


Deadline: 2 February 2018


You are free to choose which ever company you are interested in learning more about. You might want to choose a company that is listed on the GRI database.  Not all of them follow the GRI framework but they all use this as their main, but not their only source of sustainability communication.

Link >> Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has a database of 45,861 CSR reports of which 29,196 are based on the GRI framework


step one: READ!!!!

 In any assignment, the first thing you need to do is to inform yourself of the issues by reading key texts.  You also need to familiarise yourself with the reports and the Global Reporting guidelines. There are plenty of resources on their website.

The first place to start is the text book which is specifically written to provide you with the context which will be the foundation of your essay

Key text

}  Robertson, M. (2016) Sustainability: Principles and Practice. London: 2nd edition Earthscan.

Tourism focussed reading

}  Mowforth, M. and Munt, I. (2009) Tourism and Sustainability: Development, globalisation and new tourism in the Third World. 3rd ed. Abingdon: Routledge.

}  Telfer, D.J. and Sharpley, R. (2008) Tourism and Development in the Developing World. Abingdon: Routledge.

}  Reid, D.G. (2003) Tourism, Globalisation and Development: Responsible Tourism Planning. London: Pluto.

}  Mitchell, J and Ashley, C (2010) Tourism and Poverty Reduction: Pathways to Prosperity.  London: Earthscan

Government and Policy, Industry and Community Initiatives and week 12 addresses Corporate Reporting.

You can supplement this reading with reputable online sources.  In fact you have to source your chosen CSR report and research their CSR reporting which is almost all on line. (TIP for choosing the company you wish to study. You can pick a company that is listed on the GRI reporting data base and simply google the company name and CSR Report. You should find the report immediately and if you do not, what does this say about the corporate commitment to sustainability?)

ive them. 



Sustainability Responsibility: CSR in Apple Inc.



Word Count: 2509


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is well-defined as an initiative established by a corporation so that to enhance the capacity to assess and assume the responsibility of the environmental effects of a company as a way of guaranteeing social well-being. The significance of this study is to analyze CSR as a tool of communication concerning the sustainability strategy of a corporation under the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) thus explaining the standard business practices of a company. CSR communicates the sustainability strategy of Apple Inc. by setting operation standards and how the fundamental human rights of various workers can be protected. Through GRI reporting it becomes possible for Apple Inc. to depict the initiatives adopted towards reducing the exploitation of workers and promotion of environmental protection through the adoption of international labor standards as well as conservation policies (Apple, 2014). Besides, through GRI reporting it also reveals the mechanism initiated by Apple Inc. towards pushing the boundaries towards corporate behaviors that are acceptable in the bid of ensuring sustainability.




Table of Contents

Abstract ii

Table of Contents. iii

1.0 Introduction. 1

2.0 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reporting. 3

2.1 Mode of inquiry and challenges facing CSR reporting. 4

3.0 Findings. 5

4.0 Discussion. 6

5.0 Conclusion. 9

References. 11



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