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Psychology Major Pre-written Essays for Sale

Writing Assignment 2: Different Types of Traps

Writing Assignment 2: Different Types of Traps
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Workplace Stress

Assignment: short report  Learning Outcome Analyze a business issue in the form of a short report using the skills covered in this course - active voice, key message development, brevity, consistency and proper citations.   Purpose In a business environment, it is common to be asked to research and write...
6 pages|1650 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Why do we need child development?

Why do we need child development?
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Weekly Journal Imitation of Life

Please watch  Imitation of Life(Douglas Sirk, 1959) and On the Waterfront(Elia Kazan, 1955)   NOTE:  Just look for a small review about the 2 movies above. Your Journal entries should include a brief (300-500 words) reflection on the week’s screening in relationship to the course readings. You will be able to...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Walking in Nature and the Brain

English 300/30 Critical Reading and Writing for ResearchWeek #12-Week#)5Topic: Notes to remind you as you continue the Research / Writing ProcessTask: The Literature ReviewRemember that you are writing one essay for each source = three separate essays. The form of the summary essay is the same as the many before...
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy Theory

PSY 560 Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric   Overview: This assignment is the third milestone of the final project theoretical analysis. In previous milestones, you drafted other sections of the final project. Be sure to consider and implement any feedback from those milestones as you draft this section of your...
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

This Emotional Life

PROMPT: For this week's Learning Activity please watch the first 35 minutes of this film titled "This Emotional Life"  THEN......read pages 97-106 from the textbook and/or review some of the powerpoint and instructor lecture notes before you begin the assignment! textbook ==== http://dept.clcillinois.edu/psy/LifespanDevelopment.pdf PROMPT: (Essay Assignment) As we finish our second week...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Think like a Social Psychologist

Select only 3 Social Psychologists.  Write a brief summary (one paragraph per Psychologist) which covers:      How does this Psychologist identify as a social psychologist and summarize the Psychologist's connection to the field and anything interesting about this Social Psychologist     What their research interests are in Social Psychology...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Theories of Motivation - Learning Module Materials

Description Additional Sources URLs:  1. https://open.lib.umn.edu/organizationalbehavior/chapter/5-3-process-based-theories/ 2. https://hbr.org/podcast/2020/12/why-burnout-happens-and-how-bosses-can-help 3. Group Affect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmVlaEz6UoQ 4. Why Burnouts Happen:  https://hbr.org/podcast/2020/04/another-workplace-crisis-loneliness 5. The surprising truth about what motivates us: URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc 6. The puzzle of motivation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrkrvAUbU9Y 7. Adam's Equity Theory ( https://youtu.be/_VWD-rg7_oU ) 8. Vroom's Expectancy Theory ( https://youtu.be/GIXUg6N-eOs ) 9. Bandura's Self-Efficacy Theory ( https://hi.switchy.io/2EGt ) 10. Skinner's Reinforcement...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

The Study of Persuasion

Read Ethical Perspectives of Persuasion and Box 1.3 How Often Do You Attempt to Deceive Others? in Chapter 1: The Study of Persuasion in your text (pp. 26-27). The authors of your text ask you to think about how often you are deceptive. Consider, too, the other side of the...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

The Role of Embodied Cognition in Language Learning

The Role of Embodied Cognition in Language Learning
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

The psychological effects of social media

The psychological effects of social media
5 pages|1375 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

The Impact of Childhood Maltreatment on Children’s Cognitive Development

The Impact of Childhood Maltreatment on Children’s Cognitive Development
6 pages|1650 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Stress in College and How to Manage it

Stress in College and How to Manage it
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Southern University culture assessment

Southern University culture assessment 
5 pages|1375 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Social Learning Theory vs. Social Cognitive Learning Theory

Dеsсrіbе the two different theories. Mаke sure уou present two theories addressing the same human behavior or process.  Page 1 : Social Learning Theory Page 2 : Social Cognitive Learning Theory Page 3: Which theory is more credible
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Social Identity Development of Adolescents

Social Identity Development of Adolescents How are the identities of adolescents formed? Include in your response the role of family and peer relationships. Also discuss how at least one aspect of an adolescent’s social identity (that is, sex and gender role, sexual orientation, race and ethnic identity, physical appearance, or other...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Service Theory in the Management of COVID-19 in Australia

Service Theory in the Management of COVID-19 in Australia
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Role of Community Corrections

Instructions: Analyze the role of community corrections to address the needs of special populations. When conducting your analysis consider those special correctional populations that are more appropriately served with community corrections supervision instead of incarceration. Each assignment is due Sunday, 11:59 pm EST of the appropriate week. The assignment covers the...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Review of a Selected Reading: “Multicultural Psychology: Understanding Our Diverse Communities,”

Review of a Selected Reading: “Multicultural Psychology: Understanding Our Diverse Communities,”
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

The Significance of Marijuana Use in Predicting Psychological Problems

The Significance of Marijuana Use in Predicting Psychological Problems
5 pages|1375 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Research Paper

Please refer to the article submission from the beginning of the course to complete the research paper. Please follow and format your paper accordingly. Step 1 In the beginning of this course, you submitted a scholarly, peer-reviewed article for approval. For this research paper, you will discuss the importance of...
8 pages|2200 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Remembering to Remember (Prospective Memory)

For this assignment, you need to have found at least one scholarly journal research article related to your topic. Remember, these journal articles need to have been published no further back than 10 years. You need to summarize what this article is about and what the findings are. This should...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Reflection Essay; My Favorite Topic

Reflection Essay; My Favorite Topic
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|


1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Psychosexual (Freud) Vs. Psychosocial (Erickson)

Psychosexual (Freud) Vs. Psychosocial (Erickson)
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|


First, make a list of all of the  Characteristics of the Lifespan Developmental Approach, as presented in Chapter One of the required textbook.  Then, briefly,  but clearly, completely and accurately, explain each one. Finally, select one element of Your Letter to My Younger Self and explain this element using at...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Psychology Paper-Quitting Smoking

Psychology Paper-Quitting Smoking 
6 pages|1650 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Psychology of Childhood

In а 2 рage double-spaced reports. Please pick a documentarу or film/book that you watched/read and that you found interesting and relate to one concept in the psychology of children. Elaborate and synthesize information while making your points.  
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Psychology Discussion-Growth Milestones

Psychology Discussion-Growth Milestones
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

PSY - 8 Bibliography and 2 Annotations 'Social Anxiety Disorder in Children'

Overview Preview: In a couple of weeks the final work will be a research presentation of 10 to 15 power point slides on a topic “Social Anxiety Disorder in Children”, for which I will need to use 8 scholarly sources for the research. Instructions For This Assignment Submit a bibliography...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Positive Psychology Research Paper

Positive psychology papers: You are expected to write a Positive Psychology RESEARCH Paper using one of the “Life Situations” assigned. Put yourself into the situation as if you own it, and turn it into a positive situation for everyone involved. Consult experts.    1. Introduce the topic.  2. Consult the...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Personality Traits and Social Media Addiction

Assignment 08S08 Psychology of PersonalityDirections: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should...
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Peer Responses: Right or Privilege Discussion Board

Peer Responses: Right or Privilege Discussion Board
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Paper topic-Correlating Breastfeading and Childhood Learning Cognizant

For this preparation assignment, you will be to submitting your written paper topic choice. Before submitting your topic, do background research—this way you have an idea of the direction your paper might take. Please provide 2-3 sentences describing what your paper will be about. Do not just submit one of the example topics—be more...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Paper Outline

DSL 301 Paper Outline The outline frames and organizes your thinking to prepare for your final written paper. It is not a manuscript; it is not a draft of your paper. It provides clear, concise ideas and a visual framework for your thoughts. This includes your introduction, conclusion, 3+ main...
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Outline; Social Anxiety Disorder in Children

Create a 2- to 3-page bulleted outline and a bibliography of eight references in APA style for your final presentation on your approved topic Social Anxiety Disorder in Children. Your outline should be created in a way that capably translates into 10 to 15 presentation slides. Your outline should have...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Correlating Breastfeeding and Childhood Learning Cognizant

Correlating Breastfeeding and Childhood Learning Cognizant References Tiruneh, G. T., Shiferaw, C. B., & Worku, A. (2019). Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of home-based postpartum care on neonatal mortality and exclusive breastfeeding practice in low-and-middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 19(1), 1-19. Wallenborn, J. T., Chambers, G., Lowery, E. P.,...
8 pages|2200 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Option 7: Abortion: Approaches from Virtue

Option 7: Abortion: Approaches from Virtue
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Motivational Psychology

Motivational Psychology
11 pages|3025 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Motivation and Rewards

Motivation and Rewards
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Modern Thinkers- Heinrich Karl Marx

Modern Thinkers- Heinrich Karl Marx
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Person-Centered Counseling

Person-Centered Counseling
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Love and our Lives

After reading the chapter, viewing the powerpoint and watching the 2 video links write a page reflection on what insights you have gained on personal intimate relationships and within our lifespan. Cite references to the sources used as support of your perspective. Minimum of one reference from each of the...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Life-Span Classification

When did you become an adult? Was it the day you graduated from high school? Or, was it the day you moved out of your parents' or caregivers' home? Your description of what it means to be an adult and how and when an adolescent transitions into adulthood may differ...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Psychology - Journal: Reflection

Psychology - Journal: Reflection
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Jamaica Kincaid: The Estrangement by Jamaica Kincaid

Jamaica Kincaid: The Estrangement by Jamaica Kincaid
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Is Social Media Causing Young Adults Depression?

Is Social Media Causing Young Adults Depression?
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Introduction to Child Development

Introduction to Child Development
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Interpersonal Relationship

Interpersonal Relationship
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Intercultural Management

Plеаse answer the fоllowіng questions. Please number them so I can know which question is being answered 1. Discuss the major principles of reward allocation. Which one(s) is (are) preferred by the collectivist culture? Individualistic culture? Why? 2. A slew of research points to the fact that performance is significantly...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

In-Group/Out-Group Bias in Prosocial Behavior

In-Group/Out-Group Bias in Prosocial Behavior
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Importance of Applicable Theories and Principles of Acquiring Knowledge and Communication

Importance of Applicable Theories and Principles of Acquiring Knowledge and Communication
6 pages|1650 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

How Does an Early Childhood Professional Use Hands-On Experiences to Promote Creativity in Young Children?

LEXPortfolio DevelopmentStudent adds specific items to the portfolio.The question response must be placed in D2L and in the Portfolio. Write a 1- page response to the following question:How does an early childhood professional use hands-on experiences to promote creativity in young children?Add to Standard 5:One Activity FormOne piece of art...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Homework: Beliefs, Values and Attitudes"

Think about a situation in your life where you need (or needed) to persuade someone of something. It can be big or small. Write down the task (for example, “I need to persuade my professor to extend the deadline for my assignment”) and then apply Beliefs, Values and Attitudes theory...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Health Psychology-Complete Discussion A & B by answering all questions completely with supporting evidence from respective reading and lecture notes

Complete Discussion A & B by answering all questions completely with supporting evidence from respective reading and lecture notes Discussion A >Read Module 2 notes and answer the following questions: 1-What is health? 2-Why is culture important to understanding health? >Read through the link below and answer the following question:...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

General Health Concern During Middle Adulthood

When did you become an adult? Was it the day you graduated from high school? Or, was it the day you moved out of your parents' or caregivers' home? Your description of what it means to be an adult and how and when an adolescent transitions into adulthood may differ from that...
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Gender Assignment

The subject needs to argue the specific claim of the topic. I chose Gender Reassignment, and the thesis statement I would like to have is "Sex reassignment surgery can help patients combat with many negative consequences of gender identity disorder". Transgender Identities : Towards a Social Analysis of Gender Diversity, edited...
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Family Therapy Model

Family Therapy Model
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Essential Oil Product-making

1.      What are the physiological and psychological benefits of the essential oils and overall recipe? 2.      How do the oils use affect different bodily systems? (ex: nervous system, circulatory system, etc.)  
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Emotional intelligence in adult development

Emotional intelligence in adult development
11 pages|3025 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Eating Disorders Among Adolescents

Eating Disorders Among Adolescents
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Do you agree or disagree that television is a negative plug

DescriptionRead the attached piece on television addiction. Use a dictionary to determine the meaning of any words you are not familiar with.Write a double-spaced paragraph of about 200 words on the following topic: Do you agree or disagree that television is a negative plug-in drug?Hand in evidence that you have...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Discussion Post-Socrates' view of 'examined' life

Discussion Post-Socrates' view of 'examined' life
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Discussion Post-Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory

Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman (2016) stated, "We need theories to guide our thinking and our work so that we may undertake research-informed practice" (p. 127-128). At the same time, the authors asserted, "No theory will be perfectly applicable. Perhaps you will decide that only one or two concepts make any sense to you...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Discussion and Conclusion-Psychological Effects of Marijuana Use

Discussion and Conclusion-Psychological Effects of Marijuana Use
5 pages|1375 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Designing a Stress Management Plan

Designing a Stress Management Plan
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Critical Review Essay; , “What Should We Do about Motivation Theory? Six Recommendations for the Twenty-First Century”

Critical Review Essay; , “What Should We Do about Motivation Theory? Six Recommendations for the Twenty-First Century”
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Counseling and Dynamics of Grief

Counseling and Dynamics of Grief
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Correctional Counseling

Correctional Counseling
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Comparative Essay on Parental Vs Peer influence

Comparative Essay on Parental Vs Peer influence
3 pages|825 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Community Resources Supporting Individual in Later Adulthood

Volunteers and political officials in local communities often campaign to improve conditions and provide services to increase the well-being of individuals and families living in those communities. If you are the parent of young children, you might focus on improving the local school or creating safe places where children can...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Cognitive Benefits of Playing Video Games

Cognitive Benefits of Playing Video Games
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

CELLS; Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic

this folder for assignments related to the final presentation. Students will select a topic that we covered in class and develop a 7-10 minute presentation which presents information from text (e.g., news articles, op eds, other reputable written information), media (e.g., films, television) and at least one research article that...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

The Major Causes of Stress for Low Enforcement Personnel and the Impact the Stress May Have On

Final Exam CMRJ202 Instructions  Answer the question "Explain the major causes of stress for law enforcement personnel and the impact the stress may have on the professional and personal life of officers." in a 2000 word essay.   The essay will be formatted in APA Style, doubled space using Times New Roman...
8 pages|2200 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Case Study-Regulating a Child Behavior

Case Study-Regulating a Child Behavior
6 pages|1650 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Biological and Environmental Factors

Biological and Environmental Factors
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Becoming an expert in the field of Social Psychology Paper

Becoming an expert in the field of Social Psychology Paper
7 pages|1925 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Assignment 4 Discussion Activity: Why Cops Shoot

Revisit the 2017 award-winning article, Why Cops Shoot and follow my instructions below:   Part A (10pts): Scroll down and tap on How this Story Was Written to briefly familiarize yourself with the extraordinary data collection measures that the authors took in preparing for this journalistic piece Tap Read the Story  https://projects.tampabay.com/projects/2017/investigations/florida-police-shootings/   Of the...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Assignment 2; The Secret Lives of Twins

PART A: Watch the BBC documentary The Secret Lives of Twins and answer the questions below.1.      Describe the influence of Nature vs. Nurture on Personality, based on what you’ve learned in class and the Secret Life of Twins movie.2.      Describe the most interesting segment in the Secret Life of Twins. Part B: Read the following article...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Article Review: Wisconsin Card Sorting Task

Article Review: Wisconsin Card Sorting Task
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Article Review-Remembering a Vietnam War Firefight (Time and Memory)

Article Review-Remembering a Vietnam War Firefight (Time and Memory)
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Argument Essay: Gay Marriage and Family Values

Both Andrew Sullivan's "Why Gay Marriage is Good for America" and Richard Rodriquez's "Family Values" attempt to alter stereotypes commonly held about contemporary families.   What type of family does each author address? How do the authors differ in their rhetorical strategies and their use of supporting points to buttress their arguments?  Who is the...
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Answering Questions

Read:  Desir, E. (2014). Exploring Obstacles to Success for Early Careerists in Healthcare Leadership. Journal of Healthcare Management, 59(4), 250–253. https://doi.org/10.1097/00115514-201407000-00004   Answer the following questions: ·  List three main "take-aways" from the article. ·  Summarize the mission statement of ACHE--what is its main purpose? ·  What does FACHE mean? ·  What...
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Annotated Bibliography: Mild neurocognitive disorder

Annotated Bibliography: Mild neurocognitive disorder
2 pages|550 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Annotated Bibliography: Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion

You are required to write a one-page, single-spaced abstract for EACH article with a full citation. The abstract should provide the full citation of the topic. The first three-quarters of the abstract highlights the main point(s) of the article and discusses the key issues and conclusions.  The last portion is...
6 pages|1650 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

An examination of the perceptions of different professionals regarding the barriers for children from the travelling community and the impact on children’s development

An examination of the perceptions of different professionals regarding the barriers for children from the travelling community and the impact on children’s development
7 pages|1925 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

Adolescent Life

Adolescent Life
1 pages|275 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|


You are required to do this Step 1: Prepare your introduction (introduction section 650 words) The Introduction should be a more developed version of all the sections in the outline with appropriate transitions between each of the sections (you will build on what you turned in for Research Proposal, part...
4 pages|1100 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|

A comparison of the effect of early and contemporary means (theories) of motivation on work performance and job satisfaction

The essay should focus on the comparison of the theory approach and how employee are satisfied in the theory. You can discuss that which theory is the current most common   1. Use around 1300words to talk about the introduction, purpose and talk about the early and current theories of motivation.  2. ...
11 pages|3025 words|Solution Available NOW| PSHYCHOLOGY|