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Criminal Code_ accomplice liability

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This Discussion Board has 2 hypos posted that deal with accomplice liability. Read each hypo and then answer the questions accordingly and seprately.


The evidence adduced at trial reveals that undercover police officers approached Henry and inquired as to whether “anyone” was working? Henry replied “Yeah. My boy right here will hook you up.” He then motioned to Bill, who was standing approximately five feet away. The undercover officers subsequently walked away with Bill and purchased drugs approximately fifteen feet from where Henry remained.

Is Henry an accomplice? Why or why not?


The defendant, Rupert Pupkin, and his co-defendant, Jack Walsh, were convicted after a joint trial of second degree manslaughter, based upon a fatal assault that took place in the back seat of Pupkin's car on the night of January 10, 2010. Pupkin, who was driving the car at the time, was convicted as an accomplice, and claims on appeal that the evidence at trial was insufficient to prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

A fight in Pupkin's car between Walsh and the decedent, Jimmy Serrano, broke out over Serrano's alleged complicity in the sale of narcotics to Walsh's drug-addicted teenage son. Serrano had met Walsh and Pupkin earlier that evening when they had come to the apartment of a friend from whom Walsh's son had allegedly been buying his drugs. Serrano went into the car with Walsh and Pupkin and a discussion ensued regarding Walsh's concerns about his son's purchase of drugs. There is no evidence, however, that either Walsh or Pupkin knew at this time of any connection between Serrano and the drug sales. Only after the three men went, at Walsh's urging, to see Walsh's son, was Serrano identified as having knowledge of, and possible complicity in, the drug sales. It was while Serrano was being driven back towards his home that Walsh assaulted Serrano in the backseat of Pupkin's car, which was being driven by Pupkin. The severely injured Serrano was then abruptly let out of the car in a largely deserted industrial area of Brooklyn, where he was found unconscious by the police roughly two hours later. Serrano subsequently died.

Is Pupkin an accomplice in the manslaughter? Why or why not?


Criminal Code; Accomplice Liability

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Accomplice Liability


An accomplice is a person who aids in committing a crime by giving any form of assistance to a person committing the crime. Even the act of encouraging one to commit a crime is considered to be an accomplice liability. An accomplice does not need to actively participate in the crime, but the acts mentioned above result in accomplice liability. Henry helps Bill to commit a crime. Bill serves as the right-hand man to Henry and therefore works together in selling the drugs. The fact that Henry is aware of the crime involved under his aid qualifies for liability. Henry is, therefore, an accomplice in this case. “Conviction under Section 2(a) requires that a defendant embrace the crime of another and consciously do something to contribute to its...


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