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Ethics: Human Rights
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Humans are controlled by morals and ethics. It is
through ethics and morals that we have human rights. The drafting of human
rights is based on ethics and social laws. Human rights are the moral norms and
principles for certain standards of human behavior, which are protected by
state law and international law. Human rights are universal and are most common
in all parts of the world (Wiesel, 2018). There are rights that are referred to as fundamental,
which are recognized by the supreme court and need a higher degree of
protection from government infringement. These rights include The right to
life, right to freedom from harm, the right to free thought, right to free
movement, right to freedom from slavery, and right to equality of opportunity.
Right to life: Everyone has the right to life which
shall be protected by the law. No one should be deprived of their right to live
intentionally. Not even the government can deprive life unless in circumstance
that the law allows like in the case of capital punishment that is even on a debate
on its legality till today. This right to life arises from other debates like
justifiable homicide, police brutality, abortion, and human rights. Peter singer
said, “If it is in our power to prevent something bad from happening, without
thereby sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance, we ought, morally,
to do it” (Crash Course, 2017). This is in the protection of the rights of human and non-human animals.
The right to freedom from harm states that people are free to do actions they wish to, but their actions should not cause harm to somebody else. The principle lays on...