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Gangs in America

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conduct analysis of a gang of your choosing. explain history of gang and gang membership. describe importance of symbols, graffiti, recruitment, and tactics in gangs. connect the concept of criminal enterprise and organized crime in gangs. analysis must include at least the following: history of gangs and its evolution classification of gang type with an explanation of the classification  the meaning of symbols or graffiti if any the recruitment methods and gang membership requirements the purpose of the gang, including criminal activity and relationship to organized crime  methods used by law enforcement or corrections to control the gang  any other unique characteristics or attributes of the gang


Gangs in America

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Gangs in America

History and Membership of Black Mafia

Black Mafia was conceived in the 1960s by a group of persons who mainly comprised African Americans residing in America. The group commenced as an extortion-centered organization and opted later in 1970 and 1971 to join black-American Muslims (Fleisher, 2018). The gang's success was facilitated by committing a number of crimes in the country that built its reputation to attract potential recruits to join the gang. For instance, the Mafia robbed furniture and murdered about two employees in the store in 1971; in the preceding two years, the gang was alleged to kill two grown-ups and five children in Washington D.C. Disputes between Mafia and the black highly facilitated the evil acts of the gang. Despite the fact that the illegal activities created attention, the gang's support was propelled by several aspects with which it was associated.

Some of the factors that contributed to the growth of the back Mafia included the persistent and massive killing of witnesses and the provision of political power by the Black Americans who were very influential in the country’s government. Besides, the country's authorities become exploitive to cover up the fact of being associated with racial discrimination against African Americans and the preoccupation of law enforcement, who mainly comprised Italian-American citizens, to perpetuate criminal activities in the region. A paramount prosecution of the gang's organizing f team took place in 1968 and 1974, but it remained firm and constant despite its turbulence. However, the gang was coerced to suspend regular meetings for about five years and don away with its hierarchical structure. It resumed operational after five years, with the gang’s primary figures rotating in and out of the criminal justice system and clacking into their territories. Black Mafia was brought into the functionless state in 1983 after going through many arrests and successful prosecutions.

Classification of Black Mafia Gang

 Black Mafia was are criminal gang, and it occasioned several deaths and stole several properties from both individuals and companies. It also perpetuated the selling and distribution of illegal drugs within and across the country. The gang was at its pick in 1975 when it managed to control many criminal acts in different back-American neighborhoods. In the 1970s black Mafia was highly associated with drug trafficking activities in Philadelphia, and Heroin was the most trafficked drug by the gang. The gang also participated in other criminal activities such as armed robbery and burglary activities. Illegal gambling, extortion, and prostitution were among the common public issues with which the gang was associated.

Black Mafia Symbol and Graffiti

The gang had a symbol of Black Hand. The symbol was associated with a criminal and terroristic secret society. Back Mafia did the best in Sicily in the late 19th century and the United States of America precisely in New York City at the commence of the 20th century. It was argued that approximately 90% of New York City's Italian population received blackmailing letters market with a Black Hand threatening to kill them. The most tragic incident associated with black and...


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