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A Small Business in Baton Rouge: The Lewis Companies

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Good morning. As you all know we have been talking about ethics in business for the last chapter discussed. We know the importance of a company to have acceptable ethics if they want to gain and keep the trust of their employees and customers. 


Your assignment is to seek out a small business in Baton Rouge. Once you have chosen one, 

-Give a brief history

-Discuss what product or service they provide and why they provide it, 

-Determine their target market and potential target market, 

-Explain what they can do to expand

-What ethical values you think they can apply to the employees and customers to help the business grow and continue to grow. 


Remember, I'm asking for a small business in Baton Rouge or surrounding areas. 


Please make up some subtitles from the information above and use them for the essay.


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Professor’s Name



A Small Business in Baton Rouge: The Lewis Companies

Brief history

The Lewis Companies was established in 1990. Since its formation, the company has managed its operations within Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The company focuses on providing services such as leasing, sales, and development. According to Lewis Companies, good leadership has ensured that the company has earned an excellent reputation for prioritizing the needs of its clients.

Lewis Companies products and services

As investors, Lewis Companies focuses on providing leasing, budgeting and maintenance services on properties. On its staff, the company has certified heat and air conditioning workers as well as other personnel such as painters and carpenters. The company also handles association management as such Lewis Companies is dependable on handling logistics of association management (Lewis Companies). Since its formation, Lewis Companies has been administering the duties of the operation of different properties. Through the directions provided by the board, the company can ensure that the association adheres to governing documents by enforcing rules and regulations. Besides, the company also handles payable accounts, accounts receivable and collections and managed vendor supervision. This situation creates a platform where the board of directors establishes policies for the association.

Target and potential market

            For a company to succeed it has to understand who the ideal customers are, or the customers with the ability to benefit it by purchasing certain products or services. The primary target markets for Lewis Companies are the individuals interested in real estate in and around the Baton Rouge area (Lewis Companies). This area can be termed as the federal state ‘capital city’ of Louisiana considering it is a major commercial and industrial hub hence being attractive to individuals seeking to work and settle in the area and its environs. Therefore, this situation ensures that Lewis Companies has access to potential target markets who are individuals that are most likely to seek the products and services provided by the company.

How to expand

            The real estate market in the...


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