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Business Ethics Paper

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-business ethic paper

Business ethics research paper, my idea is:

Involution is a state in which a field or industry pattern reaches a point where people do the same work for a long time and remain at a certain level without any changes from within or outside the company, leading to excessive competition and mutual self-consumption among internal employees. This is also known as "voluntary" competition, where prolonged peer competition for limited resources leads to endless internal depletion and stagnation for individuals and the industry as a whole.

Identify a case study of how it affects the work environment and people's lives in terms of ethics and human dignity, and based on that, propose policies, procedures, and/or practices to address this ethical issue.

1. Intro about Involution term 

2. identify a case study (*Please send me the case study for approval*, need to be the year after 2000, in Asia country or in the US)

3. what is the ethical problem/ issue

4. policies, procedure, practice 

5. conclusion

, I'm also looking for a good case study based on the topic. You can send me the case study and I can view it and make sure it suits the topic

  Introduction about involution, and Chinese business culture of 996 (work from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm, 6 days per week, to work more) and why it’s bad for the society, culture and human dignity


2.       Ethical business practice:  Meaningful work and productivities (Transitioning from 996 to what is meaningful work, work more doesn’t mean you can produce valuable work) Company should help employee to define meaningful work, creative work and more time moving towards innovation


       3. Balance work and family ( case study that company are moving to 4days a week are doing well what is the benefit)

o   Awin, Affiliate marketing platform Awin launched its first six-month trial of a 4.5-day workweek in December 2020. From early 2021, the company announced its entire team around the world was moving to a four-day workweek with no reduction in salaries.  With staff wellbeing at the forefront of our minds, we have been experimenting with a more modern approach to work focusing entirely on outcomes rather than a more traditional input measurement," Adam Ross, Awin's chief operating officer, said in 2021.

   4. Matrix that company evaluate people’s work ( what can company do or change: not calculate the time of sitting in the office but actually provide valuable idea/work and create products rather than detect you are moving mouse during work hours; management; leadership or more …..

5.How covid changed people’s mind and culture, they think work is not the #1 propriety.

  • ness. 


Business Ethics Paper


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Business Ethics Paper


Involution is a state in which individuals in a given industry do the same work for a long time and prevail at a certain level without any changes from within or outside the business establishment, leading to excessive competition and mutual self-consumption among internal workers (Hamaker et al., 2018). Involution can occur in a social setting also in economic settings. China, for instance, experienced involution in the academic and technology sectors of the economy. Liu (2021) argues that the Chinese used social media to perpetuate involution among the university and college students across the country and the world. The circulation of students riding bikes and other reading from their laptops on social media in China led to anxiety, stress, and overwork among university and university learners. The memes overcrowding social media platforms send the wrong message to the students that the only they make it in life and become essential persons is through studying hard to achieve good grades and secure well-paying jobs. They believe that an individual can acquire a better life with an excellent job because he can afford an apartment and find a similarly high-achieving spouse. Students spent long times reading and studying to secure good grades remaining with little time left for them to rest. The memes undermined creativity in the academic sector because students invested heavily into obtaining good grades and overlooked the talents they might have, which in most cases pay better than employment. As a result, the level of competition for employment in the job market shop up as all graduates strive to secure a job in the existing company rather than being innovative to start new companies and create employment opportunities for themselves and others. On a similar note, technology companies in China perpetuate involution by forcing employees to work for long hours without a rest. Employees remained engaged from 9 am to 9 pm every day from Monday to Saturday. As a result, workers spend much of their time at work with very little time left for recreation and rest.

Involution Case Study: Technology companies

Chinese technology companies and start-up business entities have deployed to counter production costs inherent in the technology industry. According to Ani 2021, the technology business establishments turned the Chinese economy into involution by embracing the employee victimizing strategy of overworking employees. The firms in the sector encouraged workers to work from 9 am to 9 pm, six days a week, toxic 996-work culture. Employees are forced to work for long hours a day without a rest. They are only allowed one day of rest and off duty, only on Sunday. Although the country's labor laws prohibit overworking employees across the country, organizations in the technology industry are perpetuating it formally and informally. China Labor laws (2018) maintain that Chinese legislation requires employees to work for 8 hours a day at most and 44 hours per week during regular working hours. Upon consultation with trade unions, labor laws allow employers to exceed regular working hours by one to three hours a day based on agreement. Employers should pay their servants more during overtime per hour than the standard pay rate. However, Chinese technology companies surpassed the legal working hours by far. Instead of working for 8 hours, the business entities coerced their workforce to work for at least two hours a day for 6 days every week.

Although the companies purposed to enhance their productivity and minimize the operation costs, the outcome was the opposite of their expectations. The employees’ productivity dropped significantly due to excessive fatigue emanating from working for long hours a day without rest. Employees' pleasantness in the workplace declined, and they reduced the efforts they dedicated to working for the companies (Sun et al., 2022). Generally, the suicide rate significantly decreased in China, but the number of information technology employees killing themselves went up in 2019. Many employees leave jobs in the industry due to the stress they experience from the many hours they are assigned to execute tasks throughout the day without a break. Also, others feel so stressed with the work that they commit suicide. Some leave their job in the industry and look for other employment opportunities. "Li Chuang left, a 31-year-old stressed with the toxic work culture, left his job in central China two years ago to be a monk at the Wudang Mountain. However, he was too frightened to return...


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