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Discussion and Conclusion-Psychological Effects of Marijuana Use

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Discussion and Conclusion-Psychological Effects of Marijuana Use


The Significance of Marijuana Use in Predicting Psychological Problems


This section of my research project will interpret figures, tables, as well as other forms of output obtained from excel. These interpretations will be used to make sense of the hypothesis and how it was tested to bring out an informed judgement regarding the subject matter. During the previous parts of this study, I hypothesize that cannabis use predicts mental health complications. Basically, people between the ages of 17-30 are psychologically affected by the use of marijuana; unfortunately, they may not notice this negative implication until later in life (Compton, 2016). Additionally, different groups of people respond differently to the use of cannabis. For example, some show immediate psychological implications, while some do not show abrupt mental effects. The study outcome shows that 57.72% of people who use bhang may get addicted and are likely to use it for the rest of their lives. This implies that psychological effects depend on the extent to which a person has been using the drug. The same point of view is supported by Arria et al. (2015), who opined that exposure-time is critical in determining mental effects, but this consideration varies from one person to another.

The overall outcome of this study is that the use of marijuana causes mental instability among users. However, the extent at which people are affected depends on; the frequency of use (quantity) and the time-period that one has been using cannabis. On the same note, the study shows a strong signal that people are likely to use bhang for a lifetime due to its addictiveness nature. A significant number of studies, (studies by CDC (2020); Mooney (2016), and Compton (2016)) support the hypothesis that cannabis use predicts mental health complications. To anchor the conclusion of the study to support the study's premiss, I conducted a regional market survey to determine the market size of marijuana in different parts of the United States. The outcome signals that some areas such as California have a large market for cannabis. Additionally, an analysis on 'annual growth of legal marijuana in America' enables to estimate the number of people living in different parts of the United States who were at risk of experiencing mental complication as a result of using bhang. The study revealed that the more people are exposed to the use of marijuana, the high chances of having many mental cases. CDC (2020) conducted research to investigate the effect of legalizing cannabis on the psychological health of people living those particular regions and concluded that, the higher the freedom of people consuming bhang, the high the possibilities of developing mental complications. Hence the use of marijuana can be applied to explain the psychological health effect of people in different regions on the world.

Furthermore, I conducted a coefficient analysis to determine the importance of independent variables towards explaining the dependent variable. Table 4 (Co-efficient table) shows that both ‘predictor variables’ are significant in explaining the ‘predicted variable.” (Frequency of use of marijuana on mental health= 0.01; Prolonged period of use of marijuana on mental health= 0.00). This proved that that sig ≤ 0.05 (level of significance used on the study) This outcome demonstrates that both determinate variables are significant in predicting the effect of the use of marijuana on the psychological health of users. This outcome is supported by a study conducted by Arria et al. (2015), who argued that the use of marijuana is...


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