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Theories of Motivation - Learning Module Materials

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Additional Sources URLs: 

1. https://open.lib.umn.edu/organizationalbehavior/chapter/5-3-process-based-theories/ 2. https://hbr.org/podcast/2020/12/why-burnout-happens-and-how-bosses-can-help

3. Group Affect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmVlaEz6UoQ

4. Why Burnouts Happen:  https://hbr.org/podcast/2020/04/another-workplace-crisis-loneliness

5. The surprising truth about what motivates us: URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc

6. The puzzle of motivation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrkrvAUbU9Y

7. Adam's Equity Theory ( https://youtu.be/_VWD-rg7_oU )

8. Vroom's Expectancy Theory ( https://youtu.be/GIXUg6N-eOs )

9. Bandura's Self-Efficacy Theory ( https://hi.switchy.io/2EGt )

10. Skinner's Reinforcement Theory ( https://hi.switchy.io/2EGu )

11. Locke's Goal-Setting Theory ( https://youtu.be/vtX_Ueh0j-E )

12. The power of believing you can improve: https://www.ted.com/talks/carol_dweck_the_power_of_believing_that_you_can_improve/transcript?language=en&utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshar

13. Motivation by job design - Job Characteristics Model: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUWsFHQsbh0


Instructions:  This is a short paper for a large amount of material, but take heart you don't have to include it all. I would include all of the attached Journal articles (4 PDFs), Podcasts (1), and 5 videos for a total of ten items, if possible. The intent of the writing is a reflective exposition of learning from the material and application in the real world. Approach the writing style from a season management consultant obtaining an MBA.  


This is NOT meant to be a summary of all the materials. Instead, it is meant to be the space you actually reflect on what you are learning, show how your thinking about those topics is growing, tie newly learned concepts together, and connect what the new knowledge will help you change in practice. 


Take five minutes immediately after reading each article, chapter, or listening to a lecture/podcast, and quickly document the essence or synthesis of that material. If you wait till you have completed ALL the readings, and have gone through. ALL the videos/podcasts, your synthesis will become a daunting task and will look like a summary.  Build a weekly module cumulative synthesis of all the materials you have gone through. You are supposed to go through all the listed items, unless they are marked as "Extra material".  Each written synthesis should be no more than 2 double-spaced pages long.



Judge, T. A., & Kammeyer-Mueller, J. D. (2012). Job Attitudes. The Annual Review of Psychology, 341-361.

Adam M. Grant, M. K., & Price, R. H. (2020). happiness, health, or relationship? Managerial Practice and Employee Trade-off. Academy of Management, 51-60.

Barsade, S. G., & Gibson, D. E. (2007). Why Does Affect Matter in Organizations? Academy of Management.


Theories of Motivation-Learning Model Material


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Theories of Motivation-Learning Model Material

Researchers have devoted much of their time to identify the correlation between job satisfaction and relationship but have not obtained convincing knowledge (Judge & Kammeyer-Mueller, 2012). It is true to say most employees in various companies are not comfortable with the job they do, but they have no understanding as to why they are bored with their job.

 Managers are developing relationships with employees to improve their performance in their duties, but some employees' performance is adversely impacted by close relationships with their boss (Adam M. Grant & Price, 2020). The act of employee-manager relationship shifting from professional level to personal is not new in our current world.

It is significant to adhere to job ethics as we maintain a close relationship with our bosses. Affects are substantial in the workplace because they give employees morale to deliver in their roles (Barsade & Gibson, 2007). Many organizations have realized the significance of motivating their workforce to improve job performance. Affect can be achieved from within the individual, or reward is given by management in material things or in form of encouragement.

 In his motivational speech, Pink (2009) says he did law in undergraduate and postgraduate degree; however, he did score well. Ultimately, he dropped the law profession and ventured into the business world, and he is doing great. Similarly, people should understand university studies are made to give scholars knowledge to apply in diverse fields, not only within the profession.

 The amount of reward is not directly proportional to the employee's performance in the job place. The highly rewarded employee may perform lower than the lowly motivated one (Pink, 2010). From the video, we learned that we should carefully evaluate what motivates a particular person before deciding how we are going to encourage them.

Three main factors create motivation to do a given job. Besides, jobs possess five core characteristics that dictate the aspect to motivate a particular position (Dwrck, 2014). This model's knowledge helps managers design careers in the best way they can motivate employees...


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