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Gender Assignment

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The subject needs to argue the specific claim of the topic. I chose Gender Reassignment, and the thesis statement I would like to have is "Sex reassignment surgery can help patients combat with many negative consequences of gender identity disorder". 

Transgender Identities : Towards a Social Analysis of Gender Diversity, edited by Sally Hines, and Tam Sanger, Taylor & Francis Group, 2010. ProQuest Ebook Central, https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/broward-ebooks/detail.action?docID=496310


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Gender Assignment

Generally, a human gender can be male or female depending on their sex organs. Although, some people are born transgender (with sex parts of a woman and women). Such people find it challenging to interact with persons of either gender because they fit in none. But advancement in the health care system and information technology has made it possible to correct gender to improve social life. Sex reassignment surgery is a surgical procedure in which a transgender individual's physical appearance and function of their existing sex traits are changed to resemble those socially linked with the identified gender (di Summa et al., 232). It is one of the strategies used to treat gender dysphoria in transgender persons. Professional health facilities have established standards of care that apply before an individual can apply and receive reassignment surgery, including psychological evaluation and period of real-life experience living with the desired gender. Sex reassignment surgery can help patients combat with many negative consequences of gender identity disorder

Gender reassignment surgery help to quality of life and physical health of the victims. Individuals associated with transgender have prone to physical health complications. Once they undergo reassignment surgery, they become resistant to health issues. Surgery makes sex transgender persons experience changes in their physical and quality of life, and also they are able to overcome adverse effects of steroid treatment (Taylor and Francis, 227). Many studies have evaluated the quality of life and self-perceived physical health using diverse scales. Generally, transgender individuals rate their quality of life as normal or fairly good, when some are below those in the control group. Another study indicated a similar quality of life based on the control group and transsexual. Another study on normal and transgender have maintained that 15 years after surgery have maintained that quality of life is similar in transgender after surgical operation and cisgender control groups, but the domain of physical and personal limitations are substantially lower among trans participants. Other variables apart from sex alignment surgery can help improve the transsexual patient. For example, trans men attain a higher self-perceived health rate than ladies since that usually have higher testosterone level than women. Trans women who go through face feminization surgery report a higher satisfaction level in their general physical health.

Sexual reassignment surgery helps to enhance social and sexual consequences. During sexual patients are taken through cross-sex hormone therapy, after which they become less gender dysphoric. According to Colebunders and BrittTransgender (106), individuals feel insecure when interacting with others in social settings. Hence, they opt to isolate themselves because of the feeling of unfit to either gender. When sexual reassignment surgery is performed on such individuals, it gives them the courage and self-confidence to interact and join others in the social world. In other work, the surgery helps patients function well both socially and psychologically. After the surgery, the level of anxiety, hostility, and depression becomes low. Many studies have suggested that the level of satisfaction improves after sexual reassignment surgery. According to several studies conducted about the topic, many patients are happy with the reassignment results, while a negligible number regret to have gone through the procedure.


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