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Workplace Stress

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Assignment: short report

 Learning Outcome

Analyze a business issue in the form of a short report using the skills covered in this course - active voice, key message development, brevity, consistency and proper citations.



In a business environment, it is common to be asked to research and write about a business issue. This exercise will prepare students to be able to handle this job request and present the information in a clear, concise, formal manner with correct citations. (And, using proper citations means that the reader can source the information on his/her own if he/she desires further information.)



This assignment can be completed individually or in groups of two.


·         This report must include:

o        Introduction (1 page)

o        Research Findings (3pages)

o        Conclusion and Recommendations (1 page)

·         This report must incorporate a minimum of three credible print/online sources that are referenced adequately. (Failing to reference could result in plagiarism.)

·         This report must include one interview.

·         Any facts/statistics quoted must be either worldwide stats/facts or Canadian stats/facts.

·         This report must follow appropriate writing/formatting conventions covered in class.

·         This report must be bound and handed in hard copy as well as submitted electronically on Brightspace.



1.       Workplace Stress – Some corporate leaders like to maintain a level of workplace stress as they believe it keeps employees on their toes and ready to go the extra mile. However, workplace stress can have a harmful effect on one’s overall mental health. What is the best way to achieve a balance between high productivity and optimal stress levels and who is responsible for this balance – employees, management or both?


Marking Criteria

Refer to the course rubric.


Due Date

Refer to the course schedule for the assignment due date.



Workplace Stress


Institutional Affiliation

Workplace Stress


Stress is typical in a corporate environment. In Canada, some corporate leaders maintain stress levels at a workplace to keep employees motivated and ready to fulfill work objectives. Employees feel attached to their ways of accomplishing work, personal responsibilities, organizational structures, and workgroups. An alteration to these work-related affections either through the regulatory process of personal choice may result in employees feeling neglected and not involved in the transition. Therefore, understanding the components of workplace stress and employee response to stress helps corporate leaders to manage stress and change effectively. 

Corporate leaders are responsible for understanding issues that impact employees' levels of managing workplace stress and change. This report required data which is an essential component to research and fulfilling the research objectives. The report used an interview that involved a Human Resources manager being asked questions verbally to collect data. The interview helped in accessing accurate screening and capturing of emotions and behavior. Nonetheless, cost and access to a limited sample size was a significant limitation of using an interview to collect data. Hence, despite the challenges the interview provided reliable research findings.

To enhance work productivity, it is essential that corporate leaders understand that employees under stress are not capable of performing as before; because their work performance is reduced. Stress affects personal and professional relations, mental alertness, energy, and health levels. High-stress levels at work results in increased interpersonal conflict, reduced productivity, increased frequency of accidents, decreased concentration, lack of motivation and increased defensiveness. As a consequence, the purpose of this report is to investigate the best way of achieving a balance between high productivity and optimal stress levels while determining the individuals responsible for striking this balance.

Research Findings

For Sedigh, Devlin and Grenier (2017) it is essential that corporate firms gain sufficient levels of stress to avoid affecting the level of work productivity. Adequate levels of stress ensure that employees have enough pressure that can motivate them to work. This reality of too much or too little stress levels influence the workplace harmony thereby affecting the work delivery levels. For corporate leaders to improve and maintain enhanced productivity levels, then it is essential to examine organizational management practices. Stress management is a crucial skill that is often ignored or overlooked as a solution to business problems. Therefore, there are several measures that a corporate firm can take to balance between high productivity and optimal stress levels that include:

a)      Enhancing employee motivation

            For an organization to attain sufficient stress levels for its employees, then it has to significantly ensure that employees from the top-level management to the lower-level are motivated. Well remunerated employees focus on achieving organizational objectives even with little supervision because they get exposed to the right levels of workplace stress. Exposure to high levels of stress results in employees being short-fused, distracted, distant and unfocused thus breaking down teamwork and productivity. According to Page et al. (2013), the failure to motivate employees increases their vulnerability to stress thus making it difficult for corporate leaders to establish and implement employee...


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