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Intercultural Management

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Intercultural Management


Intercultural Management


Institution Affiliation

Question One:

            In reality, there are different employed by organizations during the allocation of rewards, for instance, pay rises to employees. And so, appropriate allocation of rewards is beneficial to an organization because the practice improves spurs employee motivational levels as well as contributing to the achievement of co-operating objectives and goals. There are three fundamental principles of reward allocation; equity, equality, and need (Cullen & Parboteeah, 2014). Consequently, the collectivist culture prefers equality as a rubric for allocation of rewards, since the principle emphasizes on the distribution of rewards equally across the workforce as such collectivism advocates for the importance of the community to an organization in general. Conversely, the individualistic culture prefers equity and need as principles of reward allocation; basically, need as a rubric advocates for rewards to be allocated as per individual needs while equity emphasizes that rewards should be allocated as per individuals work-related performance. Therefore, this promotes the concerns and rights of each person.

Question Two:

            In an individualistic culture, the environment, as well as the system, suffers potential negative effects. Most specifically, individualistic systems advocate and push individuals towards the pursuance of personal achievements, therefore leading to the creation of competition among individuals in all quarters. Additionally, the individualistic system leads to high levels of social mobility, which thereby creates undesirable levels of social anxiety. To further add on that, Cullen & Parboteeah (2014) asserts that interpersonal relationships are significantly affected by the focused attention on personal achievements and gains. As such, it is imperative that multinational managers address this phenomenon, for instance, they should focus towards creating a framework that can incorporate both individualistic and collectivist culture. Therefore, this kind of managerial approach will establish organizations that will attract high-performing individuals due to the creation of an environment they can be authentic selves. In consequence, this approach will address the various individual needs as well as creating a collective beneficial culture that will promote the achievement of organizations’ goals.  

Question Three:

            Vroom expectancy theory of motivation as a model states that behavior is emancipated from choices that are majorly conscious with the purpose of maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain. As such, the relationship between individuals’ goals and behavior...


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