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Psychology of Childhood

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In а 2 рage double-spaced reports. Please pick a documentarу or film/book that you watched/read and that you found interesting and relate to one concept in the psychology of children. Elaborate and synthesize information while making your points.



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Psychology of Childhood

The documentary The Business of Being Born by Ricki Lake depicts an exemplary coverage of natural births that have been filmed to reveal the perception held by a midwife regarding childbirths. According to Hall, the primary objective of the documentary was to show the joy felt by a mother after going through the un-medicated process of giving birth. Additionally, through featured characters like Ina May, Marsden Wagner and so on, the documentary depicts the various problem that women encounter during childbirth in American health facilities. Nonetheless, the documentary conveyed a theme that child delivery is transformation, for that reason, it is a process that is very crucial in the development of children.

Child development during infancy is an essential period of growth with babies going from being dependent to independent toddlers. Midwives play an indispensable role in the development of children as underlined by the support they provide during normal pregnancy. The documentary features community midwives who perform homebirth deliveries thus providing a certain percentage of continuity care that aids in the development of a child. Midwives can discern complications during childbirth that can potentially affect child development. After the birth of a child, community midwives are obligated to deliver continuity care by visiting the mother and child for not less than ten days, so that to provide postnatal care efficiently. 

                The documentary reveals that proper child development depends on the excellent relationship that exists between the mother and the midwife, as it is the case with Ricki Lake. It is crucial that the mother stays in constant contact with the midwife, who will, in turn, monitor the development of the child. Child psychology is dependent on the willingness and the ability of the mother to create a good relationship with the midwife, who will then have the ability to support and advice the mother. According to Hall, the midwife should prioritize the development of a child for that reason they are mandated to be accommodating and responsive; thus this will ensure a baby is well delivered hence promoting the development of a child. Childbirth is very involving, as a consequence midwife are required to provide adequate support for the affected mothers so that...


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