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Role of Community Corrections

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Instructions: Analyze the role of community corrections to address the needs of special populations. When conducting your analysis consider those special correctional populations that are more appropriately served with community corrections supervision instead of incarceration.

Each assignment is due Sunday, 11:59 pm EST of the appropriate week. The assignment covers the material from the textbook(s) and the supplemental citations. Each student submission to the assignment needs to be 2-3 pages with APA 7th ed. citations and references. Do not use any other form of referencing. Each student submission MUST be uploaded as a Word Doc attachment. 

All assignments must be written in an academic tone. You are not to write in the first person. Instead you need to use third person. Remember, an academic essay is not to be written like you are having a casual conversation with your friends. Do not include slang or foul language unless you are quoting someone.

Large word-for-word quotes are not permitted as well. Direct quotes, if used need to be only a sentence or two long. Instead, most cited material needs to be paraphrased. For more information on properly citing sources in your assignments please refer to the APA 7th edition manual. While the assignments are to include an examination on current research of a particular problem, they also need include the student’s careful and informed analysis of the problem. 

Remember each assignment must be submitted as a Word Doc attachment. The assignment needs be written in 12 point font, using Times Roman. Margins will also need to be 1’ inch.

Each assignment will need to include the following:

  • The original question at the top of the essay (serves as the abstract)
  • The body of your answer in several paragraphs
  • A titled reference section that has been formatted according to APA 7th ed style.     
  • A minimum of two references per assignment. One reference can include the textbook. However, you will need to include other additional academic sources. These sources should consist of scholarly journals that have been peer reviewed and academically based books. Web sources can be used, though they should come from credible sources such as government agencies, academics and private agencies with a strong reputation within the community they serve. If you have a question Examples of peer reviewed scholarly based journals include:

                     Journal of Criminology

                     Crime and Public Opinion

                    Journal of Criminal Justice and Public Policy

                    Justice Quarterly: JQ

You will not be allowed to use web pages or web groups such as Wikipedia and Answers.com, as the information contained in these web pages are academically questionable. You cannot use web pages of a questionable background or academic source.

Furthermore, you will not be permitted to cite encyclopedias, dictionaries, newspapers (unless otherwise permitted) and popular magazines. It is important to remember that this is an undergraduate level class and you are required to submit undergraduate level work, which is backed up by academically credible material. If you have a question about the quality of a potential resource please e-mail your professor.

Most of this material that you need for your assignments can be found in the AMU library. You are encouraged to use the library to locate the needed material. Additionally, at the bottom of this syllabus is a list of acceptable organizations and groups found on the World Wide Web which you can use to find material for your assignments.




Role of Community Corrections


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Due Date

Role of Community Corrections

Special populations need specialized services when undergoing community correctional services. Individuals with mental and physical disabilities make the major portion of special needs populations and need to be given effective care. Assessment programs and treatment should consider the culprit's differences in gender, culture, age, and type of felony (Clear et al., 2018). Special populations are legible for favorable options while under correctional services, failure to which their conditions are vulnerable to deterioration. Suppose the issues of the mentally sick are not properly addressed. In that case, they are likely to recycle through social service and the criminal justice system repeatedly due to the ignorance of their special problem. Plaintiffs with exceptional felonies tend to suffer from personality, stigma, and self-esteem issues that adversely interfere with their transformational process. Community treatment programs and correctional officers should provide effective transformational service to the population with...


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