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Assignment 4 Discussion Activity: Why Cops Shoot

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Revisit the 2017 award-winning article, Why Cops Shoot and follow my instructions below:


Part A (10pts): Scroll down and tap on How this Story Was Written to briefly familiarize yourself with the extraordinary data collection measures that the authors took in preparing for this journalistic piece Tap Read the Story 



Of the four individuals below, describe whose story is the most fascinating and why you think this.

o    Rodney Mitchell was a 23 year old department store clerk with a college degree.

o    Daytona Beach: Sheriff Michael Chitwood’s discusses how his county tries to do things the “right way”

o    Tampa: Brain Scientist David Diamond discusses how incredible stress that officers face affects brain functioning.

o    St. Johns County: Rick Sheldon recalls his wife’s death after a startling encounter with officers in her home.

Part B (10pts): Revisit the article Why Cops Shoot by going here: https://projects.tampabay.com/projects/2017/investigations/florida-police-shootings/database/   which is a database of all the office-involved shootings in Florida.

1.    Familiarize yourself with the methodology (i.e., browse the page.) Tap on Search All Cases on the left side and choose some filters that interest you.

2.    Select one case and summarize it in this thread. Specifically, answer the following prompts.

What happened in this situation (2-4 sentences)

§  In your own words, describe at least 3 ways that this case compared to other cases.

§  When finished, peruse all of your classmates entries and "like" the single entry that stuck out to you the most (i.e., surprised you, saddened you, angered you, motivated you?)



Assignment 4 Discussion Activity: Why Cops Shoot

Part A: David Diamond 

 David diamond has the most fascinating story among the four individuals. In his teaching about how stress adversely impacts police officer's thinking he compares human reasoning with that of animals when faced with a threat. According to diamond, despite police officers having guns that they can use to defend themselves when they confine a suspect, they feel that their lives are in danger. According to Tampa Bay Times ( 2017), a police officer is also a human being, and when he is threatened, stress builds up, and the need for survival suppresses all other thoughts. He interestingly explains how the prefrontal cortex and...


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