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Part 1
to Davis-Floyd (2003), a milestone is a passage that marks the transition from
one level of growth to the other. My first most important milestone was during
the time of birth. Even if I cannot really comprehend the circumstances that
surrounded my birth, I believe this was a very significate rite of passage that
brought me to live. As a norm in our community, this milestone is normally
flowered by ceremonies and celebration as the new one is introduced in the
existence on earth. This milestone took place at stage followed by infancy. At
the stage, a child is barely able to do anything on its own and entirely relays
on the parents and the caretakers. The
second milestone was puberty and incorporation. During this phase of life, I
was taken through the incorporation to be accepted among the adults. Puberty
took place during my adolescence stage. This milestone was significant to me as
it marked the end of childhood and acceptance among the adults.
Part 2
my early adolescence, 5-12 years, I received scolding as the form of punishing
me whenever I did wrong. This was characterized by being reminded of what I did
wrong and what I should have done. My parents, however, were not as soft as
scolding may sound. To some extent, when my behavior became wanting at this age
bracket, my mom would ground me preventing me from spending much time with my
friends. When I was a teenager, the most common form of punishment was
withholding most of my privileges. In respect to this punishment, withholding
involved taking away my gaming kits, barring me from watching Television and
taking away my credit card. This type of parenting style used to punish me was
authoritative parenting style. This style, therefore, involves a parent
providing a firm direction and at the same time showing love and kindness to
the child. This parenting style did not change even when I gained many
responsibilities and aged.
Part 3
According to Walsleben (1982), a sleep disorder can be defined as the dysfunction of brain mechanism which is responsible for controlling how the human being sleeps or wakes. Personally, I don’t have this condition. However, my...