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Becoming an expert in the field of Social Psychology Paper

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Becoming an expert in the field of Social Psychology Paper


Becoming an expert in the field of Social Psychology Paper

Selected Research Topic: Group Behavior


Decisions that people make is life signifies the type of behavior they have. Decision-making by individual will have specific attributes which are normally different from decision made by a group. This difference brings about the aspect of group behavior and how it plays out in influencing organization performance. However, this does not mean group behavior only occur in professional settings, it can also exist between family members, community, and even between circles of friends. For example, in the political world, we can have mass action, which is an excellent example of group behavior. Eys and Kim (2017) defined group behavior as having collection feelings or thoughts that make people with a group to behavior is a similar way. Group behavior is further guided by rules and regulations that bide a team togethers. Therefore, group behavior is an important social psychology concept that examines how groups behaviors in the view of contribution of multiple individuals. Group behavior will examine leadership, decision making, enhancing cooperation, and group influence on results. In my final research paper, I will answer several research questions as related to my selected topic.

Q1. What are the main characteristics of group behavior?

Mainly based on the preference for change or achievement

One of the predominant featured of group behavior is that it unites people who want to bring change to their lives, an organization, or even the larger community. In this case, people may practice group behavior when they feel aggrieved by certain things in their lives. According to Yin, Wang, Yin, and Zhu (2019), people aspiring for a change are likely to develop a group behavior due to the unity of direction, interests, and even the possibilities of having a competitive advantage when they work are a group. Some of the common types of group behavior which share this feature are those that a group of people feel pressured by life circumstances and hence have to find a way to make things better. For example, community members who are tired about pollution in their residents will most like portray group behavior because they are focused on bring changed in their neighborhood.

Require formal organization.

Research by Yin et al. (2019) shows that group behavior cannot exist without a form organization. The main role of this organization is to bring order, coordination, planning, and setting of rules and standards that members of the group have to follow. The coordination of activities of a group behavior become key in ensuring all participants are in line with the objectives of the group. Failure to have capable form organization implies that members can have differentiated opinions, can carry on activities as they wish, and can even oppose the philosophies of the group from within. According to Bayazit, Lien, and Amato (2004), group behavior is guided by rule-based roadmaps that...


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