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PSY - 8 Bibliography and 2 Annotations 'Social Anxiety Disorder in Children'

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Preview: In a couple of weeks the final work will be a research presentation of 10 to 15 power point slides on a topic “Social Anxiety Disorder in Children”, for which I will need to use 8 scholarly sources for the research.

Instructions For This Assignment

Submit a bibliography in APA style of 8 initial sources that you will use to research on “Social Anxiety Disorder in Children” for the final project presentation. Write annotations for at least two of your resources.

Include the following:

·         8 sources in APA style

·         Annotations for at least two sources, including:

-          A paragraph that provides a synopsis of the source

-          A paragraph that evaluates the source, including its credibility, relevance, usefulness, and importance to your presentation (i.e., How does it fit into your research? How does it help shape your thesis?)

The OWL at Purdue provides definitions and samples of annotated bibliographies using APA style: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/614/1/

Copied from Purdue.edu: An annotation is a summary and evaluation. Therefore, an annotated bibliography includes a summary and evaluation of each of the sources.


Guidelines for Submission: The annotated bibliography should follow these formatting guidelines: double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA-style citations.


PSY - 8 Bibliography and 2 Annotations “Social Anxiety Disorder in Children”



Afifi, T., Cox, B., & Sareen, J. (2010). Anxiety disorders in Canada. In Cairney J. & Streiner D. (Eds.), Mental Disorder in Canada: An Epidemiological Perspective (pp. 126-143). Toronto; Buffalo; London: University of Toronto Press.

            Mental Disorder in Canada is a book written by Streiner David and Cairney John published by the University of Toronto Press in 2010, to give an epidemiological perspective concerning mental disorders.  As such, this book primarily focuses on Canadian Scholarship; nonetheless, it provides a well documented contribution to the distribution and progression of knowledge on epidemiology psychiatry.

            The book is relevant to the research because the authors provide an intelligent analysis of anxiety disorders as stated in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders by explaining the various anxiety disorders that affect children. For example, acute stress disorder, PTSD, social phobia, panic attacks, etc. as such, this type of mental illness are diagnosed during childhood through adolescence (Afifi et al., 2010). Besides, the authors underline the importance of diagnoses included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders regarding children as stipulated in the Diagnostic Interview Schedule developed by the WHO. As a result, the authors’ advice that most of the diagnosis on children perceived to be suffering from anxiety disorders should be conducted and compiled through Composite International Diagnostic Interview.


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