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The Significance of Marijuana Use in Predicting Psychological Problems

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Type: Research Proposal


Style: ASA (Follow the sampler. I encourage the use of (Miano, 2019 pg. 12) as much as possible.


Sources: 13. (6 journal articles, 3 books, about 4 websites such as CDC, WHO, etc).


Introduction= 600 words

·         Background of the study 300

·         Statement of the problem 200

·         definition of terms (In a paragraph form)

Literature Review= 1200 words

·         introduction (100)

·         How is Marijuana related to Psychological (By article). (200)

·         Who are mostly psychologically affected by the use of Marijuana?  (Summary by topic) (220)

·         Studies Surrounding the Hypothesis (Summary by authors) (230)

·         Theoretical Review (300)

·         Conclusion (150)

Research Methods= 900 words

·         Introduction

·         Research method- (secondary and quantitative and qualitative data will be collected)

·         Source 1: (Where will get information)

·         Source 2

·         Source 3

·          Definition of terms (In a paragraph form)  


The Significance of Marijuana Use in Predicting Psychological Problems

Research Proposal

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Since the early 1990s, the use of marijuana has increased considerably; today, it is among the most popular illegal drugs in the United States where its reactional use is prohibited. National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) (2020) “estimated that more than one-third of the American populous has used marijuana and that over 7% of Americans regularly use it.” Despite the prevalence of marijuana, indecision perseveres regarding its psychological effects. Amongst its supposed consequences, the most significant one links its use to the development of mental disorders. Studies in psychology postulate that taking large amounts of marijuana triggers psychotic incidents, limiting positive outcomes in patients with established psychosis (Lac & Luc, 2018). Researchers have overlooked the effects of marijuana on non-psychotic disorders; nonetheless, evidence linking its use to anxiety and depression has increased. For these reasons, in this proposal, I hypothesize that cannabis use triggers psychological problems.

Gradually, the societal sensitivity regarding marijuana has changed as a result of increasing legislation legalizing its use for reactional and medicinal objectives as well as the growing population of young people. Due to high prevalence and the constant alteration to laws and opinions, it is imperative to analyze the effects of cannabis use, primarily, its link to mental health. Depression and anxiety are among the established mental complications affecting the American populous; therefore, it is of clinical importance to comprehend the factors that augment their commonness (National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 2017). The development of mental disorders is prevalent within the same age range that entails chronic users of marijuana. According to Grunberg, Cordova, Bidwell, and Ito (2015 pg. 591), “…...75% of all lifetime cases of anxiety and depression start by age 24, and among adolescents, roughly 32% have had a lifetime prevalence of anxiety disorders…” Therefore, adolescents and young adults are more predisposed to marijuana use and the development of dejection and anxiety.

Cannabis use predicts mental disorders; however, there is relatively little research connecting it to psychological problems since majority of studies examine its utilization from a broader perspective of the substance use disorder category. Arria, Caldeira, Bugbee, Vincent, and O'Grady (2015) postulated that researchers separately analyze marijuana use by focusing only on users' dependence. Additionally, according to Grunberg et al. (2015 pg. 591) “…results from studies that have focused on recreational users and young adults are quite variable; [some show a negative association between marijuana use and anxiety/depression, others a positive association, and still others no association].” Such diversity in results highlights pre-existing questions concerning the linkage between cannabis use and psychological complaints as well as the mechanism strengthening the association, underlining the need for more research in this area. Consistent with these conclusions, studies continue to associate marijuana use with different health outcomes; therefore, information regarding its effects on mental health is a clinical necessity. In this study, I hypothesize that marijuana use can be predictive of significant dysfunction and indicators. Specifically, I will seek to investigate how marijuana use predicts psychological problems, resulting in its chronic users exhibiting aspects of impulsivity, mental dysfunction, depressive indications, as well as considerable standards of anxiety.

For this study, I will define some key terms that will provide the reader with reference points. Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a mind-altering drug, containing chemicals such as Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). According to NIDA (2020), it “…. refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant.” The term psychological denotes mental and emotional rather than physical. Marijuana use triggers psychological complications, for instance anxiety and depression.

Literature Review

This literature review will entail a far-reaching sociological and epidemiological analysis of how cannabis use prompts mental disorders. Under this section, I will evaluate basic concepts, examine other studies, compare different options, and apply relevant theories regarding the topic phenomenon. Besides, I will further discuss the research question; What is the significance of marijuana use in predicting psychological problems? As a consequence, I will hypothesize that marijuana use can be predictive of significant mental dysfunction.

How is Marijuana-related to Psychological Problems?

In this paragraph, I will provide the reader with a detailed analysis of how cannabis use leads to the development of psychological disorders. According to NIDA (2020), “several studies have linked marijuana use to increased risk for psychiatric disorders, including psychosis (schizophrenia), depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders…...” In their study, Wright, Scerpella, and Lisdahl (2016) determined that recent investigations hypothesize that the daily use of high-potent cannabis potentially increases the dangers of developing mental disorders, such as psychosis by nearly five times compared to non-smokers. Evidence shows that genetic susceptibility, the age at first use, and amount of drug used impacts the relationship links between marijuana use and psychological problems (Parker, 2017).

Cannabis use and mental disorders are common among adolescents. According to Assari, Mistry, Caldwell, and Zimmerman (2018 pg. 2), recent studies suggest that "[individuals who use marijuana and other substances such as tobacco report higher levels of depressive symptoms than non-users]." Mooney (2016) conceded that various researchers have suggested that there is an association between cannabis use and attempted suicides as well as suicidal thoughts among young people. Also, marijuana predicts amotivational syndrome, which refers to reduced levels of initiative to participate...


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